Subject of the Amendment Sample Clauses
Subject of the Amendment. 1. With a view to the facts stated in the Preamble to this Amendment 2, the contractual parties have agreed that Article VI (1), sentence one of the Purchase Agreement concerned, shall be amended such that the Seller shall deliver the subject of the performance of the public contract to the Buyer by 30 September 2020.
Subject of the Amendment. 1. On April 18th 2023, the Parties have concluded the Partnership Agreement No. 001553/2023/00 (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement"), for the type of partnership Silver Partner.
2. The subject of this Amendment no. 2 (hereinafter referred to as the "Amendment") are the following changes to the Contract.
3. The Parties have agreed to extend the Agreement for another year.
a. The provisions of Article V. para. 1 of the Agreement are now worded as follows: This Agreement is concluded for a fixed term, specifically for the period from the date of execution hereof to December 31st 2025.
b. The provisions of Article IV. para 3 of the Agreement are now worded as follows: "invoice") for this amount no later than March 31st 2025. The invoice shall be payable within 30 days of the date of its delivery to the Partner.
Subject of the Amendment. Dne 5.10.2022 uzavřely smluvní strany Rámcovou dohodu, jejímž předmětem je závazek Poskytovatele zajistit pro Objednatele služby spojené se zajištěním chodu zahraničního zastoupení druhého stupně na Blízkém východě a v Izraeli a závazek Objednatele uhradit Poskytovateli za tyto služby smluvní odměnu, na straně druhé (dále jen „Dohoda“).
Subject of the Amendment. The Parties agreed to extend the term of the Agreement for further twelve (12)
Subject of the Amendment. 1.1 The text of the provision 7.1 of the Lease Contract shall be nullified and superseded by the following text:
Subject of the Amendment. 2.1. The Supplier and the CzDA have agreed on the following changes to the Contract.
2.2. Provisions regarding the period of performance as mentioned in the Article 1. paragraph 3. of the Contract change as follows: Period of performance: March 2021 – December 2021
2.3. Provisions of Article 3. point c) of the Contract change as follows:
c) provide the reports about execution of this Contract in English based on the following scheme:
i. until 30th June 2021 for the consultancies and other activities done in first half of 2021
ii. until 28th December 2021 for the consultancies and other activities done in the second half of 2021. The reports shall include narrative description of all activities performed, copies of education materials, attendance lists, subcontracts, photos and other relevant documentation (if not provided earlier).
2.4. Other provisions of the Contract remain unchanged.
Subject of the Amendment. The subject of this Amendment is an extension of the Performance Period pursuant to paragraph 4.1 of the Contract and paragraph 2 of the Amendment No. 1.
Subject of the Amendment. The subject of the Amendment is the extension of the performance period and adjustment of performance specification.
Subject of the Amendment. The Schedule II of the Contract ‘Payment and Schedule’ is amended as follows: Within this clinical trial, the ReveraGen further undertakes to pay an advance of to the Institution to cover the reasonable costs of clinical trial subjects associated with time spent at the site, meals and all possible costs incurred in connection with the travel to and from the site (hereinafter referred to as “travel expenses”). The lump sum for the payment of travel expenses (hereinafter referred to as the “lump sum”) will be paid by the Reveragen on 1. PŘEDMĚT DODATKU Příloha II Smlouvy Náklady a Platby se rozšiřuje o následující: V rámci tohoto klinického hodnocení se Re- veraGen dále zavazuje vyplatit Zdravotnickému zařízení částku ve výši jako zálohu na úhradu nákladů subjektů kli- nické studie spojených s xxxxx xxxxxxxxx na místě, jídlem a všemi možnými, rozumně vynalo- ženými náklady vzniklými v souvislosti s cestová- ním do centra a zpět (dále jen „cestovní nákla- dy“). Paušální částka na úhradu cestovních ná- kladů (dále jen „paušál“) bude vyplacena společ-
Subject of the Amendment. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Contract;
a. The amount of the Bank Letter of Credit which is USD 675,000 (six hundred and seventy-five thousand United States Dollars) and specified in Article 609 of the Contract shall be amended as “USD 550,000 (five hundred and fifty thousand United States Dollars).
b. The amount of the Demobilization Fee which is USD 675,000 (six hundred and seventy-five thousand United States Dollars) and specified in Article 803 of the Contract shall be amended as 550,000 (Five Hundred and Fifty Thousand United States dollars).