Scour Analysis Sample Clauses

Scour Analysis. The Engineer shall provide the following services: 1. Perform a scour analysis for each proposed bridge structure. 2. Prepare each scour analysis using a State-approved methodology listed in the Work Authorization. The Engineer shall select the methodology based on the site conditions such as the presence of cohesive or cohesionless soil, rock or depth of rock, proposed foundation type, and existing site performance. The Engineer shall follow the methodology outlined in the State Geotechnical Manual. The Engineer shall coordinate with the State prior to commencing any work on any Stream Migration Study. This coordination must include consultation with the appropriate State technical expert. 3. Provide the State the potential scour depths, envelope and any recommended countermeasures including bridge design modifications and revetment.
Scour Analysis. The Engineer shall provide the following services:
Scour Analysis. The Engineer shall provide the following services: 1. Perform a scour analysis (which shall be signed and sealed) for each proposed bridge structure. 2. Prepare each scour analysis using a State-approved methodology listed in the Work Authorization. The Engineer shall select the methodology based on the site conditions such as the presence of cohesive or cohesionless soil, rock or depth of rock, proposed foundation type, and existing site performance. The Engineer shall follow the methodology outlined in the State Geotechnical Manual. The Engineer shall coordinate with the State prior to commencing any work on any Stream Migration Study. This coordination must include consultation with the appropriate State technical expert. DocuSign Envelope ID: ED57FAE2-481A-4535-A126-CE7F0E526760 3. Provide the State the potential scour depths, envelope and any recommended countermeasures including bridge design modifications and revetments.
Scour Analysis. The Consultant shall provide the following services for two bridges over Upper Buffalo Bayou and Little Prong Creek: a. Complete a scour analysis using the HEC-RAS hydraulics model. Document the scour envelop on bridge layouts that are provided by the roadway lead and prime DEC. Determine the need for scour counter measures and provide recommendations. Document the scour findings and recommendations in a scour report. This report must be signed and sealed by a Licensed Texas PE.
Scour Analysis. ▪ Conduct a scour analysis at the crossing following the guidelines as outlined in HEC-18, Evaluating Scour at Bridges (Fifth Edition) to support the design of bridge foundations and scour countermeasures, if necessary. ▪ Evaluate long-term degradation potential in coordination with the geotechnical engineer and geomorphologist based on field evaluation and any other historical information on the channel in the vicinity of the existing bridge. ▪ Calculate total scour at the bridge as appropriate. ▪ Coordinate with the structural and geotechnical engineers on the design of scour countermeasures.
Scour Analysis. The Engineer shall provide the following services: 6.1. Perform a scour analysis for each proposed bridge structure.
Scour Analysis. The Engineer shall prepare scour analysis for bridge crossings using methodology approved by the State. The Engineer shall select the methodology depending on the site conditions such as the presence of cohesive or cohesionless soil, rock or depth of rock, proposed foundation type, and existing site performance. The Engineer shall use HEC-18 for all sites unless otherwise approved by the State.
Scour Analysis. The Engineer shall provide the following services: 1. Perform a scour analysis for each proposed bridge structure (up to 6 locations: 2 with 1 bridge; 3 with 3 bridges; 1 with 4 bridges). Using a State-approved methodology, the Engineer shall select the scour analysis methodology based on the site conditions such as the presence of cohesive or cohesionless soil, rock or depth of rock, proposed foundation type, and existing site performance. The Engineer shall follow the methodology outlined in the State Geotechnical Manual. 2. Provide the State the potential scour depths, envelope and any recommended countermeasures including bridge design modifications and/or revetment. The Engineer shall provide Scour Data Sheets for scour analysis. 3. Conduct QA/QC reviews for Preliminary and Final Hydraulic Analysis submittals.
Scour Analysis. The Engineer shall provide the following services: A. Perform a scour analysis for each proposed bridge structure. B. Prepare each scour analysis using a State-approved methodology listed in the Work Authorization. The Engineer shall select the methodology based on the site conditions such as the presence of cohesive or cohesionless soil, rock or depth of rock, proposed foundation type, and existing site performance. The Engineer shall follow the methodology outlined in the State Geotechnical Manual. The Engineer shall coordinate with the State prior to commencing any work on any Stream Migration Study. This coordination must include consultation with the appropriate State technical expert. C. Provide the State the potential scour depths, envelope and any recommended countermeasures including bridge design modifications and/or revetment. DocuSign Envelope ID: D0E29F2F-2A8C-4E32-A9B8-8EFA82530B8F
Scour Analysis. The Engineer shall select the methodology depending on the site conditions such as the presence of cohesive or cohesionless soil, rock or depth of rock, proposed foundation type, and existing site performance. The Engineer shall use HEC- 18 for sites with cohesionless soils unless otherwise approved by the State. The TxDOT Geotechnical Manual shall also be used for guidance. WAs Used DocuSign Envelope ID: 56C9F445-711D-4155-8CAC-4A873A2298E4