Compaction Sample Clauses
Compaction. 11.1 Concrete shall be thoroughly compacted and fully worked around the reinforcement, around embedded fixtures and into corners of the formwork.
11.2 Concrete shall be compacted using mechanical vibrators complying with IS 2505, IS 2506, IS 2514 and IS:4656. Over vibration and under vibration of concrete are harm full and shall be avoided. Vibration of very wet mixes shall also be avoided. Whenever vibration has to be applied externally, the design of formwork and the disposition of vibrators shall receive special consideration to ensure efficient compaction and to avoid surface blemishes.
Compaction. Roads requiring compaction will be included in the ROAD LISTING. Unless Compaction Method B is designated in the ROAD LISTING, all traveled ways requiring compaction may be compacted by Method A. Compaction shall commence immediately following blading. Compaction methods are: Compaction Method A: Breaking track while operating equipment on the traveled way. Compaction Method B: 7-10 ton pneumatic, steel, or equivalent vibratory roller, operated to cover the full width two (2) times.
Compaction. When the methods listed below specify compaction, Traveled Way shall be compacted by an 8 to 10 ton pneumatic, steel-wheeled or equivalent vibrating roller making 2 passes over the full Traveled Way and Shoulder width, unless compaction is not required on the DUST ABATEMENT PLAN.
Compaction. Roads requiring compaction will be included in the C(T)5.31#. Unless Compaction Method B is designated in the C(T)5.31#, all traveled ways requiring compaction may be compacted by Method
A. Compaction shall commence immediately following blading.
Compaction. Compact sub-grade to a minimum 90% and a maximum 95%. Over-compaction can inhibit subgrade percolation. Compaction shall be in accordance with ASTM D1557.
Compaction. The Contractor may employ other compaction equipment and methods in addition to the vibratory roller to accomplish the final grading and to compact and finish the surface. Transverse joints shall be compacted by cross-rolling parallel to the joint. After the material has been compacted to load-bearing strength, the Contractor shall proof-roll the prepared base in the presence of the Inspector. The Public Works/Engineering Department may, as it deems necessary, direct the Contractor to correct areas of weakness and excess moisture in the base by scarifying, aerating, and reworking shore sessions to the full depth of the layer. If, after an area has been reworked and recompacted, it remains soft or does not attain the required density, the Public Works/Engineering Department may direct the Contractor to remove the material and replace it with Granular Base Material meeting the requirements of these specifications. This material shall be counted for payment under the pay item for Excavation and Granular Base Material. BASIS OF PAYMENT
a. Mobilization for Reclaiming: Mobilization shall be included within the unit price for Full Depth Reclamation set forth in the compensation schedule.
b. Reclaimed Asphalt Base, in place and accepted, shall be paid for at the contract unit price per square yard, as indicated in the Compensation Schedule. The area of work for the purpose of payment shall be the overall length of each reclaimed lane times the specified total base width for the lane. The total base width shall include the widening width, if any, in which the reclaimer is to be used to blend new base material with the pulverized layers. Payment under this item shall be full compensation for all work included in or incidental to the reclaiming operation, for the grading, shaping, and compacting of the Reclaimed Asphalt Base, for the mix design study, for furnishing, delivering, and applying water, for applying and mixing and furnishing asphalt emulsion or other stabilizing agent as specified, and for all other work incidental to the reclaiming operation. Also this item shall include all work and expenses involved in wasting or hauling and disposing of excess material off site, and including reshaping of the shoulders as the Public Works/Engineering Department may direct. Payment shall be full compensation for this work, including incidentals.
Compaction. 1 Roads requiring compaction will be included in the ROAD LISTING.
Compaction. The County recognizes that there is compaction between base pay of Unit F classifications and the base pay of line positions in the same class series. The County and the Union agree that compaction is an outstanding matter. The parties have met and compiled data and identified classifications that must be prioritized. The parties agree to meet no later than September 1, 2016 to update and collaborate on compaction for F Unit supervisors to address egregious classifications where compaction is less than five percent (5%). The parties agree that no recommendation shall include a rate less than the current compensation philosophy which shall be reviewed by the County. Upon evaluation of the data, it is the intent of the parties that all bargaining unit positions who supervise staff receiving competency, certification, modality, float, longevity, differential and bilingual pay shall receive at least an amount equal to that being paid to the staff supervised unless another amount is designated, if applicable.
Compaction. Structural fill shall be compacted by dozer track in lifts not to exceed eight (8) inches in depth, or by compactor in lifts not to exceed twelve (12) inches in depth. Compaction shall be equal to or greater than the natural state of the soil or a minimum of seventy (70) percent relative degree of compaction. Woody material shall not be deposited in fills.
Compaction. Slope stability