Core Profession Specific. Provide nationally consistent legal advice and management to support effective and lawful registration, notifications and compliance procedures, and hearing panels processes Profession-specific services, as listed in the National Board’s regulatory plan and annual budget.
Core Profession Specific. Develop and administer procedures to support effective and efficient National Board and committee operations Profession-specific services, as listed in the National Board’s regulatory plan and annual budget.
Core Profession Specific. Build trust and confidence with external stakeholders, consistent Profession-specific with the National Scheme’s strategies on engagement services, as listed in the National Board’s
Core Profession Specific. Provide analysis, support and advice on financial plans, fee setting and annual budgets Profession-specific services, as listed in the National Board’s regulatory plan and annual budget.
Core Profession Specific. 5.4.1 Develop, implement and manage the process and Profession-specific procedures for data access, release and exchange services, as listed in the National Board’s regulatory
5.4.2 Develop and maintain core data and statistical infrastructure plan and annual budget.
5.4.3 Implement processes to improve the quality of our data to ensure it is fit for purpose 5.5 Finance
Core Profession Specific. Inform and support the development and annual review of the National Scheme Strategy Profession-specific services, as listed in the
Core Profession Specific. Maintain procedures for the development of registration Profession-specific standards, codes, policies and guidelines services, as listed in the National Board’s regulatory
Core Profession Specific. 3.1.1 Develop, implement and review communication strategies, tools and guidelines Profession-specific services, as listed in the National Board’s regulatory plan and annual budget.
3.1.2 Review and release National Board media releases
3.1.3 Develop and maintain National Board website and resources
3.1.4 Coordinate and manage the production of the Ahpra and National Board annual report and other publications
3.1.5 Provide communications advice and support for crisis and issue management
3.1.6 Develop Branding for National Board and Ahpra Communication
3.1.7 Report on relevant media coverage
3.1.8 Monitor and manage social media
Core Profession Specific. 5.3.1 Develop and implement an annual National Scheme research and evaluation plan Profession-specific services, as listed in the National Board’s regulatory plan and annual budget.
5.3.2 Work with National Boards to identify priority cross-profession issues.
5.3.3 Provide advice and consult with National Boards about proposed research and evaluation projects and develop supporting tools and training
5.3.4 Broker, participate in and maintain strategic data and research partnerships with external organisations
5.3.5 Develop and regularly update a research governance framework and evaluation methodologies
Core Profession Specific. Review, implement and continuously improve nationally consistent Profession-specific compliance policy, processes and systems services, as listed in the National Board’s regulatory