Subinvestigators and Research Staff. Institution and Principal Investigator will ensure that only individuals who are appropriately trained and qualified assist in the conduct of the Trial as subinvestigators or research staff (subinvestigators and research staff collectively referred to as “Research Staff”). Principal Investigator may delegate duties and responsibilities to Research Staff only to the extent permitted by Applicable Law (hereinafter defined) governing the Trial conduct, as described below.
Subinvestigators and Research Staff. Institution and Principal Investigator will ensure that only individuals who are appropriately trained and qualified assist in the conduct of the Trial as subinvestigators or research staff.
Subinvestigators and Research Staff. Provider and Principal Investigator will ensure that only individuals who are appropriately trained and qualified assist in the conduct of the Trial as subinvestigators or research staff (subinvestigators and research staff collectively referred to as “Research Staff”). Principal Investigator may delegate duties and responsibilities to Research Staff only to the extent permitted by Applicable Law (hereinafter defined) governing the Trial conduct, as described below. Sponsor may hold investigator meetings for scientific purposes relevant to the Trial, including, without limitation, training Research Staff and providing updates on material safety information. At the request of either CRO or Sponsor, the Principal Investigator and relevant Research Staff are encouraged to attend any such investigator meetings. Provider acknowledges that either CRO or Sponsor may reimburse expenses or provide travel and/or hospitality in direct connection with such meetings. For avoidance of doubt, any payments for services in connection with an investigator meeting, (e.g. presenting) shall be subject to a separate agreement.
Subinvestigators and Research Staff. Principal Investigator may delegate duties and responsibilities to subinvestigators or research staff (subinvestigators and research staff collectively referred to as “Research Staff”) who may be employees or contracted third parties only to the extent permitted by Applicable Law (hereinafter defined) governing the Study conduct, as described below. The Principal Investigator shall comply with ICH X0 X0, sections 4.2.5 and 4.2.6, and agrees to be responsible for supervising the Research Staff. Institution acknowledges that Principal Investigator will ensure that only individuals who are appropriately qualified and trained assist in the conduct of the Study, ensure the integrity of the Study-related duties and functions performed and any Study data generated by the Research Staff.
Subinvestigators and Research Staff. Institution and Principal Investigator will ensure that only individuals who are appropriately trained and qualified assist in the conduct of the Trial as subinvestigators or research staff (subinvestigators and research staff collectively referred to as “Research Staff”). Principal Investigator may delegate duties and 1.2. Pomocní skúšajúci a výskumní pracovníci. Inštitúcia a zodpovedný skúšajúci zaistia, že na skúšaní sa ako pomocní skúšajúci a výskumní pracovníci budú podieľať iba riadne vyškolení jednotlivci s potrebnou kvalifikáciou (pomocní skúšajúci a výskumní pracovníci sú súhrnne označovaní ako “výskumní pracovníci”). Zodpovedný skúšajúci môže delegovať responsibilities to Research Staff only to the extent permitted by Applicable Law (hereinafter defined) governing the Trial conduct, as described below. Principal Investigator is responsible for timely study specific training of research staff. povinnosti a zodpovednosť na výskumných pracovníkov iba v rozsahu prípustnom platnou legislatívou (definovanou nižšie), ktorou sa riadi skúšanie, tak ako je uvedené v tejto zmluve. Zodpovedný skúšajúci je zodpovedný za včasné zaškolenie výskumných pracovníkov špecificky zamerané na skúšanie.
Subinvestigators and Research Staff. Principal Investigator will ensure that only individuals who are appropriately trained and qualified assist in the conduct of the Study as subinvestigators or research staff.
Subinvestigators and Research Staff. Institution and Principal Investigator will ensure that all personnel who assist in the conduct of the Trial, including subinvestigators (collectively, “Research Staff”) are appropriately trained and qualified.
Subinvestigators and Research Staff. Principal Investigator may delegate duties and responsibilities to subinvestigators or research staff (subinvestigators and research staff collectively referred to as “Research Staff”) who may be employees or contracted third parties only to the extent permitted by Applicable Law governing the Trial conduct, as described below. Per ICH E6 R2, sections 4.2.5 and 4.2.6, as the Principal Investigator is responsible for supervising the Research Staff, he/she will ensure that only individuals who are appropriately qualified and Zodpovedný skúšajúci môže delegovať povinnosti a zodpovednosť na pomocných skúšajúcich alebo výskumný personál (spoluskúšajúci a výskumný personál sú súhrnne označovaní ako „výskumní pracovníci“), ktorí môžu byť zamestnancami alebo zmluvnými dodávateľmi tretích strán iba v rozsahu prípustnom platnou legislatívou (definovanou nižšie), ktorou sa riadi skúšanie, tak ako je uvedené v tejto zmluve. Podľa smernice ICH E6 R2, odseky 4.2.5 a 4.2.6, zodpovedný skúšajúci, ktorý je zodpovedný za
Subinvestigators and Research Staff. Institution and Principal Investigator will ensure that only individuals who are appropriately trained and qualified assist in the conduct of the Trial as subinvestigators or research staff (subinvestigators and research staff collectively referred to as “Research Staff”). Principal Investigator may delegate duties and responsibilities to Research Staff only to the extent permitted by Applicable Law (hereinafter defined) governing the Trial conduct, as described below. Sponsor and CRO hereby undertake not to conclude any other contract in connection with this Trial with any employee of the Institution, without having Institution´s prior written consent.
Subinvestigators and Research Staff. Principal Investigator may delegate duties and responsibilities to subinvestigators or research staff (subinvestigators and research staff collectively referred to as “Research Staff”) who are be employees, as the Principal Investigator is responsible for supervising the Research Staff, he/she will ensure that only individuals who are appropriately qualified and trained cooperate in the conduct of the Study and the Principal Investigator will ensure the integrity of the Study-related duties and functions performed and any Study Data (hereinafter defined) generated by the Research Staff.