Class Sizes Sample Clauses

Class Sizes. ‌ 4.24.1 It is recognised that class size has implications for the work of teachers and as such pertains to the employment relationship. 4.24.2 The parties acknowledge that the achievement of educational outcomes for students is influenced by a wide range of factors including student ability, educational programs, pedagogy, resources, time on task, the quality of classroom interactions and relationships and parental attitudes and support. Over the life of the Agreement the employer will continue to implement strategies that support teachers with the provision of quality educational programs and sound teaching practices so as to provide students with opportunities to achieve optimal educational outcomes. With this in mind, employers will continue to consider class staffing and resourcing levels when allocating classes to teachers. They will achieve class sizes that are within targets and balanced with overall school resourcing and budgetary constraints. The school enrolment patterns and demographic trends will also inform decisions about class sizes and resource allocation. 4.24.3 The employer will consider: (a) individual staff preferences, expertise and experience in their allocation of classes; (b) the staffing and resource needs for classes that have a high proportion of students who have definite challenges to their learning because of: (i) socio-economic background; (ii) learning capabilities, including students with identified learning needs; (iii) linguistic background; (iv) cultural background; (c) class size data when making allocations of teachers to classes. (d) making adjustments as appropriate, to address duty of care and Workplace Health and Safety matters; and (e) the particular circumstances, staffing and resource requirements where multi age, composite (also refer clause S3.9 of Schedule 3 (Composite Classes)) and practical classes operate so that appropriate support is provided.
Class Sizes. In the annual assignment of duties, the designated supervisor shall consult with the department in determining appropriate class sizes for individual courses. In making such a determination, the designated supervisor shall consider operational requirements, sound pedagogical principles, and the workload implication of teaching such courses (also see Letter of Understanding #3).
Class SizesThe Board will make every effort to maintain the following classroom maximums: 1. Elementary Schools Maximum Kindergarten, First Grade 25 Second, Third Grades 25 Fourth, Fifth, Sixth Grades 30 Resource Room County Regulation Speech & Language Impaired County Regulation a. If an elementary classroom is assigned students beyond 25 in grades K-3 or 30 in grades 4-6 for a period of 10 school days or more per trimester, the teacher will be entitled to an additional payment of $200 for each student over the maximum per trimester. If a teacher is assigned an overload within 10 days of the end of the trimester, the time of overload will be counted toward the following trimester of that school year. b. Teachers that have mainstreamed (ISD) categorical students who are placed into regular classrooms and create an overload will be compensated at a prorated amount based upon the time the students are scheduled into the regular classroom. c. Split classes must be two consecutive grades. Teachers who have split classes in grades K-6 shall be allocated $1000.00 per year. This amount will be payable after all classroom adjustments are completed for the year or October 1, whichever comes first. Split grade assignments will be rotated every year among the teachers of the affected grade levels, unless a teacher volunteers for the split assignment. d. Elementary Special Subject Teachers: Teachers of classes such as music, art, technology, and physical education generally have several special needs students assigned to their classes and may have higher class sizes than the general education classes, they shall be allocated $150 per year above and beyond any money available from regular building or department budgets to be spent on additional approved supplies and/or equipment for their classrooms. 2. Secondary Schools Maximum English, Social Studies, Business 33 Math, Science, Language Arts, Health 33 Co-taught classes 31 Resource Room County Regulation Speech & Language Impaired County Regulation a. If a secondary classroom is assigned students beyond 33 in any of the above stated classes for a period of 10 school days or more per trimester, the teacher will be entitled to an additional payment of $40 for each student over the maximum per trimester. If a teacher is assigned an overload within 10 days of the end of the trimester, the time of the overload will be counted toward the next trimester. b. If a secondary classroom is assigned students beyond 33 in any of the above st...
Class Sizes. Class sizes will be determined at each school within the parameters of the approved budget for each school. Each school should use standard education sector practice as a guideline for setting class sizes and composition. A maximum class size for practical classes will be based on an assessment of student and staff safety.
Class Sizes. The Board is committed to quality education within the constraints of its budget. The Board recognizes that there are many varied and special needs of the student population and therefore realizes that those needs must be dealt with by maintaining appropriate pupil/classroom teacher ratios. The Board agrees to attempt to maintain reasonable class sizes subject to space availability, installation of pilot or innovative programs, budgetary limitations, individual student needs, scheduling requirements, and availability of teachers or necessary funds. It shall be the responsibility of the District Administration, in cooperation with the building principals and the teaching staff, to organize students, teachers and other personnel into instructional groups, given the parameters enumerated above. In so organizing such groups, consideration will be given to providing equal distribution of students at each grade level and in each class section. Teachers may communicate their concerns on this subject either verbally or in writing to their building principals or to the Superintendent. A written response will be provided if so requested. In the event the teacher is not satisfied with the Superintendent's response, the Association may appeal the issue to the Board for resolution. The decision of the Board shall be final and provided in writing to the Association President. Likewise, a committee of two (2) bargaining unit members and two (2) members of the Administration may meet annually before each school year to evaluate class sizes in the District. This committee may make recommendations regarding anticipated class sizes to the Superintendent, who will provide a written response to such recommendations. In the event the response of the Superintendent is unacceptable to the committee, both the recommendations of the committee and the response of the Superintendent will be presented to the Board, provided, however, that neither such recommendations nor such response shall be binding from the Board.
Class Sizes. (a) Having regard to resources and facilities, schools should plan for the minimum class sizes possible. As part of the planning processes, Consultative Committees should take into account: (i) the particular educational needs of the students; (ii) students with special needs or disabilities; (iii) the pastoral care consequences for students; (iv) the school curriculum including the nature of the subject and the methods of teaching used; (v) the possibility to optimise student learning opportunities through varied forms of teaching arrangements such as team teaching, lecture/tutorials; (vi) the quality of education possible in large classes; (vii) the age and development of students; (viii) the balance between class size and teaching loads, and the comparability of work; (ix) workloads of the Teachers; (x) the support staff, both teaching and non-teaching, available to assist with the class; (xi) the facilities available; (xii) the goals established by the school with respect to class size; (xiii) the financial resources available to the school; (xiv) the safety needs of staff and students; and (xv) the access of Catholic students to the school. (b) Unless agreement is reached to the contrary, the following class size limits shall apply: (i) 29 in Preparatory to Year 10; (ii) 27 in Year 11 and 12 classes. (c) The Consultative Committee must make special recommendations with regard to support and resourcing for a classroom Teacher where: (i) a P–2 class exceeds 26; or (ii) a 3–10 class exceeds 28. (d) Such special recommendations shall take into account the resource levels of the school and the resource levels already provided to the Teacher involved. (e) The limits in clauses 60.2(b) and 60.2(c) may be exceeded with the agreement of the Teacher and the agreement of a majority of the Consultative Committee, and either a reduction in some other aspect of the Teacher’s duties or some additional support for that Teacher. (f) Secondary schools should plan for the minimum practical class sizes possible given available resources. The Consultative Committee will develop a policy regarding practical class sizes. A practical class includes a subject or course where the use of equipment and/or material of a potentially dangerous nature is involved, and/or a class in which students are undertaking manual tasks requiring greater individual supervision of the classroom activity. The policy will include: (i) identification of practical classes; (ii) staff and student hea...
Class Sizes. 51.1 As a matter of government policy, and subject to this clause, no class in NT government schools will exceed 27 students. 51.2 The class structure and educational priorities of a school’s programs should be decided by the Principal, after consultation with the teaching staff and the school community. 51.3 It is acknowledged that schools make local decisions about Classroom Teacher workloads, timetable structures and specialist programs to suit their own communities. This leads to variations in class sizes. Hence, there may be instances where Classroom Teachers work with more than 27 students. However, such instances will require consultation between the Classroom Teacher and the Principal, or their delegates, and recognition of students’ needs prior to the placement of additional students. 51.4 These arrangements do not preclude situations that arise through team teaching or other arrangements as agreed at the workplace. 51.5 Consistent with the above, class sizes need to take into account space and safety considerations relevant to the activities being undertaken, which may be practical classes in industrial arts facilities, laboratories or gyms. These decisions will vary from place to place depending on individual school circumstances. Where there is a safety issue the Classroom Teacher has an obligation to raise it with their Principal in the first instance. 51.6 For the purposes of clause 51.5 the list of types of class is non-exhaustive.
Class Sizes. 3.1 The size for theory classes is 28 students to 1 teacher. A2.3.2 The maximum class sizes for workshop/laboratory classes, with the exception of C.B.T., shall be 14 students to 1 teacher. (C.B.T., C.M.L. and Self-Paced Learning or combinations thereof to be further negotiated by the parties). A2.3.3 Class sizes in respect to Butchering and Wood machining and related activities will be at the ratio of 1 to 7 or 8 to 2 depending upon the criteria listed. However, such teaching situation may be varied according to the guidelines and where particular circumstances dictate e.
Class Sizes. The maximum number of students with IEPs in a general education classroom shall not exceed 30%. If the number of students with IEPs exceeds that amount, the class shall be assigned an additional teacher or paraprofessional with a substitute license.
Class Sizes. It is recognised that class size has implications for the work of teachers and as such pertains to the employment relationship. The parties acknowledge that the achievement of educational outcomes for students is influenced by a wide range of factors including student ability, educational programs, pedagogy, resources, time on task, the quality of classroom interactions and relationships and parental attitudes and support. Over the life of the Agreement the employing authority will continue to implement strategies that support teachers with the provision of quality educational programs and sound teaching practices so as to provide students with opportunities to achieve optimal educational outcomes. With this in mind, employers will continue to consider class staffing and resourcing levels when allocating classes to teachers. They will achieve class sizes that are within targets and balanced with overall school resourcing and budgetary constraints. The school enrolment patterns and demographic trends will also inform decisions about class sizes and resource allocation.