Tax Sheltered Annuity Sample Clauses
Tax Sheltered Annuity. Voluntary adjunct employee salary reductions for Internal Revenue Code Section 403(b) tax-sheltered annuities and 457(b) deferred compensation shall be available to adjunct employees covered by this Agreement. Contracts shall be arranged individually through the Office of the Executive Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services or designee subject to regulation by the College.
Tax Sheltered Annuity. An Employee may participate in a tax deferred annuity plan authorized by the Employer, the payment therefor to be made through payroll deduction authorized in writing by the Employee on a form supplied by the Employer.
Tax Sheltered Annuity. During each year of this Agreement, and any extended term hereof, the Board will deduct such sum as the Superintendent shall direct in writing from the Superintendent’s salary, as established in paragraph 7 of this Agreement, and apply the same to the purchase of IRS § 403-b program of the Superintendent’s choosing.
Tax Sheltered Annuity. An employee may authorize the Board to make deductions for the purpose of tax-sheltered annuities pursuant to the provisions of R.S. 18A:66-127, et seq., and the terms of a group contract approved by the Board.
Tax Sheltered Annuity. An employee may authorize the Board to take deductions from his salary for the purpose of tax sheltered annuities pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 18A:66-127, et seq., and the terms of a group contract approved by the Board.
Tax Sheltered Annuity. The Employer agrees to provide a tax sheltered annuity program for employees.
Tax Sheltered Annuity. The Board of Education will cooperate with their employees in making the deposit in lieu of salary payments to an IRS approved 403b tax sheltered annuity plan of the employee’s selection, at the request of the employee.
1. New companies must present a minimum of five (5) individual contracts to be approved.
2. The Board will establish the dates which will comply with law to initiate new contracts or to allow changes in current tax sheltered annuities.
Tax Sheltered Annuity. The Board shall continue its present policy of making tax sheltered annuity programs available for purchase to all teachers. Participation in the annuity program is entirely voluntary.
Tax Sheltered Annuity. Employees may participate in an approved tax sheltered annuity with the District providing payroll deductions for this purpose. Employees may change the tax sheltered programs in which they participate by notifying the Payroll Department of the intended change by the first day of the month in which the change is to be effective.
Tax Sheltered Annuity. 32.1 The WTU shall choose the company or companies to provide tax-sheltered annuity coverage for employees in the ET teachers' bargaining unit. Employees in the EG teachers' bargaining unit will continue to be covered by the carrier designated by the District of Columbia Government.