Blood Donor Leave Employees may be granted reasonable paid time off for the purpose of donating blood when participating in a City-authorized and/or sponsored blood donation drive or special need. No employee shall be eligible for overtime as a result of donating blood. All such absences shall be scheduled with the employee’s supervisor.
Family Violence Leave Family Violence Leave as provided for by the Holidays Act 2003 is in addition to other leave allowances within the collective agreement.
Domestic Violence Leave Domestic or Sexual Violence Leave will be granted in accordance with the
Assault Leave 1. A Bargaining Unit Member who is required to be absent due to physical or mental disability resulting from an assault, which occurs in the course of Board employment while on duty on school grounds during school hours or where required to be in attendance at a school-sponsored function, shall receive assault leave. If such leave extends beyond five (5) days, the Bargaining Unit Member may be required to be evaluated by a licensed professional appointed by and paid for by the Board. The Board shall be entitled only to a simple certification of disability as a result of said examination. Upon determination of eligibility by the Board, such leave shall be granted for a period not to exceed one hundred eighty- four (184) school days upon the Bargaining Unit Member's delivering to the Treasurer a signed statement, unless unable to sign, on forms prescribed by the Board of Education and maintained by the Treasurer. 2. Such statements will indicate the nature of the injury, the date of its occurrence, the identity of individual(s) causing the assault, if known, the facts surrounding the assault and the willingness of the Bargaining Unit Member to participate and cooperate with the Board in pursuing legal action against the assailant(s). If medical attention is required, the Bargaining Unit Member shall supply a certificate from a licensed physician stating the nature of the disability and its duration. Need for absence because of assault may also be verified by a Board appointed physician. 3. Full payment for assault leave, less worker's compensation and any other financial remuneration, shall not exceed the Bargaining Unit Member's per diem rate of pay and will not be approved for payment unless and until the form and certificate, as provided above, are supplied to the Treasurer. A Bargaining Unit Member absent from work because of an assault shall not be gainfully employed elsewhere. Falsification of either the signed statement or a physician's certificate is grounds for suspension or termination of employment under Ohio Revised Code Section 3319.16 Where the assaulted Bargaining Unit Member becomes eligible for benefits under the State Bargaining Unit Members Retirement System because of any disability or because of age, or where the Bargaining Unit Member's employment by this district ceases, this leave provision shall no longer apply.