SCHEDULE OF USE PERIODS. Scheduling shall be solely within the province of UA. Permittee shall, upon request, submit written schedules of dates and times for its use of the facility/premises during periods covered by the request. Upon approval of any schedule, UA will make a good faith effort to reserve the facility/premises for the date and time requested. The parties acknowledge that there are numerous users of the facilities/premises whose time and needs UA must attempt to coordinate. UA does not guarantee availability of the facility/premises. UA shall not, in any event, be liable for unavailability of the facility/premises.
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SCHEDULE OF USE PERIODS. Scheduling shall be solely within the sole discretion of UA. User shall, upon request, submit written schedules of dates and times for its use of the facility/premises during periods covered by the request. Upon approval of any schedule, UA will make a good faith effort to reserve the facility/premises for the date and time requested. The parties acknowledge that there are numerous users of the facilities/premises whose time and needs UA must attempt to coordinate and prioritize. UA does not guarantee availability of the facility/premises. The UA shall have the right, and will endeavor to provide reasonable written notice to User, to pre-empt use of the facility/premises for any reason determined by UA of major importance to the UA on the condition that the UA either a) reschedule the Event(s) cancelled at a mutually agreeable time and date, or b) at the UA’s discretion, refund or credit fees to User. UA’s liability under this contract shall be limited to such refund or credit of the fees. UA shall not, in any event, be liable for any loss or damage caused by the unavailability of the facility/premises due to UA events and unforeseen or other reasonably uncontrollable events which cause failure of the facilities to operate or function during the period of this Contract.
SCHEDULE OF USE PERIODS. Scheduling shall be solely within the province of UA. Permittee shall, upon request, submit written schedules of dates and times for its use of the facility/premises during periods covered by the request. Permittee shall designate one individual as a scheduler who will coordinate all space allocations with the particular UA Facility Supervisor. Upon approval of any schedule, UA will make a good faith effort to reserve the facility/premises for the date and time requested. The parties acknowledge that there are numerous users of the facilities/premises whose time and needs UA must attempt to coordinate. The Permittee shall follow the cancellation policy for the particular facility utilized within this Agreement. UA does not guarantee availability of the facility/premises. UA shall not, in any event, be liable for unavailability of the facility/premises.
SCHEDULE OF USE PERIODS. Scheduling shall be solely within the province of the University. Licensee's use of the facilities and equipment shall be strictly on an "as available" basis as determined by the University in the University's sole and exclusive discretion. Upon approval of any Schedule, the University will make a good faith effort to make available the facilities and equipment as requested and approved, however, it is understood by the parties that the University's use of the facilities and equipment shall at all times take priority over Licensee's use and the University does not guarantee availability of the facilities and equipment, nor shall the University be liable in any event for the unavailability of the facilities and equipment. Notwithstanding any provisions in this Agreement to the contrary, if possible, the University will notify Licensee in advance of any change in scheduled use periods under this Section.


  • SCHEDULE OF RESERVED NAMES Except to the extent that ICANN otherwise expressly authorizes in writing, and subject to the terms and conditions of this Specification, Registry Operator shall reserve the following labels from initial (i.e., other than renewal) registration within the TLD. If using self-­‐allocation, the Registry Operator must show the registration in the RDDS. In the case of IDN names (as indicated below), IDN variants will be identified according to the registry operator IDN registration policy, where applicable.

  • Schedule of Services Consultant shall perform the Services within the Term of this Agreement, in accordance with the Schedule of Services set forth in Exhibit “B” attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and in accordance with any other completion schedule or milestones which may be separately agreed upon in writing by the Parties. Consultant represents that it has the professional and technical personnel required to perform the Services in conformance with such conditions. In order to facilitate Consultant’s conformance with the Schedule, City shall respond to Consultant’s submittals in a timely manner. Upon request of City, Consultant shall provide a more detailed schedule of anticipated performance to meet the Schedule of Services.

  • Schedule of Rates The specific rates and costs applicable to this Agreement are set forth in Exhibit B – Schedule of Rates, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as if set forth in full.

  • Modifications and Updates to the Wire Center List and Subsequent Transition Periods In the event BellSouth identifies additional wire centers that meet the criteria set forth in Section, but that were not included in the Initial Wire Center List, BellSouth shall include such additional wire centers in a carrier notification letter (CNL). Each such list of additional wire centers shall be considered a “Subsequent Wire Center List”.

  • SCHEDULE OF WORK FIRST PARTY’S proposed schedule for the various services required will be set forth in Exhibit A-1. A4. CHANGES IN WORK -- EXTRA WORK In addition to services described in Section A1, the parties may from time to time agree in writing that FIRST PARTY, for additional compensation, shall perform additional services including but not limited to: • Change in the services because of changes in scope of the work. • Additional tasks not specified herein as required by the CITY. The CITY and FIRST PARTY shall agree in writing to any changes in compensation and/or changes in FIRST PARTY’s services before the commencement of any work. If FIRST PARTY deems work he/she has been directed to perform is beyond the scope of this agreement and constitutes extra work, FIRST PARTY shall immediately inform the CITY in writing of the fact. The CITY shall make a determination as to whether such work is in fact beyond the scope of this agreement and constitutes extra work. In the event that the CITY determines that such work does constitute extra work, it shall provide compensation to the FIRST PARTY in accordance with an agreed cost that is fair and equitable. This cost will be mutually agreed upon by the CITY and FIRST PARTY. A supplemental agreement providing for such compensation for extra work shall be negotiated between the CITY and the FIRST PARTY. Such supplemental agreement shall be executed by the FIRST PARTY and may be approved by the City Manager upon recommendation of the Department Head.

  • Shift Schedule The words "shift schedule" when used in this Agreement shall mean a timetable of the shifts and off days assigned to a position or group of positions which commences at the beginning of a pay period and includes one complete rotation of said shifts.

  • RDO Schedule a) The Schedule of RDO’s to be observed each year will generally be as provided under the VBIA.

  • Schedule of Fees Attached to this Agreement and incorporated herein by reference is a Schedule of Fees, which contains the Discount Fee, Transaction Fees, Return Fee per returned item, Minimum Monthly Discount Fee, Subscription Fee, Monthly Check 21 Access Fee, Batch Out Fee, Termination Fee and other terms and conditions in effect on the commencement date of this Agreement. SPS-EFT reserves the right at all times to unilaterally change all or part thereof, or any other terms of this Agreement upon written notice to MERCHANT.

  • Compensation for Holidays Falling on Scheduled Days Off 1. When a holiday falls on a full-time employee's regularly scheduled day off, the employee shall receive eight (8) hours of compensatory time.

  • Compensation for Holidays Falling Within Vacation Schedule If a paid holiday falls on or is observed during an employee's vacation period, he/she shall be allowed an additional vacation day with pay at a time mutually agreed upon by the Employer and employee.

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