Sibling Discount. There is a 25% reduction in tuition on the lower paying childcare fee for full time families who have two children enrolled at the Center. A 15% reduction will be granted for the third child.
Sibling Discount. There is a 5% discount for siblings enrolled at the school. i.e. the first child pays in full, and the siblings receive a 5% discount.
Sibling Discount. Following full payment of one sibling other enrolled siblings are eligible for a 10% discount.
Sibling Discount. When one or more siblings enroll, a 10% discount (5% discount at Abington Gerstadt Center) will be given on the lowest tuition. A minimum contracted schedule of 25 hours per week for each child is required to be eligible for this discount.
Sibling Discount sibling discount will be applied to the oldest child when two children are enrolled from a family. A 10% sibling discount for additional older siblings will be applied when more than two children from a family enroll. We are not permitted to discount subsidized co-payments. Infant Age 6 weeks to Young Toddlers 1 year old $250.00 $172.00 1-year Toddler to 2-year Toddler $235.00 $172.00 CCIS Upcharge $25 $25 Preschool 3-5 years old $200.00 $150.00 Pre-K Counts Before and After Care $135 CCIS Upcharge $25 $15 School-age up to 11 years old $142.00 $105.00 CCIS Upcharge $0 $0 School-age up to 11 years old $162.00 $142.00 CCIS Upcharge $25 $10 _____ I acknowledge that I am responsible for extra services such as field trips that may be scheduled throughout the calendar year for my child.
Sibling Discount. The discount for siblings is 5% off the lowest single tuition. Only one discount may be applied per child.
Sibling Discount. Families having more than one sibling concurrently enrolled in the school, and who keep their account current will receive a 10% discount for each additional sibling at an equal or lesser tuition rate. Accounts not paid on time, or carry a balance, are not eligible for this discount. Sibling Registration Fee is $50.00.
Sibling Discount. If your family has 2 or more players in the competitive program you will receive a 10% discount on the lesser dues. To request a sibling discount go to xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx/xxxxxxxxx, click forms and fill out the Sibling Discount form. Discounts cannot be combined. Discount cannot be applied towards Commitment Payment. Excludes Academy/Rec players. See online form for additional details. Expires 8/1/2022 Failure to pay your monthly dues within thirty (30) days of payment due date will invoke the “NO PAY- NO PLAY”. Players will not be eligible to participate in team practices, games, and tournaments until payment is received. CLASSICS ELITE SOCCER ACADEMY realizes that emergencies may result in a financial strain on the family. In order to keep the player from being ineligible the Club will work with a family if the family contacts the office in a timely manner. Requests can be sent to
Sibling Discount. A 4% fee reduction is available for all siblings of the eldest child enrolled at the School.
Sibling Discount. For families with more than one child attending the Education Centre, sibling discounts apply as follows: Oldest child: Full tuition Families with 2 children enrolled: Second sibling 10% discount Families with 3+ children enrolled: Second and subsequent siblings 15% discount