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I agree to Sample Clauses

I agree to. Communicate the following changes promptly to the appropriate staff:
I agree to. Exercise model sportsmanship 100% on and off the field.
I agree toPay in full. Deposit ($1000) at enrollment, balance of $8400 the first day of class. No interest, no late fees. Receive diploma at graduation.
I agree to. Use computers sensibly and efficiently, and I accept that all school computer systems are the property of Shetland Islands Council.
I agree to. Develop a trusting and supportive relationship with each participating teacher, characterized by openness, sharing, confidentiality, and reflection.
I agree to. There will be no extra charge on fog or delay days.
I agree to. Provide adequate information and training for the student, including information about the organization’s mission, clientele, and operational procedures, as described previously in this MOU.
I agree to a) Submit my development project proposal to the SFU Research Ethics office for approval, if necessary. b) Attend 1-2 meetings each semester while I am are carrying out my project for the purpose of sharing what I am learning with other faculty who are also engaged in these projects and learning from their experiences. c) Disseminate the findings of my research locally (e.g., presentation to colleagues at the departmental or faculty level, presentation at the annual teaching symposium supported by TLC, an article in SFU’s Teaching and Learning Bulletin and website). I understand that I am also encouraged to disseminate the findings more broadly, if appropriate (academic conferences and publications). d) Submit a final report to the ISTLD upon completion of the inquiry project. This report will be forwarded to the Office of the Vice-President, Academic. e) Work with a staff member from TLC to provide a version of my project description and findings to be shared online with members of the university community. Signature: Date: (Principal applicant)
I agree to. ❑ Arrive to school on time daily; ❑ Attend each class at start time -- ready to begin work; ❑ Be prepared with appropriate school materials and assignments for every course; ❑ Refrain from physical contact (both genders); ❑ Take responsibility for my personal belongings; ❑ Respect the property of others; ❑ Respect the property of my school by appropriately using school technology and refraining from vandalism; ❑ Use appropriate language (avoid using racial slurs); ❑ Show respect to my peers; ❑ Show respect to all teachers and staff members; ❑ Cooperate when a teacher or staff member makes a request; ❑ Resolve conflicts or disagreements peacefully and avoid fighting inside or outside the school; ❑ Dress appropriately and follow the school’s uniform policy: o Monday through Thursday - navy blue or orange polo shirts and khaki or navy blue pants or shorts o Friday - Hobby club t-shirts with any colored jeans (No torn or tight bottoms) o Dress down day will occasionally be announced (cost-$1) - (students should adhere to following attire but not limited too) ▪ Appropriate length skirt, shorts, or dress- knee length ▪ No spaghetti strap tanks, midriffs, tube tops, etc. ▪ No hats (unless specifically designated) ▪ No sagging of the pants or shorts ▪ Closed-toed shoes must be worn o High heels, backless shoes, open toed shoes, skate shose, and roller shoes are not permitted. o Jackets may be any SOLID color, jackets with patterns, writing, pictures or slogans are not permitted. o Piercings must be limited to the ear, and no more than two piercings per ear. (No gauges allowed) o Hair jewelry is limited and should not cover students face. o Jacket hoodies should not be worn over student’s head at school. o Clothing and jewelry shall be safe and free of writing, pictures, or any other signs which are crude, vulgar, profane, or sexually suggestive. Clothing must not advocate racial, ethnic, or religious prejudice or the use of drugs or alcohol. o Only black bandanas/head scarves are permitted o Hair shall be clean and neatly groomed and not disruptive to the educational process. No unnatural hair colors such as pink, red, blue, purple, yellow, and green (but not limited too). ❑ Always use social media appropriately by doing the following: o Being cautious about disclosing personal details; o Refraining from discriminating against others on the basis of gender, age, race (or racial slurs), nationality, disability, religion, or socioeconomic standing sexual orientation...
I agree to. Keep all appointments for Court, Treatment, Case Management, Substance Testing, as well as meeting with Team members and Community Support Groups as directed.