Civil Society. The Parties recognise the potential contribution of organised civil society in the dialogue and cooperation process under this Agreement and endeavour to encourage dialogue with organised civil society.
Civil Society. The Parties recognise the role and contribution of civil society, especially academics, social partners, as well as links between think tanks and social partners, in the dialogue and cooperation process under this Agreement and agree to encourage and promote effective dialogue with civil society, and promote their effective and constructive participation as well as multi-stakeholder partnerships.
Civil Society. The Parties shall encourage dialogue between governmental and non-governmental organisations, such as trade unions, employers, business associations and xxxxxxxx of commerce and industry, with a view to promoting trade and investment in areas of mutual interest.
Civil Society. The Parties will also promote regular meetings of representatives of the European Union's and the Chilean civil societies, including the academic community, social and economic partners and non-governmental organisations in order to keep them informed of the implementation of this Agreement and gather their suggestions for its improvement.
Civil Society. Programme objective: Civil society and active citizenship strengthened and vulnerable
Civil Society. Civil society will participate in overseeing the implementation of the Program through its representation through an Observer to the Supervisory Board and through the role of the Stakeholders’ Committee, as provided in Section 3(d) of this Program Annex. In addition, the Work Plans and/or Procurement Plans for each Project shall note the extent to which civil society will have a role in the implementation of a particular Project Activity.
Civil Society. 1. The Parties shall promote meetings of representatives of the European Union's and of Central America's civil societies, including the academic community, social and economic partners and non-governmental organisations.
2. The Parties shall call for regular meetings with these representatives in order to inform them about the implementation of this Agreement and to gather their suggestions in this respect.
Civil Society. 1. The Parties recognise the role and potential contribution of organised civil society, especially academics, in the dialogue and cooperation process under this agreement and agree to promote effective dialogue with organised civil society and its effective participation.
2. In accordance with democratic principles and the laws and regulations of each Party, organised civil society may:
(a) participate in the policy-making process at national level;
(b) be informed of and participate in consultations on development and cooperation strategies and sectoral policies, particularly in areas concerning them, including all stages of the development process;
(c) manage transparently any financial resources allocated to them in support of their activities;
(d) participate in the implementation of cooperation programmes, including capacity building, in the areas that concern them.
Civil Society. Programme objective: Civil society and active citizenship strengthened and Programme grant: €11,000,000 Programme co-financing: Not applicable Programme Operator: The Financial Mechanism Office in accordance with
Civil Society. 1. The Parties recognise the role and potential contribution of organised civil society, especially academics, in the dialogue and cooperation process under this Agreement, and agree to promote effective dialogue with civil society and its effective participation.
2. The Parties shall work together to xxxxxx the role of civil society, so as to enable it to:
(a) be consulted in the domestic policy‑making process, according to democratic principles and constitutional provisions;
(b) be informed of and participate in consultations on development and cooperation strategies and sectoral policies, particularly in areas concerning it, including all stages of the development process;
(c) receive financial resources, insofar as the internal rules of each Party so allow, consistent with the principles of transparency and accountability, and capacity‑building support in critical areas; and
(d) participate in the implementation of cooperation programmes in the areas that concern it.