S Degree. Xxxxx Technical College Xxxxx State University
S Degree. Note: This is a regional agreement. Some classes may not be available in your particular high school. See your individual school for specific program offering. Also, requirements may change from year-to-year. It is your responsibility to verify information by consulting with a department advisor.
S Degree. Xxxxx School District Xxxxx State University
S Degree. Xxxxx School District Xxxxx State University Core Code Course Name Course ID# Course Name Credit 34010013197 Human Development CE → CHF 1500 Human Development 3 34010013001 Adult Roles & Responsibilities CE OR → CHF 2400 Family Relations 3 34010013005 Adult Roles & Financial Literacy CE 7070013090 Quantative Reasoning 1030 OR → MATH 1030 Contemporary Mathematics OR 3 7040013020 Pre-Calculus Elective CE (Math 1050) → MATH 1050 College Algebra 4 6010013116 CE English 2010 → ENGL 2010 Intermediate College Writing 3
S Degree. Concurrent Enrollment Courses Specific to AAS Early Childhood
S Degree. Concurrent Enrollment Courses Specific to AAS Health Information Technology
S Degree. AAS Health Information Technology
S Degree. AAS Pre-Architecture
S Degree. Xxxxx-Xxxxx Technical College Xxxxx State University Hours Credit Earned
S Degree. Xxxxx Technical College Xxxxx State University Hours Credit Earned Automation and Robotics Certificate of Program Completion 900 → A completed Automation and Robotics certificate of program completion of at least 900 hours from Xxxxx Tech will transfer to Xxxxx State University as a block of 25 credit hours toward the AAS Controls Technology degree after all other Xxxxx State required coursework has been completed as detailed on the WSU website linked below: 25