Stage Managers Sample Clauses
Stage Managers. Shall work under the direction of the Producer, Director, Engineer-in-Charge and/or Crew Chief to implement their instructions for providing management of on-air talent. The Stage Manager shall have the required skills to assist talent and operate/perform other related equipment/services necessary to the fulfillment of their job skills and responsibilities.
1. If a late call individual’s (Graphics 2 Operator, Stage Manager, or Phone Assistant Director) call time is adjusted to earlier than three (3) hours before the game/event start time, prior arrangements will be made with that Employee.
2. There shall be a Stage Manager engaged/used for any on-air talent.
3. On a show/event where there are two (2) or more “on camera” positions used during a single production, the Company shall engage at least two (2) Stage Managers.
4. Stage Managers shall not be required to perform the duties of an A2.
Stage Managers. Subject only to the supervision and control of the Producer, the Executive Producer, or the Company executive to whom he/she reports, a Stage Manager shall serve as the sole liaison between the Director or Producer-Director, Associate Director and all persons and facilities in the studio, on location or on the stage during all stagehand rehearsals where the stagehands are performing their functions (this does not include set-ups), camera rehearsals, pre-recording and performances. Specifically, he or she shall:
1. Supervise the stagehands, chief carpenters and property persons in
(a) marking positions of scenery and properties, special effects, art work and title cards;
(b) flying or bringing in all drops during rehearsal and on the air;
(c) operating travelers, tabs, curtains and similar devices.
2. Recommend, subject to the Director, Producer or Producer-Director, when extra persons should be brought in.
3. Relay information to persons directly involved on the stage or studio floor or on location, including specifically:
(a) Relaying stage directions of the Associate Director, Director or Producer-Director.
(b) Responsibility for notifying performers on the set of the time for subsequent rehearsals and the announcement of rehearsal breaks.
(c) Assigning the allocated dressing rooms to be used during camera rehearsals, prior to such rehearsal, in accordance with the importance and the needs of the cast.
(d) Holding the book during camera blocking and prompting the cast when not done by the Associate Director.
(e) Marking all positions on the set for performers.
(f) Designating proper locations for costume changes and giving necessary costume change information to the wardrobe person.
(g) Holding cards which give directions from the Director, Producer-Director or Associate Director and timing information to the cast.
(h) Give all cues from the floor or, if on location, the equivalent thereof.
4. If there is a production meeting(s) during the period of his or her employment, a Stage Manager shall be assigned to at least one production meeting on all programs.
Stage Managers. (1) The Stage Manager shall be the individual who is assigned to and is primarily responsible for a specific production or productions. The Stage Manager is not permitted to act.
(2) The Stage Manager’s position is full-time. The Stage Manager shall not function in areas which impinge upon the Stage Manager’s duties.
(3) There shall be no less than one Stage Manager employed in each company and each production must be assigned a Stage Manager who shall be primarily responsible for the Stage Managerial functions.
(4) Each Stage Manager shall be engaged and receive contractual salary beginning at least one week prior to rehearsals for each production of the season unless already under Contract. However, no pre-production shall be required for table/music stand readings under the Experimental Theatre provision (see Rule 57(C)(7)).
(5) If the Theatre terminates the Stage Manager’s employment, the Stage Manager may not be re-engaged or replaced in the same season at a lesser salary (unless for a stage of lower category).
(6) A replacement Stage Manager may be engaged on a one week contract, which
Stage Managers. Shall work under the direction of the PDER to implement their instructions for providing management of on-air talent. The Stage Manager shall have the DocuSign Envelope ID: 014F61C7-D3D0-433B-BB57-FEDBF4F4957F required skills to assist talent and operate/perform other related equipment/services necessary to the fulfillment of their job skills and responsibilities. Late Call Technicians (e.g., Graphics 2, Stage Manager, or Phone or Tape AD):
1. If a late call technician’s call time is adjusted to earlier than three (3) hours before the game/event start time, prior arrangements will be made with that Employee.
2. There shall be at least one (1) Stage Manager engaged/used for any on-camera talent. On a show/event where there are two (2) or more “on camera” positions used during a single production and a single Stage Manager cannot reasonably move between any two on-air positions, the Company shall consider engaging additional Stage Managers; however, Camera Operators or Audio A2s shall in no case perform the duties of a Stage Manager where no Stage Manager is present for on-camera talent.
3. Stage Managers shall not be required to perform the duties of an A2.
Stage Managers. All Stage Managers shall be engaged no less than one (1) week prior to the first rehearsal for their first production unless the Festival and Equity agree that the period may be shorter. All replacement Stage Managers shall be hired no less than one (1) week prior to the date on which they are to take over the production, unless the Festival and Equity agree that the period may be shorter.
Stage Managers. Stage Managers are covered by all the Sections in this Agreement except where specifically stated otherwise.
(A) There shall be no less than one Stage Manager and one Assistant Stage Manager employed. A Stage Manager must be in attendance at all rehearsals. (See Section 43(A).)
(B) Except as provided in paragraph (C) below, no Stage Manager or Assistant Stage Manager shall do work of any nature whatsoever for a Producer without a signed Individual Artist Agreement (after security has been properly posted with AGMA) and the Stage Manager or Assistant Stage Manager has received instructions from the Producer as to the work.
(C) The Stage Manager shall be engaged at least two weeks before the beginning of rehearsals and shall receive at least two weeks’ contractual salary for those pre rehearsal weeks. (See Section 47(G)).
(1) Upon the signing of an Individual Artist Agreement or a letter of intent between the Stage Manager and the Producer, filed with AGMA, signifying Producer's intent to employ the Stage Manager, the Stage Manager shall be obligated to perform all pre-production work. The Producer may require, as part of the aforementioned pre-production work, the Stage Manager's attendance at Principal Interviews/Auditions, AGMA Principal and Ensemble auditions and open auditions, prior to such two-week contractual pre-production period for 12 separate calendar days. All other days of interviews and/or auditions that a Stage Manager attends, as required by (P) below, shall be paid for at one-sixth of contractual salary.
(2) In the event the Producer fails to offer employment to the Stage Manager for that production, the Producer shall be obligated to pay the Stage Manager two weeks' contractual salary. If the Stage Manager does not accept employment in the production Stage Manager shall be compensated at the rate of one-sixth of contractual salary for each day worked. (See (P)below.)
(D) Replacement Stage Managers who are not promoted from the production shall be hired at least one week prior to the date on which they are to take over the production. Replacement Stage Managers (not Assistants from the same show) taking over the duties of Stage Manager during vacation shall be paid on a daily basis when required by the Producer to familiarize themselves with the requirements of the production before assuming duties.
(E) Short-term Stage Manager. Stage Managers may be employed on a daily and per- performance basis as follows:
(1) A Stage Manager must be si...
Stage Managers. (A) A Stage Manager shall be employed under an Equity contract either when five or more Equity contracts are in force in a single production or when the University and/or Theatre is presenting a season in repertory (as defined in Rule 18(D)). However, a University and/or Theatre shall be exempt from this requirement if it has a bona fide professional Stage Management training program in its curriculum and an Equity Stage Manager on its faculty who actively supervises the student stage manager(s) provided documentation of said program and the name of the supervising Equity Stage Manager is furnished to Equity prior to the beginning of each season. It is agreed that the Stage Manager's responsibilities require full time attention. The Stage Manager shall not function in areas, which impinge upon the primary duties of a Stage Manager, except for teaching assignments. The Stage Manager shall be engaged and receive contractual salary beginning at least one week prior to rehearsals. If the University and/or Theatre terminates the Stage Manager's employment, he may not be re-engaged or replaced in the same season at a lesser salary. If a Stage Manager rehearses and/or performs hours which would have given an Actor overtime had the Actor rehearsed and/or performed those same hours, that Stage Manager shall receive the overtime compensation that would have been due the Actor.
(B) Any Stage Manager who is called to perform services in productions, either prior to the week before rehearsals begin or after the production has closed shall be paid no less than 1/6 of weekly contractual salary per day.
(C) The Stage Manager is not permitted to act or understudy.
Stage Managers. The hiring salary shall be commensurate with the demonstrated skills, background and experience. This is a single rate position and no pay adjustments other than specified in this Agreement shall be contractually required.
Stage Managers. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, the sole and exclusive terms and conditions governing Stage Managers and Assistant Stage Managers shall be as stated in this paragraph 43 and in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6(a)(b)(c)(e)(i), 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16(e)(l), 17(a)(3) and (4), 22(b)(c)(f), 27, 28(h), 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 68, 71, 72, and 73 hereof.
(a) The EMPLOYER agrees to engage at least one (1) Stage Manager if the dance company consists of ten (10) or more dancers.
(b) Whenever a Stage Manager or an Assistant Stage Manager misses a company Free Day and is required to work or travel, he/she shall receive a compensatory Free Day scheduled within the succeeding or preceding two (2) week period of employment, except Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's Day and Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx Day which shall have the extra Free Day scheduled within the succeeding or preceding four (4) week period of employment.
(c) Stage Managers shall be compensated not less than one thousand thirty ($1030.00) dollars as of 7/1/00; one thousand ninety dollars ($1090.00) as of 7/1/01; one thousand one hundred fifty dollars ($1150.00) as of 7/1/02; and one thousand two hundred dollars ($1200.00) as of 7/1/03 per week. Assistant Stage Managers shall receive not less than seven hundred ninety-four dollars ($794) as of 7/1/00; eight hundred thirty-four dollars ($834.00) as of 7/1/01; eight hundred seventy-five dollars ($875.00) as of 7/1/02; and nine hundred twenty dollars ($920.00) as of 7/1/03 per week. If the Stage Manager or Assistant Stage Manager is required to appear outside the City of Origination, the EMPLOYER will provide the ARTIST with a hotel room explained under paragraph 17(a)(3) of this Agreement, plus meal money allowance as provided in Paragraph 17(a)(4) of this Agreement.
(d) Stage Managers and Assistants shall have the same legal holidays as the ARTISTS.
(e) Stage Managers and their Assistants shall be employed upon AGMA contracts and receive all Retirement and Health benefits in the Basic Agreement.
(f) Stage Managers shall be engaged at least one (1) week prior to the opening of a season, and Assistant Stage Managers shall be engaged at least three (3) days prior to the opening of a season on a pro-rata basis.
(g) Stage Managers called to emergency rehearsals will be compensated at the hourly overtime rate for ARTISTS.
Stage Managers. 1. The Stage Manager shall be the individual who is assigned to and is primarily responsible for a specific production or productions. The Stage Manager is not permitted to perform in the production.
2. The Stage Manager’s position is full-time. The Stage Manager shall not be expected to function in areas which impinge upon their ability to perform their Stage Manager’s duties.
3. There shall be no less than one Stage Manager employed in each production who shall be primarily responsible for the Stage Managerial functions.