SCOPE OF WORK – ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. The A/E’s professional services shall include but not be limited to performing evaluation and design of electrical systems or equipment such as motors, generators, wiring and/or communications systems; ensuring that these systems or items meet applicable standards & codes, and are properly installed, reliable, correctly operating and operating safely.
SCOPE OF WORK – ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING i. performing evaluation, design and cost estimating of electrical systems or equipment such as motors, generators, wiring and/or communications systems; ensuring that these systems or items meet applicable standards & codes, and are properly installed, reliable, correctly operating and operating safely.


  • Scope of Work For the 2022/2023 Grant Period, the Provider will maintain a victim services program that will be available to provide direct services to victims of crime who are identified by the Provider or are presented to the Provider, as specified in the Provider’s 2022/2023 Grant Application as approved by the OAG and incorporated herein by reference.

  • Scope of Works (a) Users with an appropriate licence type may be able to create and access Scope of Works. (b) The parties acknowledge and agree that: (i) any wording contained in a Scope of Works is established by the Customer, is customisable and within the Customer's absolute control; (ii) Users make decisions within ProcurePro on how to draft Scope of Works and ProcurePro is not responsible for those decisions; (iii) the Supplier is not liable for the Customer's use or reliance upon any Scope of Works; and (iv) the Supplier is not responsible for controlling the use, copying, modification or export of a Scope of Works by any User to which the Customer allows access to that Scope of Works.

  • General Scope of Work The Scope of Work and projected level of effort required for these SERVICES is described in Exhibit “A” attached hereto and by this reference made a part of this AGREEMENT. The General Scope of Work was developed utilizing performance based contracting methodologies.

  • Engineering Services Definition: Engineering Services includes any service or creative work, the adequate performance of which requires education, training and experience in the application of special knowledge in consulting, investigating, evaluating, planning and designing, engineering principles. Engineering Services covered by the Xxxxxx Architect-Engineers Act (40 U.S.C. 1102) are not covered in the primary scope of OASIS SB. Examples: Service areas that are included under the Engineering Services discipline include, but are not limited to the following: 1. Systems Engineering 2. Advanced Technology Pilots and Trials 3. Alternative Energy Sources and Engineering 4. Configuration Management 5. Concept Development

  • 000 SCOPE OF WORK 5. 100 The scope of this Agreement covers all work of a maintenance, repair and renovation nature, assigned by the Owner to the Company and performed by the employees of the Company covered by this Agreement, within the limits of the Owner's plant site.

  • Construction Phase Services 3.1.1 – Basic Construction Services

  • Configuration Management The Contractor shall maintain a configuration management program, which shall provide for the administrative and functional systems necessary for configuration identification, control, status accounting and reporting, to ensure configuration identity with the UCEU and associated cables produced by the Contractor. The Contractor shall maintain a Contractor approved Configuration Management Plan that complies with ANSI/EIA-649 2011. Notwithstanding ANSI/EIA-649 2011, the Contractor’s configuration management program shall comply with the VLS Configuration Management Plans, TL130-AD-PLN-010-VLS, and shall comply with the following:

  • Statement of Work The Statement of Work to which Grantee is bound is incorporated into and made a part of this Grant Agreement for all purposes and included as Attachment A.

  • SCOPE OF ARCHITECT’S BASIC SERVICES 3.1 The Architect’s Basic Services consist of those described in this Article 3 and include usual and customary structural, mechanical, and electrical engineering services. Services not set forth in this Article 3 are Supplemental or Additional Services. § 3.1.1 The Architect shall manage the Architect’s services, research applicable design criteria, attend Project meetings, communicate with members of the Project team, and report progress to the Owner. § 3.1.2 The Architect shall coordinate its services with those services provided by the Owner and the Owner’s consultants. The Architect shall be entitled to rely on, and shall not be responsible for, the accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of, services and information furnished by the Owner and the Owner’s consultants. The Architect shall provide prompt written notice to the Owner if the Architect becomes aware of any error, omission, or inconsistency in such services or information. § 3.1.3 As soon as practicable after the date of this Agreement, the Architect shall submit for the Owner’s approval a schedule for the performance of the Architect’s services. The schedule initially shall include anticipated dates for the commencement of construction and for Substantial Completion of the Work as set forth in the Initial Information. The schedule shall include allowances for periods of time required for the Owner’s review, for the performance of the Owner’s consultants, and for approval of submissions by authorities having jurisdiction over the Project. Once approved by the Owner, time limits established by the schedule shall not, except for reasonable cause, be exceeded by the Architect or Owner. With the Owner’s approval, the Architect shall adjust the schedule, if necessary, as the Project proceeds until the commencement of construction. § 3.1.4 The Architect shall not be responsible for an Owner’s directive or substitution, or for the Owner’s acceptance of non-conforming Work, made or given without the Architect’s written approval. § 3.1.5 The Architect shall contact governmental authorities required to approve the Construction Documents and entities providing utility services to the Project. The Architect shall respond to applicable design requirements imposed by those authorities and entities. § 3.1.6 The Architect shall assist the Owner in connection with the Owner’s responsibility for filing documents required for the approval of governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the Project.

  • Design Services The Engineer shall perform services during the schematic design phase, the design development phase, the contract documents phase, and the bidding period as hereinafter specified.