Class Size a) When CONTRACTOR is a nonpublic school, CONTRACTOR shall ensure that class size shall not exceed a ratio of one teacher per fourteen (14) pupils. Each classroom with 2 or more students shall be assigned at least one paraprofessional. Upon written approval by an authorized XXX representative, class size may be temporarily increased by a ratio of 1 teacher to sixteen (16) pupils when necessary to provide services to pupils with disabilities. For any billing period where the class size has exceeded sixteen (16) students for five consecutive school days, the CONTRACTOR shall have a 10% decrease in its approved daily rate for those LEA students that exceeded sixteen (16), for those days (over five). b) In the event a nonpublic school is unable to fill a vacant teaching position responsible for direct instruction to students, and the vacancy has direct impact on the California Department of Education Certification of that school, the nonpublic school shall develop a plan to assure appropriate coverage of student by first utilizing existing certificated staff. The nonpublic school and the LEA may agree to one 30 school day period per contract year where class size may be increased to assure coverage by an appropriately credentialed teacher. Such an agreement shall be in writing and signed by both parties. This provision does not apply to a nonpublic agency. c) CONTRACTOR providing special education instruction for individuals with exceptional needs between the ages of three and five years, inclusive, shall also comply with the appropriate instructional adult to child ratios pursuant to California Education Code sections 56440 et seq.
Settlement Class Certification The Settling Parties agree, for purposes of this settlement only, to the certification of the Settlement Class. If the settlement set forth in this Settlement Agreement is not approved by the Court, or if the Settlement Agreement is terminated or cancelled pursuant to the terms of this Settlement Agreement, this Settlement Agreement, and the certification of the Settlement Class provided for herein, will be vacated and the Litigation shall proceed as though the Settlement Class had never been certified, without prejudice to any Person’s or Settling Party’s position on the issue of class certification or any other issue. The Settling Parties’ agreement to the certification of the Settlement Class is also without prejudice to any position asserted by the Settling Parties in any other proceeding, case or action, as to which all of their rights are specifically preserved.
SPECIALIZED JOB CLASSES Where there is a particular specialized job class in which the pay rate is below the local market value assessment of that job class, the parties may use existing means under the collective agreement to adjust compensation for that job class.
Claims Review Population A description of the Population subject to the Claims Review.
New Classification Should a new position or new classification be created within the Bargaining Unit during the term of this Agreement, the Employer and the Union will decide the rate of pay. Nothing herein prevents the Employer from filling such positions and having Nurses working in such positions during such negotiations. The salary when determined will be retroactive to the date on which the successful candidate commenced work in that classification.
Out of Class Pay On occasion, due to operational necessity, an employee may be required to perform a majority of essential duties of another classification with a higher salary range. In such cases, payment for out-of-class work shall be 5% above the regular base pay of the employee for all hours worked in the higher classification. Such pay shall be a minimum of the “A” step of the higher classification and no more than the maximum of the highest step of the higher classification. If the 5% increase falls between steps, the next higher step is used. Eligibility for out-of-class pay will be subject to the following conditions: 1. The assignment to work in the higher classification must be made in advance by the Department Manager and approved by the Director of Administrative Services. 2. Employees who are assigned to the higher class must be required to perform a substantial number of the essential tasks of the higher level position. Consideration shall be given to the employee’s ability and qualifications to perform at a higher level and whether the lower level position is in direct line and job scope of the higher class. An employee will be eligible for out-of-class pay when assigned to perform the duties of a higher classification for at least five (5) consecutive work days. Out-of-class assignments shall not be used to circumvent the hiring process.
Notice to Class Members 8.4.1 No later than three (3) business days after receipt of the Class Data, the Administrator shall notify Class Counsel that the list has been received and state the number of Class Members, PAGA Members, Workweeks, and Pay Periods in the Class Data. 8.4.2 Using best efforts to perform as soon as possible, and in no event later than 14 days after receiving the Class Data, the Administrator will send to all Class Members identified in the Class Data, via first-class United States Postal Service (“USPS”) mail, the Class Notice with Spanish translation, substantially in the form attached to this Agreement as Exhibit 1. The first page of the Class Notice shall prominently estimate the dollar amounts of any Individual Class Payment and/or Individual PAGA Payment payable to the Class Member, and the number of Workweeks and PAGA Pay Periods (if applicable) used to calculate these amounts. Before mailing Class Notices, the Administrator shall update Class Member addresses using the National Change of Address database. 8.4.3 Not later than three (3) business days after the Administrator’s receipt of any Class Notice returned by the USPS as undelivered, the Administrator shall re- mail the Class Notice using any forwarding address provided by the USPS. If the USPS does not provide a forwarding address, the Administrator shall conduct a Class Member Address Search, and re-mail the Class Notice to the most current address obtained. The Administrator has no obligation to make further attempts to locate or send Class Notice to Class Members whose Class Notice is returned by the USPS a second time. 8.4.4 The deadlines for Class Members’ written objections, Challenges to Workweeks and/or Pay Periods, and Requests for Exclusion will be extended an additional fourteen (14) days beyond the sixty (60) days otherwise provided in the Class Notice for all Class Members whose notice is re-mailed. The Administrator will inform the Class Member of the extended deadline with the re-mailed Class Notice. 8.4.5 If the Administrator, Defendant or Class Counsel is contacted by or otherwise discovers any persons who believe they should have been included in the Class Data and should have received Class Notice, the Parties will expeditiously meet and confer in person or by telephone, and in good faith. in an effort to agree on whether to include them as Class Members. If the Parties agree, such persons will be Class Members entitled to the same rights as other Class Members, and the Administrator will send, via email or overnight delivery, a Class Notice requiring them to exercise options under this Agreement not later than (14) days after receipt of Class Notice, or the deadline dates in the Class Notice, which ever are later.
Class Certification Solely for the purposes of this Settlement, the Parties stipulate and agree to certification of the claims asserted on behalf of Class Members. As such, the Parties stipulate and agree that in order for this Settlement to occur, the Court must certify the Class as defined in this Agreement.
Class Grievance Class grievance involving one or more Members of the Bargaining Unit or one or more supervisors, and grievances involving an administrator above the building level may be initially filed by the Association.
New Classifications If a new classification is created within the bargaining unit, the Employer agrees to meet with the Union and negotiate a rate of pay for this new classification. If the parties cannot reach agreement, at the request of either party, the matter shall be submitted to the arbitration procedure in Article 26 of this Agreement.