SOLUTION OF CONTROVERSIES. Disagreements or controversies on any matters arising under the TSD chapter are solved by using the governmental bodies (Trade and Sustainable Development or the Trade Committees), government-to-government consultations and a mechanism for impartial assessment of serious issues through an independent Panel of Experts and the publication of a public report with recommendations. The report can serve as a catalyst for further dialogue between the Parties and for civil society to take up through their dialogue with the Parties.
SOLUTION OF CONTROVERSIES. In the event of controversies between the Parties under this Contract, the Parties will abide by the following:
SOLUTION OF CONTROVERSIES. Any discrepancy derived from the interpretation or application of the present Agreement shall be settled by “the Parties” by common consent.
SOLUTION OF CONTROVERSIES. All controversy about the reach, effects, interpretations or other matters related to the present Understanding that could arise between the signatory parties will be solved by means of direct negotiation.
SOLUTION OF CONTROVERSIES. Arbitration. All controversies, claims, differences or disputes, arising out of, relating to, or in connection with this Agreement or the breach thereof, that the Parties cannot settle amicably or that is not solved by the decision of an independent expert, or in case of manifest error in its decision, shall be finally resolved by means of arbitration that shall be conducted in Spanish, with seat in Mexico City,
SOLUTION OF CONTROVERSIES. The parties agree that this Instrument is a product of good faith, so that any controversy and interpretation arising therefrom, regarding its operation, formalization and compliance, will be resolved by the Technical Evaluation and Monitoring Commission indicated in the Article VII of this Instrument.
SOLUTION OF CONTROVERSIES. This Agreement has been negotiated, written, and signed in accordance with the laws of Peru, and its contents, interpretation, execution, and all other consequences that derive from this Agreement will be regulated by the Laws of the Republic of Peru. Any difference, controversy, or claim resulting from this Agreement, or related to this Agreement, such as its interpretation, compliance, resolution, termination, efficacy or validity that may arise between PERUPETRO S.A. and the Company (BPZ) will be resolved in the first place by means of a Conciliation Committee, which will be made up of three members, one designated by each Party and the third member elected by the two members chosen by the Parties. In the event that the controversy cannot be resolved by the Conciliation Committee, PERUPETRO S.A. and the Company (BPZ) have agreed to submit the matter to National Juridical Arbitration, which will consist of three (3) Arbitrators, to be elected from among the arbitrators listed by the National Juridical Institute of Mining and Petroleum, from which PERUPETRO S.A. and the Company will each designate one arbitrator, and the third arbitrator will be designated by the other two already designated. For the resolution of differences, controversy, or claim submitted to arbitration, the Arbitrators will apply the laws of the Republic of Peru. The final decision [laudo] of the Arbitrators is final, obligatory, and of immediate execution. Both PERUPETRO S.A. and the Company have renounced any recourse to appeal or impugn the laudo issued by the Arbitrators. The recourse to Annulment against the Arbitrators' final decision or laudo will be possible only in accordance with existing provisions of the law. The Company (BPZ) will be exclusively responsible for the execution of the obligations under this Agreement, and also for complying with all existing current legislation, as well as with the future laws that may be issued for the protection of the environment. The Company (BPZ) is responsible for any damages inflicted on PERUPETRO S.A. or any third parties, as a consequence of the work to be done to comply with the obligations imposed by this Agreement, and the Company should cover all the costs and expenses that would be required to correct or repair any damage, without prejudice against any corresponding indemnification.
SOLUTION OF CONTROVERSIES. 16.1 Without prejudice to the provisions of the present CUSD on the process of DISTURBANCE ANALYSIS, the solution of the other controversies between the PARTIES shall observe the provisions of this Article.
16.2 A controversy starts with a NOTICE OF CONTROVERSY by one PARTY to the other.
16.3 Upon the occurrence of a controversy derived from the CUSD, the PARTIES shall try to solve them amicably within fifteen (15) days as of the receipt of the NOTICE OF CONTROVERSY.
16.4 Should controversies originated from the CUSD be unable to be solved as per the previous item, XXXXX shall be responsible for settling them, on the grounds of item V of article 1 of Law 9427 dated December 26, 1996.
SOLUTION OF CONTROVERSIES. Any controversy about the application or interpretation of the provisions of this Agreement shall be subject to a solution process agreed upon by the IAI and the Government, in accordance with international law.
SOLUTION OF CONTROVERSIES. Any difference resulting from the interpretation or application of the present instrument will be solved by the Parties by common agreement.