SECRET VOTE Sample Clauses
SECRET VOTE. At all meetings of Artists called by the Deputy or Equity, voting shall be by secret ballot.
SECRET VOTE. (A) At all meetings of Actors employed on Equity contracts called by the Deputy or the Stage Manager, the vote shall be by secret ballot. Rule 58. SECRET VOTE Rule 59. SECURITY AND SECURITY AGREEMENTS
(B) Should any situation arise where the Theatre wishes the company to consider any proposition not covered by the standard Equity contracts of employment or Equity rules, the Theatre shall notify the Deputy and the Deputy shall arrange a meeting of the cast which may be held at the Theatre where the company is playing. At such meeting or meetings, neither the Theatre nor its representative shall be present unless so requested by a majority of the cast but not in any event when a vote is taken. Any proposed action by the cast shall not, however, be binding without the written approval of Equity.
(C) The determination of the Council of Equity as to any issue arising under the above provision shall be final and binding upon the Theatre and each member.
SECRET VOTE. (A) At all meetings of the AEA members of the company called by the Deputy and/or Stage Manager the vote shall be by secret ballot.
(B) Should any situation arise where the Producer wishes the company to consider any proposition not covered by the Standard Equity contracts of employment or Equity rules, the Producer shall notify the Deputy and the Stage Manager and the Deputy shall arrange a meeting of the cast which may be held at the theatre where the company is playing.
(C) At such meeting or meetings, neither the Producer nor the Producer's representative shall be present other than to explain the Producer's position. Any proposed action by the cast shall not, however, be binding without the written approval of Equity.
(D) The determination of the Council of Equity as to any issue arising under the above provision shall be final and binding upon the Producer and each member.
SECRET VOTE. 45.01 At all meetings of the Artists called by the deputy, the vote shall be by secret ballot.
(A) Should any situation arise where the Engager wishes the company to consider any proposition not covered by the standard CAEA contracts of engagement or CAEA rules, the Engager shall notify the deputy and the deputy shall arrange a meeting of the Artists which may be held at the theatre where the company is playing.
(B) At such meeting or meetings, neither the Engager nor the Engager’s representative shall be present when a vote is taken. Any proposed action by the Artists shall not however, be binding without the written approval of CAEA.
45.03 The determination of the Council of CAEA as to any issue arising under the above provisions shall be final and binding upon the Engager and each Artist.
SECRET VOTE. (A) At all meetings of the AEA members of the company called by the Deputy and/or Stage Manager the vote shall be by secret ballot.
(B) There are to be no cast meetings held to vote on working conditions, concessions or waivers without the consent of Equity except as provided in Rule 53(D)(4)(5).
(C) At such meeting or meetings, neither the Producer nor the Producer's representative shall be present other than to explain the Producer's position. Any proposed action by the cast shall not, however, be binding without the written approval of Equity.
(D) The determination of the Council of Equity as to any issue arising under the above provision shall be final and binding upon the Producer and each member.
SECRET VOTE. (A) At all meetings of Actors and Stage Managers employed on Equity contracts called by the Stage Manager, the vote shall be by secret ballot.
(B) Should any situation arise where the Theatre wishes the company to consider any proposition not covered by the standard Equity contracts of employment or Equity rules, the Theatre shall notify Equity and Equity shall arrange a meeting of the company which may be held at the Theatre where the company is playing. At such meeting or meetings, neither the Theatre nor its representative shall be present unless so requested by a majority of the company but not in any event when a vote is taken. Any proposed action by the company shall not, however, be binding without the written approval of Equity.
(C) The determination of the Council of Equity as to any issue arising under the above provision shall be final and binding upon the Theatre and each member.
SECRET VOTE. At all meetings of the Artists called by the deputy, the vote shall be by secret ballot.
28:01 Staffing
(A) Sufficient Personnel
SECRET VOTE. (A) There shall be no company meetings held to vote on working conditions or concessions without the consent of Equity.
(B) At such meetings neither the Producer nor the Producer’s representative (whether under Equity contract or not) shall be present other than to explain the Producer’s position. Any proposed action by the company shall not be binding, however, without the written approval of Equity.
(C) All meetings of the company called by the Deputy or Stage Manager shall include only the Actors and any vote taken shall be by secret ballot.
(D) The determination of Equity as to any issue arising under the above provision shall be final and binding upon the Producer and each Actor.
SECRET VOTE. At all meetings of the company called by the AGMA Delegate(s), the Stage Managers shall be included, and votes shall be by secret ballot. No Producer or Manager whether under an AGMA contract or not may attend such company meetings. A Producer or Manager working under an AGMA contract may, however, be informed of the subject of the meeting.