Seller’s Responsibility If the Seller determines that the Interface Problem is primarily attributable to the design of a Warranted Part, the Seller shall, if so requested by the Buyer and pursuant to the terms and conditions of Clause 12.1, correct the design of such Warranted Part to the extent of the Seller’s obligation as defined in Clause 12.1.
SELLER’S RESPONSIBILITIES (a) Seller shall act in performance of this Agreement as an independent contractor and not as an agent for Company or the Government in performing this Agreement, maintaining complete control over its employees and all lower-tier subcontractors. Nothing contained in this Agreement or any lower-tier subcontract shall create any contractual relationship between any such lower-tier subcontractor and the Government or Company. Seller is solely responsible for the actions of itself and its lower-tier subcontractors, agents or employees. (b) Seller shall be responsible for all liability and related expenses resulting from (1) injury, death, damage to or loss of property or (2) violation of Part 1.12a Compliance with Laws, which is in any way connected with its performance of work under this Agreement. Seller's responsibility shall apply to activities of Seller, its agents, lower-tier subcontractors, or employees and such responsibility includes the obligation to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Government and the Company for Seller's conduct. However, such liability and indemnity does not apply to injury, death, or damage to property to the extent it arises from the negligent or willful misconduct of Company. (c) If Company’s costs are determined to be unallowable, its fee reduced, or it incurs any cost or damages as a result of Seller’s violation of applicable laws, orders, rules, regulations, or ordinances, or the submission of defective cost or pricing data, Company may make an equivalent reduction in amounts due Seller. (d) If Seller is a State agency, such as an Educational Institution, all liabilities and remedies shall be determined in accordance with the laws applicable to this Agreement under Part 1.2.
Responsibility for Subcustodians Except as provided in the last sentence of this Section 8.6, the Custodian shall be liable to the Fund for any loss or damage to the Fund caused by or resulting from the acts or omissions of any Subcustodian to the extent that such acts or omissions would be deemed to be negligence, gross negligence or willful misconduct in accordance with the terms of the relevant subcustodian agreement under the laws, circumstances and practices prevailing in the place where the act or omission occurred. The liability of the Custodian in respect of the countries and Subcustodians designated by the Custodian, from time to time on the Global Custody Network Listing shall be subject to the additional condition that the Custodian actually recovers such loss or damage from the Subcustodian.
PURCHASER's Responsibilities For the duration of the suspension, PURCHASER is responsible to continue maintenance at the operations just as if the operations was in progress. This includes, but is not limited to, protection of completed operations, maintenance of access, protection of stored materials, temporary facilities, and clean-up.
Customer’s Responsibilities 2.1. A properly configured hardware firewall is required for each Customer Location using a persistent connection to the public internet or any private network where there is a potential for unauthorized access. This requirement is Customer’s responsibility. 2.2. Unless you subscribe to the Network and Security Services option known as “Antivirus Service” (or its successor product), Customer will be required to have and maintain in place third party malware and anti-virus protection software, including periodic and routine updates in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, and security for the Customer’s POS System Network, which security includes unique, strong passwords per user, physical security and access control policies. Customer acknowledges and agrees that security and protection of all of its networks, including the Customer POS System Network, and the data and applications on such networks, including protections against unauthorized access, is Customer’s responsibility. Customer acknowledges that, to be effective, malware protection software, system passwords and other security software and hardware components require periodic and routine updates, which Customer must obtain or perform as applicable. Customer agrees to not use or attempt to install remote access software on the Customer POS System Network unless approved by NCR Voyix.
Customer’s Responsibility The policies in this document apply to the use of Data by Customers, Redistributors and their End Customers. Customers are responsible for compliance with this policy by all members of the Customer’s Group and by all persons to whom they distribute Data where authorised to do so. Turquoise recommends that Customers make this Schedule available to all Subscribers to their services having access to Data which is subject to Charges, reporting requirements or usage restrictions.
ELIGIBILITY FOR SERVICES The COUNTY shall determine eligibility for receiving services under this agreement.
Buyer’s Responsibility Buyer shall obtain and maintain all distribution, transmission and interconnection rights and agreements (including all Governmental Authority approvals) required to enable transmission and delivery of electric energy at and after the Delivery Point.
Supplier’s Responsibilities 14.1 The Supplier shall supply all the Goods and Related Services included in the Scope of Supply in accordance with GCC Clause 12, and the Delivery and Completion Schedule, as per GCC Clause 13.
Responsibility for Damage Resident is solely responsible for any damage, defacement or loss arising within the assigned bedroom space. All assigned residents of an apartment are jointly and severally responsible for any damage, defacement or loss to common areas, other parts of the Property, fixtures or appliances, except for the portion of damages over $100,000 where it is finally established that Resident or one or more other residents of the apartment were solely at fault for the entire loss, in which case such person(s) will be solely responsible. Resident is fully responsible for the conduct of Resident’s guests, visitors, licensees and invitees (“Guests”), including without limitation harm to individuals or damage or defacement of any part of the Property or its fixtures or property of third parties (including other residents) by such Guests.