Research and Development (i) Advice and assistance in relation to research and development of Party B; (ii) Advice and assistance in strategic planning; and
Staff Development The County and the Association agree that the County retains full authority to determine training needs, resources that can be made available, and the method of payment for training authorized by the County. Nothing in this subsection shall preclude the right of an employee to request specific training.
Job Development a. Does the district conduct or access job development services to expand job opportunities for TA and SNAP participants? Yes No If Yes, select how the district participates in job development activities. District staff contacts employers to solicit jobs for TA and SNAP Participants. Describe below how this is done, including number of staff, frequency of contacts, etc. Self Sufficiency Supervisory Staff members promote the hiring of Temporary Assistance clients through the use of the Transitional Employment Advancement Program (TEAP). MCDSS offers periodic job interviews with 60 - 75 TA recipients (concentrating on the Safety Net Singles) to fill vacant positions with companies who may participate with TEAP or OJT. Daily, job openings are received from area employers and reviewed by the Self Sufficiency staff for possible applicant matching. All jobs are posted in our waiting rooms, handed out at our front windows, given during recertification interviews or employment assessments for clients and applicants to review and submit applications to. To find additional employers, intranet searches of employment web sites, phone calls, cold calls, and mailings are made to employers in the area to explain the TEAP and OJT contracts along with information about Tax Incentives. Self Sufficiency staff also attend Job Fairs, as they arise to speak with employers and discuss the benefits of hiring a client currently on Public Assistance. Individuals that are eligible for TEAP or OJT are also given a TEAP brochure and OJT literature to use to advise potential employers that they are eligible for TEAP or OJT if they are hired. The Employment Coordinator receives notifications of job postings from various Monroe County vendors, we then try to match clients with these positions. MCDSS screens recipients for job skills matching current openings at an employer. MCDSS then schedules recipients to come to office and have a job interview here in the building. We assist with online application filing and interview preparation before the interview is conducted with the employer. MCDSS receives notifications of community job fairs and advises employable individuals to attend. MCDSS is able to have a sign in table at these events and are able to mentor individuals and offer support during the fair. District contracts or has an agreement with another agency to contact employers and solicit jobs for TA and/or SNAP participants. Describe below how this is done, including number of staff, frequency of contacts, etc. RochesterWorks, Inc. - There are 3 full-time staff dedicated to employer outreach on the RochesterWorks Business Services team. Outreach is done on a daily basis in a variety of ways such as through daily job posts on behalf of business, presentations to business/industry associations and groups like the local Xxxxxxxx of Commerce, Pro-ROC (Professional Recruiters of Rochester) and other networks; one-on-one meetings at employers’ worksites, virtually, over the phone or via email; virtual and in-person recruitment events; and monthly business newsletters. RochesterWorks also engages employers referred by our local county Economic Development Department as well as the Department of Labor, to promote and connect job seekers with hiring companies. In addition to free job posting, recruitment events, and promotion, RochesterWorks offers work-based training grants in the form of On-the-Job Training (partial wage subsidy) and Transitional Jobs (fully subsidized). Career Systems currently refers Job Seekers from a number of programs to area job fairs. They will continue this and consider a referral to a job fair to be equivalent to a referral to potential employment; it will be a condition of continued eligibility for the program. They will facilitate, monitor and report this attendance and participation. Career Systems will also develop relationships with hiring agencies that will allow groups of participants to be interviews at the job site. Career Systems staff will facilitate, monitor and report attendance at these functions.
Professional Development 9.01 Continuous professional development is a hallmark of professional nursing practice. As a self-regulating profession, nursing recognizes the importance of maintaining a dynamic practice environment which includes ongoing learning, the maintenance of competence, career development, career counselling and succession planning. The parties agree that professional development includes a diverse range of activities, including but not limited to formal academic programs; short-term continuing education activities; certification programs; independent learning committee participation. The parties recognize their joint responsibility in and commitment to active participation in the area of professional development.
Joint Development If joint development is involved, the Recipient agrees to follow the latest edition of FTA Circular 7050.1, “Federal Transit Administration Guidance on Joint Development.”
Curriculum Development This includes the analysis and coordination of textual materials; constant review of current literature in the field, some of which are selected for the college library collection, the preparation of selective, descriptive materials such as outlines and syllabi; conferring with other faculty and administration on curricular problems; and, the attendance and participation in inter and intra-college conferences and advisory committees.
Skills Development The Company acknowledges the changing pace of technology in the electrical contracting industry and the need for employees to understand those changes and have the necessary skill requirements to keep the Company at the forefront of the industry. The Parties to this Agreement recognise that in order to increase the efficiency, productivity and competitiveness of the Company, a commitment to training and skill development is required. Accordingly, the parties commit themselves to: i) Developing a more highly skilled and flexible workforce. ii) Providing employees with career opportunities through appropriate training to acquire the additional skills as required by the Company. Taking into account; The current and future skill needs of the Company. The size, structure and nature of the Company. The need to develop vocational skills relevant to the Company and the Electrical Contracting Industry. Where, by agreement between the employee and employer, an employee undertakes training providing skills, which are not a company specific requirement, any time spent in the completion of this training shall be unpaid.
Program Development NWESD agrees that priority in the development of new applications services by XXXXX shall be in accordance with the expressed direction of the XXXXX Board of Directors operating under their bylaws.
Training and Professional Development 11.1 The Employer will develop and maintain an employee training and development plan and provide such plan to the Union upon request. Staff training is intended to provide an opportunity for classified staff employees for training sponsored by the University Training and Development and the UW Medical Centers Organizational Development and Training. Education/Professional Leave is intended to facilitate employee access to continuing education opportunities. Training and educational/professional leave may be used for the purpose of improving job performance, maintaining and increasing proficiency, preparing staff for greater responsibility, or increasing promotional opportunities within the framework of staff positions available at the University. 11.2 Any release time for training for employees accepted for such classes shall be in accordance with the Executive Order (currently No. 52) governing this matter. In the event that two or more employees request the same training period and supervision must limit the number of persons who may participate at one time due to work requirements, the selection will be made on a mutually agreeable basis within the department. 11.3 The training program is a proper subject for discussion by either departmental or University-wide Joint Union/Management Committees. 11.4 If the Employer requires an employee to receive training, reimbursement will be provided in accordance with the University travel rules. Employee attendance at Employer required training, either during or outside working hours, will be considered time worked and compensated in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. 11.5 Employee attendance at training not required by the Employer and not covered by Executive Order 52, either on approved leave from or outside of working hours, will be voluntary and not considered time worked.
Design Development An interim step in the design process. Design Development documents consist of plans, elevations, and other drawings and outline specifications. These documents will fix and illustrate the size and character of the entire project in its essentials as to kinds of materials, type of structure, grade elevations, sidewalks, utilities, roads, parking areas, mechanical and electrical systems, and such other work as may be required.