Residence Community Living Standards The Residence Community Living Standards (“RCLS”) forms a part of this Agreement. It details the rights, responsibilities, and privileges of Residents as well as the residence conduct process. Each Resident is responsible for reading, understanding, and adhering to the terms outlined within the RCLS. The Manager and the Institution may amend the terms of the RCLS from time to time and may post the amendments in the Residence. Failure to abide by the RCLS may result in eviction from Residence and termination of this Agreement as per the violations and sanctions outlined in the RCLS, and as stated in section 8.01(d). The RCLS can be found online at: xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx
Residence Type ☐ Apartment ☐ House ☐ Condo ☐ Other: c.) Bedroom(s):
International Education Surveys 33A) The Secretary of State may, by notice in writing to the Academy Trust, require the Academy Trust to participate in an international education survey and the Academy Trust shall, upon receipt of such notice, participate in that survey and provide to the Secretary of State or to those carrying out the survey all such assistance and information as may reasonably be required for the purposes of the Academy’s participation in that survey. Pupil Premium
Resident Nurse A registered nurse whose clinical experience after graduation is less than six (6) months, or a registered nurse who is returning to practice with no current clinical training or experience. A resident nurse shall be assigned under the close and direct supervision of a designated preceptor(s) and shall have limited responsibilities as defined by the supervisor. Residency shall not exceed six (6) continuous months unless extended in writing for an additional three (3) months when mutually agreed to by the Employer and individual nurse involved. A resident nurse who is required to function continuously without close and direct supervision and who is assigned the same level of responsibilities as a staff nurse shall be compensated at the staff nurse rate of pay. Nurses working under close and direct supervision shall not be assigned charge duty or as a team leader without a staff nurse being present in the unit, except in cases of emergency.
CIVIL SERVICE RULES Nothing in Section 1 and 2 of this Article shall limit the Director of Human Resources or the appointing authority’s discretion to implement layoffs pursuant to Civil Service Rules.
Data Protection Legislation the UK Data Protection Legislation and any other European Union legislation relating to personal data and all other legislation and regulatory requirements in force from time to time which apply to a party relating to the use of Personal Data (including, without limitation, the privacy of electronic communications) and the guidance and codes of practice issued by the Information Commissioner or relevant government department in relation to such legislation.
Fish and Wildlife Service 2002c. Colorado pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus lucius) recovery goals: amendment and supplement to the Colorado Squawfish Recovery Plan.
Resident Educator A Resident Educator is a teacher employed under a resident educator license.
Platby In consideration for the services rendered by the Institute, in the Study, the Sponsor agrees to pay to the Institute according to the Budget, attached as Exhibit B hereto (the “Fee”). Jako protiplnění za služby poskytnuté Zdravotnickým zařízením při provádění Studie se Zadavatel zavazuje hradit Zdravotnickému zařízení platby podle Rozpočtu, který je ke Smlouvě přiložen jako Příloha B („Poplatek“). The Fee shall be payable for each eligible Subject properly enrolled according to the Protocol upon proper completion and delivery to the Sponsor of the Case Report Forms (the “CRF”) for each Subject. The Fees, plus VAT calculated in the legal amount, shall be the full remuneration and payment by Sponsor for all costs incurred in the course of the clinical Study. Any and all taxes or other registration charges shall be borne by the Institute. Poplatek bude splatný za každého způsobilého Účastníka, který je zařazen do Studie podle Protokolu, po řádném vyplnění a doručení Zadavateli záznamových formulářů („CRF“) za každého Účastníka. Poplatky navýšené o DPH vypočítanou v zákonné výši budou úplnou odměnou a platbou Zadavatele za všechny náklady, které vzniknou v průběhu klinické Studie. Náklady na veškeré daně nebo jiné registrační poplatky ponese Zdravotnické zařízení. The Institute will recruit a maximum of 300 Subjects into the Study. The Sponsor will not pay Fees, reimburse any expense, charge, cost, nor bear any liability to the Institute, nor to any other person or entity, in respect of any Subject in excess of the maximum number of Subjects specified in the previous sentence. Zdravotnické zařízení do Studie získá maximálně 300 Účastníků. Zadavatel nezaplatí Poplatky, neuhradí žádný výdaj, poplatek ani náklad ani neponese žádnou odpovědnost vůči Zdravotnickému zařízení ani vůči jakékoliv jiné osobě nebo subjektu, pokud jde o jakéhokoliv Účastníka nad rámec maximálního počtu Účastníků specifikovaného v předchozí větě. Fees due will be transferred by the Sponsor upon provision of a respective invoice to the following account of the Institute: Splatné Poplatky Zadavatel převede po poskytnutí příslušné faktury na následující účet Zdravotnického zařízení:
MINIMUM WAGE LAWS A. Pursuant to the United States of America Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as amended, and State of California Labor Code, §1178.5, CONTRACTOR shall pay no less than the greater of the federal or California Minimum Wage to all its employees that directly or indirectly provide services pursuant to this Agreement, in any manner whatsoever. CONTRACTOR shall require and verify that all its contractors or other persons providing services pursuant to this Agreement on behalf of CONTRACTOR also pay their employees no less than the greater of the federal or California Minimum Wage.