Examples of Time Requested in a sentence
Indicate below how much extra testing time is required:Test PortionStandard TimeExtra Time Requested MPT/Performance (2 MPT’s in session) 3 hours�10% �25%�20% �50%� Other (specify) Essays(6 essays in session) 3 hours�10% �25%�20% �50%� Other (specify) MBE/Multiple Choice 3 hours AM3 hours PM�10% �25%�20% �50%� Other (specify) � Extra breaks.
PROJECTED USAGE AND COST Scan Time Requested per Subject (in 15 minute increments):*Please include set-up and clean-up time in the total calculated scan time.
Name Street Address City, State, Zip E-mail Address Telephone Fax NAA ID Requested Test Date and Time: Requested Test Location or Affiliate: Please select the requested accommodation from the list below.
Name: Home Phone: Address: Work Phone: D.L. or SS#: Date Requested: Time Requested: NUMBER IN GROUP: 21 yrs & older Under 21 Total: TYPE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES TO BE SERVED OR SOLD: BEER WINE/CHAMPAGNE WINE PUNCH LIQUORDescribe intended procedure for serving beverages and controlling consumption: GENERAL PROVISIONS All requests to serve or sell beer and/or wine must meet the following provisions: 1.
Time Requested: Number of Persons Attending: Resident: Non-Resident: Type of Occasion / Activities Pl anned: Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone (home): Cell Phone: Email: Alternate Contac t Person: Name: Phone (home): Cell Phone: Email: Lessee shall abide by the rules and regulations set forth in this Rental Lease Agreement and to assume responsibility for the appearance and condition of the rented facility.
Address of Contact Person: Phone number of Contact Person: Day, Date and Time Requested: Full Meeting Room (A & B) Large Meeting Room (B) Small Meeting Room (A) Audio-visual Equipment requested.
Date Received: By: POJOAQUE VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICTREQUEST FOR LEAVE FORM (12 Month Employees) Name: Work Site: Date(s) Requested: Total Time Requested: From: To: Annual Leave: Comp.
PROJECTED USAGE AND COST Scan Time Requested per Subject (in 15 minute increments):*Please include set-up and clean-up time in the totalcalculated scan time.
File a Notice of Time Requested for (1) voir dire, (2) opening statements, (3) direct and cross examinations, and (4) closing arguments.
There will be two entrance access points, one being on Lakeside Drive and the other off the outer road access entrance.