Retiring Staff Members. Staff members who resign effective at the termination of their working period or at the end of a school year are provided the option of receiving their total remaining earnings at that time. In that event, the Board shall have no further responsibility for providing any fringe benefits as set forth in this Agreement. In the event a resigning staff member elects to continue his/her normal pay period through to the point when total earnings would have been paid, the Board shall continue to be obligated to provide fringe benefits to the point where total earnings have been paid. Staff members who begin work after January 1 shall be given the option at that time of receiving all monies they will earn during the normal working year with the last check received after completion of services to the Board and termination of fringe benefits at that time. Staff members beginning work after January 1 may choose to receive total earned compensation over the remaining portion of the normal contract year with fringe benefits to continue to the end of that period.