Quantitative Analysis Sample Clauses
Quantitative Analysis. Quantitative analysts develop and apply financial models designed to enable equity portfolio managers and fundamental analysts to screen potential and current investments, assess relative risk and enhance performance relative to benchmarks and peers. To the extent that such services are to be provided with respect to any Account which is a registered investment company, Categories 3, 4 and 5 above shall be treated as “investment advisory services” for purposes of Section 5(b) of the Agreement.”
Quantitative Analysis. In order to assess the validity of the argument developed above in explaining the variation in HIV/AIDS policy among developing-world democracies, I employ both quantitative and qualitative methods. I use a large sample statistical analysis and examine whether electoral market imperfections mediate the association between the measures of democracy and a range of indicators of various aspects of AIDS policy discussed above, including AIDS spending (total and disaggregated by spending categories), policy and institutional environment, service provision, and behavioral outcomes – an indirect measure of the success of the national prevention effort. Data source, statistical techniques used, and the results of quantitative analysis are presented in Chapter 2. The advantage of quantitative methods is establishing the generalizability of the theory. However, quantitative analysis can only establish associations between variables and does not allow the researcher to determine whether the causal processes, which the theory identifies, are indeed at play, that is, whether the statistical association is driven by causation. The validity of the causal links - the internal validity of the theory, can best be established through an in-depth qualitative analysis.
Quantitative Analysis. The demographic characteristics examined as potentially associated with the five outcomes of interest included characteristics of the household head, the primary caretaker, and the index child. The household head characteristics examined included age, ethnicity, years of education, literacy (whether or not respondent was literate in English and/or Kiswahili), and whether or not the household was headed by a female. A variable was created to indicate whether or not the household head’s primary work activity was in agriculture. The primary caretaker characteristics examined included age, years of education, and whether or not the primary caretaker’s primary work activity was in agriculture. The index child characteristics included age and sex. The sociodemographic characteristics examined included survey site (village), household size (number of household members), number of children under 16 years old, and primary water source. A household asset score was created based on the number of items owned from a list of six household items – cooker/gas stove, radio, television, mobile phone, motorcycle, and bicycle. An agricultural asset score was created based on the number of items owned from a list of four agricultural tools – hoe, spade, plough, and sprayer pump. Initially, cart and water pump were included in the possession score, but no one in the sample owned either of these items so they were eliminated from the score. To analyze household dietary diversity, a food consumption score (FCS) was constructed from the data collected on the number of times individual food items were consumed in the household in the past seven days. The FCS is a method used by the World Food Programme (WFP) to describe food consumption patterns and assess household food security (Wiesmann, Bassett, Benson, & Hoddinott, 2008). The score was created by grouping the individual food items into seven food groups as defined by the WFP methodology: 1) main staples, 2) pulses, 3) vegetables, 4) fruit, 5) meat and fish, 6) milk, and 7) oil. The consumption frequencies of the food items within the same group in the past seven-day period were summed. Any consumption frequencies greater than seven for the group were re-coded as seven. The food group scores were summed to create the FCS. In addition, the animal-source food consumption score was based on the household’s score for the ‘meat and fish’ food group, excluding the ‘milk’ food group given the context of the study population’s relative...