Shrubs. 1) Pruning shall be provided to encourage a healthy natural growth pattern for each specific plant variety. Flowering shrubs shall not be pruned until after the bloom cycle. If a plant species blooms year round, then pruning shall be performed in the spring (March and April) after the first flush of blooms. All shrubs shall be maintained off sidewalks and buildings up to twelve (12) feet high.
Shrubs a. All Shrubs
i. Remove dead or damaged branches with clean, sharp pruners, as close as possible to the base of the plant. Remove dead shrubs completely.
ii. Include any shrub work in MPR and list plant and location.
iii. Proactive pruning should match blooming period and promote an aesthetic of Colorado native plants. See below for recommendations based on shrub type.
iv. Shearing of shrubs is strictly prohibited unless specifically prescribed by the City Project Manager.
Shrubs. 1) Pruning shall be provided to encourage a healthy natural growth pattern for each specific plant variety. Flowering shrubs shall not be pruned until after the bloom cycle. If a plant species blooms year-round, then pruning shall be performed in the spring (March and April) after the first flush of blooms. All shrubs shall be maintained off sidewalks and buildings up to twelve (12) feet high.
2) The Contractor shall apply according to manufacturer's specifications or recommendation of 8-10-10 with all minor elements, 50% slow release azalea/camellia fertilizer at the rate of 1 lb. per 1,000 square feet on all azaleas and acid loving plants. 13-3-13 with all minor elements, 5% slow release shall be applied to remaining shrubs. Shrubs shall be fertilized each March and September. Additional nutrients shall be applied to any plant material when deficiencies occur.
Shrubs. The Contractor shall apply according to manufacturer's specifications or recommendation of 8-10-10 with all minor elements, 50% slow release azalea/camellia fertilizer at the rate of 1 lb. per 1,000 square feet on all azaleas and acid loving plants. 13-3-13 with all minor elements, 5% slow release shall be applied to remaining shrubs. Shrubs shall be fertilized each March and September. Additional nutrients shall be applied to any plant material when deficiencies occur.
Shrubs. Unless otherwise specified, all large deciduous and evergreen shrubs shall have minimum height of three (3) feet at installation, and all small deciduous and evergreen shrubs shall have a minimum height of eighteen (18) inches at installation.
a. Large shrubs shall be considered to be those shrubs that reach five (5) or more feet in height at maturity.
b. Small shrubs shall be considered to be those shrubs that can grow up to five (5) feet in height if left unmaintained, but are generally kept at heights of eighteen
Shrubs. (1) Containerised Shrubs shall be of the size specified in the schedules, with several stems originating from or near ground level and of reasonable bushiness, healthy, vigorous and with a sound root system. Pots or containers shall be appropriate to the size of shrub supplied and clearly labelled. Shrubs shall not be pot bound or with girdled or restricted roots.
(2) Bare Root Shrubs shall be of size specified in the schedules, with several stems originating from or near ground level, with reasonable bushiness, healthy, and vigorous. They shall be well furnished with fibrous roots and shall be lifted without severence of major roots. All bare root shrubs shall be wrapped in polythene in bundles of 50 no. and clearly labelled from the time of lifting until planting to conserve moisture.
Shrubs. All shrubbery shall be trimmed, shaped, and thinned as necessary per plant species.
Shrubs. (a) Maintain shrubs to promote their healthy growth.
(b) Trim shrubs to restrict growth from hardscape, groundcover, turf and other shrub areas.
(c) Advise Landscape Supervisor of areas for approval of purchase and placement of necessary additional shrubs to ensure continuous acceptable appearance.
(d) Rid shrubs of all weeds, grasses, leaves and other debris to ensure a continuous acceptable appearance.
Shrubs. The shrubs must be kept so as to prevent them from becoming a hazard to passing pedestrians, vehicles, street name plates and direction signs. The shrubs must be prevented from becoming too tall or overgrown. • Shrub beds will be visited once per month on a minimum of 12 occasions per annum and the following operations undertaken: o Cut back and prune all shrubs which are overhanging the pathways. o Clear the beds of all weeds – no bed should have more than 10% weed. o Edge beds which abut grass areas. o Ground cover shrubs must never be allowed to become leggy, but pruned to a dense even cover which discourages weed growth. o Dig over and fork soil areas. o Clear beds of litter and debris • Once per annum between November and the beginning of March all shrub beds will be visited, and the following operations undertaken: o All shrub areas to be mulched where possible, topped up with an approved mulch. Beds receiving mulching shall receive a mulch dressing of Amenity Bark Mulch which must be certified by the Forest Stewardship Council, be 100% peat free, fire resistant to BS 4790:1987 standards and be neutrally acidic o All ground to be cultivated. o All shrubs to be pruned to correct horticultural standards and requirements. o All dead herbaceous material, leaves, seedheads, etc shall be cut to ground level by March the following year and all arisings removed. o Any dead and diseased shrubs to be removed. o All grass edges to be edged to maintain an acceptable appearance. o All shrub pruning’s to be removed to the queen’s park depot, chipped and shredded to form green recycling. o Full clearance and scavenge for litter and other debris.