Robustness Sample Clauses

Robustness. The probability that the following experiment outputs “Eve wins” is at most δ: sample (w, w', e) from (W, W', E); let ca, cb be the communication upon execution of (A, B) with Xxx(e) actively controlling the channel, and let A(w, ca, ra) = kA, B(w', cb, rb) = kB. Output “Eve wins” if (kA =/kB Λ kA =/⊥ ΛkB /=⊥).
Robustness. Regarding
Robustness. The interface between Secure Media Recording Client Software and DVD Players, and the interface between Secure Media Recording Client Software and Integrated Products, shall meet the CSS Procedural Specifications robustness requirements for software and hardware, in accordance with Sections 6.2.4 and 6.2.5 herein.
Robustness. In view of the uncertainties, are the model results robust enough for policy advice or are there alternative ways conceivable for attaining more robust conclusions?
Robustness. We developed GAM with the goal of being able to handle graphs with “in- correct” edges (i.e. those that connect nodes with differing labels). We consider such edges “incorrect" under the label propagation assump- tion, despite the fact that they may refer to real- world connections between these nodes (e.g., citations between research articles on different topics). In Xxxx, Citeseer, and Pubmed, 19%, 26%, and 20% of the edges, respectively, are in- correct. To demonstrate the ability of GAM to MLP128 MLP128 + NGM MLP128 + GAM Accuracy (%) 20 30 40 50 60 70 74 handle these incorrect edges and perhaps even higher levels of noise, we performed a robust- ness analysis by introducing spurious edges to the graph, and testing whether our agreement model learns to ignore them. We added spuri- Figure 4: Robustness to noisy graphs. The x axis represents the percentage of correct edges remain- ing after adding wrong edges to the Citeseer dataset. ous edges by randomly sampling pairs of nodes with different true labels until the percentage of incorrect edges met a desired target. We tested the performance of GAM on a set of graphs created in this manner. MLPs are good base model candidates for testing this because they can only be affected by the graph quality through the GAM regularization terms (unlike GCN or GAT, where the graph is implicitly used in the model). The results are shown in Figure 4 on the Citeseer dataset (the hardest of the three datasets), for graphs containing between 5% and 74% correct edges. A plain MLP with 128 hidden units obtains 52.2% accuracy independent of the level of noise in the graph. Adding GAM to this MLP increases its accuracy by about 19%. This improvement persists even as the fraction of correct edges decreases. For example, the accuracy remains 70% even in the case where only 5% of the graph edges are correct. In contrast, the performance of NGM steadily decreases as the fraction of incorrect edges increases, to the point where it starts performing worse than the plain MLP (when the percent of correct edges ≤ 60%), and it is thus preferable not to use it.
Robustness. Robustness has two distinct dimensions, strong and fragile tenacity. The resilience of the social choice mechanism addresses regime’s capacity to adapt to changes or disturbances that occur in the wider social environment without radical transformation (Young, 1992: 179). Japan and Indonesia implement a strong institutional system. It lies in provision 10 of the MoU which points out clearly that both parties facilitate each other through financial, technology and capacity building supports necessary for JCM implementation. Article 2 of the UNFCCC as the objective of JCM program implementation becomes a milestone of cooperation relation between the two countries that is not easily vulnerable. Not to mention, two parties conduct close policy consultation at various levels as mentioned in provision 2. Rules in the MoU agreed by Japan and Indonesia are dynamic, meaning it is very possible if there is an amendment or change of rules in accordance with the terms and agreement of both parties. Moreover, this is supported by form of soft legalization both parties apply with the result that it allows for changes in the rules if required in the future in a line with provisions 13 & 14 in the MoU.
Robustness. Our results could be sensitive to the pre-disaster periods. We conduct a sensitivity analysis by extending the pre-disaster period to 12 quarters. Tables 7a to 9b show the sensitivity analysis for Thailand’s disasters, while Tables 10a and 10b show those results for the Philippine typhoons. As can be seen, the results are similar to those of the baseline. In the case of Thailand, we generally find a decline in total consumption. This decline stems from a reduction in expenditures on the service sector including transportation, hotels, and restaurants. In contrast, we generally observe increased household spending on food and non- alcoholic drinks, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products, clothing, and utilities. As seen from Table 7a, the total immediate expenditures declined by approximately 26 billion Thai baht after the Indian Ocean tsunami. Similar to our baseline results, we find housing- related expenses, including utilities and furniture, increased during this disaster. However, the estimates of the immediate expenditure declines in recreation, restaurants, and hotels are imprecise (Table 7b); yet we find the expenditure on transportation immediately dropped. Table 8a shows total consumption expenditure immediately dropped by approximately 70 billion Thai baht due to the 2011 Thailand floods. The results presented in Tables 8a and 8b resemble those of the baseline. Specifically, we find households immediately increased spending on both durable and non-durable goods. On the other hand, we find consumers immediately reduced their spending on transportation, restaurants, and hotels. Tables 9a and 9b show the results pertaining to the 2016-17 Thailand floods. We again find similar results to the baseline estimates. The total immediate consumption dropped approximately 31 billion Thai baht. Similar to aforementioned disasters in Thailand, households immediately increased spending on non-durable goods including food, beverages, tobacco, and clothing. Households also increased immediate spending on utilities. However, they reduced their spending on transportation, restaurants, and hotels. For the Philippines, the effects of the typhoons on consumption are usually small. Among the three typhoons, we still find that Typhoon Haiyan had the largest immediate effects on consumption expenditures; the total household spending immediately declined by approximately 40 billion pesos after Typhoon Haiyan. Although the magnitude of estimate shown in Table 10a is simi...
Robustness. Informally, a scheme is robust if no adversary can prevent sufficiently many honest parties from generating an accepting signature on a message. We define robustness as a game between a challenger and an adversary . The game is formally defined in Figure 2 and comprises of three phases. In the setup and corruption phase, the challenger generates the public parameters pp and a pair of signature keys for every party. Given pp and all verification keys vk1, . . . , vkn, the adversary can adaptively corrupt a subset of t parties and learn their secret keys. In the case of a bulletin-board PKI (but not of trusted PKI), the adversary can replace the verification key of the corrupted party by another key of its choice. Unless specified otherwise, we consider the bulletin-board PKI to be the default setup model. mode,Π,A Experiment Exptrobust (κ, n, t) A The experiment Exptrobust is a game between a challenger and the adversary . The game is parametrized by an SRDS scheme Π and proceeds as follows: A
Robustness. Optional redundancy must be possible for every element of the system. The adopted technologies must fulfil this requirement implicitly. The chosen database software and the server that will receive all the queries and commands must support redundancy. Budget of real use case adopters will decide whether to use redundancy or not, but the system must be designed to have the chance to do it. The system functionality must not be affected by corrupted data input (invalid video or audio files, for example). This kind of input must be rejected if there isn’t any profitable data in them but the system availability cannot be compromised.
Robustness. Lack of robustness requires additional measures to make the secure group communication system robust against cascaded (nested) faults and membership events. Table 1 shows a comparison of the current approaches for group key management. The bold text refers to a parameter that severely slows down the protocol in a WAN deployment, for which STR is best suited. In Cliques GDH.2 protocol, the number of new members k is consid- ered, since the merge cost depends on number of new members. The cost for TGDH is the average value when the key tree is fully balanced. The partition or leave cost for STR is computed on average, since it de- pends on the depth of the lowest-numbered leaving member node. For security reasons [STW00], BD always has to restart anew upon every membership event. As seen from the table, STR is minimal in communication on every membership event. We showed in Section 5 that robustness in the STR protocol is not only easier to implement than in other protocols, but it also achieves higher robustness to network partitions. Cliques GDH.2 is quite expensive protocol in wide area network, since: 1) it is hard or very expensive to provide robustness against cascaded events [AKNR+01] and