December 2021 Sample Clauses
December 2021. The CUSTOMER will pay CAIXABANK a fee for the provision of the discretionary management service in accordance with the follow ing table: REVALUATION FEE2 The collection of the fixed management fee the accrual period 01/09 to 15/12 will be made in the last 15 days of the month of December, and the collection of the fixed fee for the accrual period 15/12 to 31/12 and the revaluation fee, should this be applicable, is 25/01/2022 The amount of the fees and commissions will be increased by VAT or corresponding tax, pursuant to the prevailing legislation at any time. In the case of the termination of the management contract and if the period to be settled is a period of time shorter than that indicated, the applicable fee will be proportional to the number of days. The Discretionary Management service does not include brokerage, custody or administration services, or any other different to those that can be provided to the CUSTOMER, therefore, these services will be charged separately. The Mutual Funds in which the portfolio invests also have management and deposit fees. The CUSTOMER will find information on these in the fund prospectus available on the CAIXABANK website (xxx.XxxxxXxxx.xx). CAIXABANK will collect the fees owed, through the reimbursement of units in any of the CISs, in which the portfolio is invested and in the sufficient amount to cover the amount owed. The CUSTOMER expressly and irrevocably authorises CAIXABANK to reimburse units under the terms indicated in this paragraph. At the request of the CUSTOMER, this may choose to pay these fees were charged against the current account that the CUSTOMER has with 2 Solely applicable in the case that the cash value of the management portfolio should at some point exceed €10,000 euros durin g the accrual period of the fee CAIXABANK and which is associated to the service. If, in the latter case, there are insufficient funds in the associated accounts to pay the fees and other costs deriving from this contract or the payment of this was rejected by any of the holders of the associated account, the CUSTOMER expressly and irrevocably authorises CAIXABANK to reimburse units in the terms indicated in the preceding paragraph. - PORTFOLIO VALUATION RULES As the managed portfolio comprises shares or units in CISs, whenever a settlement value is calculated for the day of referenc e, they will be valued at this settlement value. If on the day of reference no settlement value is calculated, either due to being a non...
December 2021. The eventual results will be interpreted in conjunction with other strands of work which have been looking at gaps in knowledge and the utility of AEWA guidelines. Capacity is an “umbrella” term that encompasses human, scientific, technological, organisational and institutional capabilities. All of these are relevant to the successful implementation of AEWA. The Strategic Plan refers to strengthening “institutional, technical and resource capacity”, and while “resources” can be a similarly all-embracing term, the specific question of financial resources is outside the scope of the present exercise, and it is being addressed in a separate strand of work. This survey is designed to synthesise expert opinions about gaps and action priorities. It is not a study of what is already working well. Capacity is already supported by an array of guidance manuals and communication and outreach materials produced in the framework of AEWA itself and (for all CMS Agreements) by the Convention on Migratory Species. AEWA also supports its Parties through ongoing advice from the Technical Committee, case-specific advice through the Implementation Review Procedure, and an online video as part of the Introductory Course on the Implementation of Multilateral Environmental Agreements hosted by the Center for Governance and Sustainability at the University of Massachusetts (Boston) and the UN Environment Programme. Most significantly perhaps, AEWA’s flagship African Initiative recognises that inadequate capacity in developing countries and countries with economies in transition puts them at a continued disadvantage and prevents them from reaping the environmental, social and economic benefits offered by full compliance with Agreements such as AEWA. The African Initiative has provided a range of training opportunities on issues tailored to the needs of the Agreement (including “training of trainers”); and preparatory meetings convened in advance of AEWA MOPs have also helped to strengthen the participation of African Parties in the process. The questionnaire below invites your views on any of these existing provisions that may be a priority for future improvement or gap-filling; BUT you are also encouraged to suggest anything that is currently missing from (international) efforts to strengthen capacity, and which could be important to address in future. Please answer the following questions as far as you are able. About you 1 a. Name:
December 2021. The Project shall be implemented for the period of 24 months from 1 December, 2021 to
December 2021. Licensee shall notify MedImmune no later than 10 days prior to the earliest to occur corresponding date in (i) or (ii) above and MedImmune shall issue an invoice to Licensee as soon as possible after such notification which invoice shall become due and payable by Licensee upon the earliest to occur event in (i) or (ii) hereof.”
December 2021. Xx. Xxxxx Xxx Xxxxx President World Taekwondo (WT) Xx. Xxxxxx Ide President Africa Taekwondo Union (AFTU)