Sand Sample Clauses

Sand. The contractor shall submit a current year's sieve analysis of both the local material (if applicable) and the imported sand/or equivalent used to manufacture the final product as well as blend site locations for blended local sand and /or method of transportation for imported material to the Department within seven (7) days of being awarded the contract. The Contractor may supply different materials (local or import) and methods of transportation (truck or barge/ship) to each of the individual sandpile sites in the contract. The source of each material used to manufacture the blended sand must be noted on the corresponding sieve analysis chart and identified. The final gradation shall meet the Department's specifications for winter sand, a copy of which is included in this contract. If local sand is being used the blend amounts will be determined by the Department to meet these specifications. No blending of materials can take place without personnel from the Highway Materials Lab Division of the Department of Transportation, Infrastructure and Energy on site. The final product shall not contain more than 6.0% moisture content, when tested in accordance with ASDM C566, when delivered to the designated stockpile sites in the contract. Adjustment in quantities will be corrected for sand delivered in excess of 6% and will be reflected in quantities paid.
Sand. 1-1/2 .parts
Sand. TS-258 Well graded non-staining masonry sand conforming to ASTM C1 44. Use white Silica sand pointing mortar. No other Sand shall be permitted for mortar or grout unless otherwise tested and approved by the Managing Official.
Sand. Silt content of sand shall not more than permissible limit. If it is found more than the permissible limit, it should be washed at site by contractor at his own cost.
Sand. All scientific and technical information known or possessed by Dr. Sand concerning the Patent Rights or the Related Technology shall be deemed "Confidential Information." Dr. Sand shall not disclose or provide any such Confidential Information to any third party without the other party's prior written consent.
Sand. The contractor must include a current year's sieve analysis of both the local material (if applicable) and the imported sand/or equivalent used to manufacture the final product with this tender. The source of each material used to manufacture the blended sand must be noted on the corresponding sieve analysis chart and identified. Blend site locations for blended local sand and /or method of transportation for imported material must be delivered to the Department within seven (7) days of being awarded the contract. The Contractor may supply different materials (local or import) and methods of transportation (truck or barge/ship) to each of the individual sandpile sites in the contract. The final gradation shall meet the Department's specifications for winter sand, a copy of which is included in this contract. If local sand is being used the blend amounts will be determined by the Department to meet these specifications. No blending of materials can take place without personnel from the Highway Materials Lab Division of the Department of Transportation, Infrastructure and Energy on site. The final product shall not contain more than 6.0% moisture content, when tested in accordance with ASDM C566, when delivered to the designated stockpile sites in the contract. Adjustment in quantities will be corrected for sand delivered in excess of 6% and will be reflected in quantities paid.
Sand. 5.5.1 The Contractor shall make his own arrangement for procurement of sand of approved quality and the same should be got approved from the Engineer- in-charge before it is used on the work. However, if the quarry proposed by the contractor does not yield adequate suitable sand, no claims can be raised against the Department. In that case, another quarry location will have to be established by the Contractor at his own cost and risk. The sand from such quarries should be got approved from the Department before using it on the work. The Contractor shall have to make arrangement at his cost for construction and maintenance of all roads leading to and from sand quarries to the work site as required by him.
Sand. Sand shall consist of siliceous material having hard, strong, durable, uncoated particles, free from undesirable amounts of dust, lumbs, soft, or flaky particles or other deleterious substances. The amount of different undesirable substances shall not exceed the percentage limits by weight as specified in relevant NS/I.S. Codes but in no case, the total amount of all undesirable substances shall exceed five percent by weight. All fine aggregate (sand) shall conform to I.S. 383-1970. Sand for use in concrete shall be natural sand. Sand shall be clean, well graded, hard, strong, durable and gritty particles free from injurious amounts of dust, clay, soft or flaky particles, shale, salts, organic matter, loam, mica or other deleterious substances and shall be approved by the Engineer. When the quality of fine aggregate is doubtful, it shall be tested for clay, organic impurities and other deleterious substances as laid down in I.S. 383-1970. The fine aggregate shall be of the sizes as specified below. a. Cement concrete topping of thickness 40 mm and above - fineness modules between 2 and 3. b. Cement concrete topping of thickness 10mm and above - fineness modules between 4 and 6. The Contractor has to identify the source of sand. The Contractor shall conduct sieve analysis test from reputed test lab for each batch of sand at his own cost.
Sand. 8.01 MATERIALS Sand shall be clean, siliceous sand, having no more than 3% by weight of foreign matter such as loam, clay, dirt, organic matter, or other impurities. A 30 pound sample for each proposed source shall be submitted to Ridgewood Water for approval before any material is trucked to the site. Should differences of opinions arise in the field between the Developer and Ridgewood Water, Ridgewood Water reserves the right to have a certified testing laboratory perform sieve analyses on the material. Cost of said testing shall be xxxxx by the Developer and levied against the final acceptance of the work. Sand shall conform to the following gradation:
Sand. Sand shall be from river or from any other source approved by the Consulting Engineer / Engineer-in-charge and shall be dry, clean, sharp, coarse and free from salt, earth and such other impurities. It shall be washed with clean water. The soluble contents shall not exceed 0.5% by weight if tested by settlement in water. For concrete work, the sand shall be coarser than for masonry work. Sand shall be used after screening as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. The sand shall conform to IS: 383-1970, fineness modulus shall not be less than 2.5.