SUBGRADE COMPACTION. Purchaser shall compact constructed and reconstructed subgrades in accordance with the Compaction List by routing equipment over the entire width, except ditch. Purchaser shall obtain written approval from the Contract Administrator for subgrade compaction before placement of rock.
SUBGRADE COMPACTION. Purchaser shall compact constructed subgrades in accordance with the COMPACTION LIST by routing equipment over the entire width except ditch. On fills deeper than 5 feet at the road shoulder Purchaser shall compact fill material in lifts no greater than 18 inches. Purchaser shall obtain written approval from the Contract Administrator for subgrade compaction before rock application.
SUBGRADE COMPACTION. Purchaser shall compact constructed or reconstructed subgrades deeper than 3 feet at the road shoulder by routing equipment over the entire width. Contractor shall obtain written approval from the Contract Administrator for subgrade compaction before Rock application.
SUBGRADE COMPACTION. Purchaser shall compact constructed and reconstructed subgrades in accordance with the COMPACTION LIST by routing equipment over the entire width, except ditch.
SUBGRADE COMPACTION. Purchaser shall compact constructed and reconstructed subgrades by routing equipment over the entire width. Purchaser shall install culverts as part of this contract. Culverts must be installed concurrently with subgrade work and must be installed before subgrade compaction and rock application. Culvert locations and the minimum requirements for culvert length and diameter are designated on MATERIALS LIST. Culvert, downspout, and flume lengths may be adjusted to fit as-built conditions and may not terminate directly on unprotected soil. Culverts must be new material and must meet the specifications in Clauses 10-15 through 10-24.
SUBGRADE COMPACTION. Purchaser shall compact constructed subgrades in accordance with the COMPACTION LIST by routing equipment over the entire width except ditch. Purchaser shall obtain written approval from the Contract Administrator for subgrade compaction before timber haul.
SUBGRADE COMPACTION. Purchaser shall compact constructed and reconstructed subgrades by routing equipment over the entire width.
SUBGRADE COMPACTION. Purchaser shall compact constructed and reconstructed subgrades deeper than 5 feet at the road shoulder in accordance with the COMPACTION LIST by routing equipment over the entire width except ditch.
SUBGRADE COMPACTION. Purchaser shall compact constructed and reconstructed subgrades by routing equipment over the entire width. Purchaser shall install culverts as part of this contract. Culverts must be installed concurrently with subgrade work and must be installed before subgrade compaction and rock application. Culvert locations and the minimum requirements for culvert length and diameter are designated on MATERIALS LIST. Culvert, downspout, and flume lengths may be adjusted to fit as-built conditions and may not terminate directly on unprotected soil. Culverts may be new or used material and must meet the specifications in Clauses 10-15 through 10-24. Purchaser shall obtain approval from the Contract Administrator for the quality of used culverts before installation. Purchaser may install used culverts on the following roads. All other roads must have new culverts installed. DE-34 204+17 to 227+05 DE-3439 0+00 to 9+25 DE-3440 0+00 to 5+97 DE-3441 0+00 to 5+88 DE-3442 0+00 to 3+61
SUBGRADE COMPACTION. Purchaser shall compact reconstructed subgrades by routing excavation equipment over the entire width.