Architect Engineer shall provide assistance to Owner through the commissioning consultant/agent for the purpose of advising and counseling Owner’s personnel in the usage, operation and maintenance of the building mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems.
PROFESSIONAL IMPROVEMENT The parties’ support the principle of continuing training of teachers, participation by teachers in professional organizations in the areas of their specialization, leaves for work on advanced degrees or special studies, foreign travel and participation in community educational projects.
Core Profession Specific Develop and administer procedures to support effective and efficient National Board and committee operations Profession-specific services, as listed in the National Board’s regulatory plan and annual budget.
The Architect ENGINEER shall prepare for the State a revised accounting of how the Project responds to LEED criteria.
Specialist A dentist who focuses on a specific area of dentistry, including oral surgery, endodontia, periodontia, orthodontia and pediatric dentistry, or a group of patients to diagnose, manage, prevent or treat certain types of symptoms and conditions. Spouse: The person to whom the Subscriber is legally married, including a same sex Spouse. Spouse also includes a domestic partner. Subscriber: The person to whom this Contract is issued. UCR (Usual, Customary and Reasonable): The cost of a dental service in a geographic area based on what Providers in the area usually charge for the same or similar medical service. Us, We, Our: BlueCross BlueShield of Western New York and anyone to whom We legally delegate performance, on Our behalf, under this Contract. Utilization Review: The review to determine whether services are or were Medically Necessary or experimental or investigational (including treatment for a rare disease or a clinical trial). You, Your: The Member.
Architect/Engineer (A/E) means a person registered as an architect pursuant to Tex. Occ. Code Xxx., Chapter 1051, as a landscape architect pursuant to Tex. Occ. Code Xxx., Chapter 1052, a person licensed as a professional engineer pursuant to Tex. Occ. Code Xxx., Chapter 1001 and/or a firm employed by Owner or a design-build contractor to provide professional architectural or engineering services and to exercise overall responsibility for the design of a Project or a significant portion thereof, and to perform the contract administration responsibilities set forth in the Contract.
Professional Engineering and Architect’s Services Professional Engineering and Architect’s Services are not permitted to be provided under this Agreement. Texas statutes prohibit the procurement of Professional Engineering and Architect’s Services through a cooperative agreement.
Professional Improvement Leave A teacher may be granted leave to be used for the teacher's professional improvement. Professional improvement days may be approved by the superintendent and used for the purpose of: 1. Visitation to view other instructional techniques or programs. 2. Conferences, workshops, or seminars conducted by colleges, universities, or vocational schools. The teacher planning to use a professional improvement day shall notify the principal at least one week in advance of the proposed absence. The teacher shall be required to file a written report with the principal within one (1) week of attendance at such event. Also, the teacher may/shall be requested to return with materials and/or information to be shared with other teachers. The expense of attending such visitation, conference, workshop, or seminar will be paid by the Board when the proper reimbursement applications are sent to the district office. In cases where attendance at a convention, workshop, seminar, or other educational activity is deemed to be of value only to the individual teacher, leave may be granted for attendance with either no expenses or limited expenses being underwritten by the district. In these cases, no written or verbal reports will be required.
Independent Engineer Contractor shall cooperate with Independent Engineer in the conduct of his or her duties in relation to the Project and the Work, including the duties listed in Attachment CC. No review, approval or disapproval by Independent Engineer shall serve to reduce or limit the liability of Contractor to Owner under this Agreement.
Responsibility for Environmental Contamination 5.20.1 Neither Party shall be liable to the other for any costs whatsoever resulting from the presence or release of any Environmental Hazard that either Party did not introduce to the affected Work Location. Both Parties shall defend and hold harmless the other, its officers, directors and employees from and against any losses, damages, claims, demands, suits, liabilities, fines, penalties and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) that arise out of or result from (i) any Environmental Hazard that the Indemnifying Party, its contractors or agents introduce to the Work Locations or (ii) the presence or release of any Environmental Hazard for which the Indemnifying Party is responsible under Applicable Law. 5.20.2 In the event any suspect materials within Qwest-owned, operated or leased facilities are identified to be asbestos containing, CLEC will ensure that to the extent any activities which it undertakes in the facility disturb such suspect materials, such CLEC activities will be in accordance with applicable local, state and federal environmental and health and safety statutes and regulations. Except for abatement activities undertaken by CLEC or equipment placement activities that result in the generation of asbestos-containing material, CLEC does not have any responsibility for managing, nor is it the owner of, nor does it have any liability for, or in connection with, any asbestos-containing material. Qwest agrees to immediately notify CLEC if Qwest undertakes any asbestos control or asbestos abatement activities that potentially could affect CLEC personnel, equipment or operations, including, but not limited to, contamination of equipment.