Subject of the Partnership Agreement Sample Clauses
Subject of the Partnership Agreement. 1. The subject of this Partnership Agreement is the organisation of the partnership by regulating the rights and obligations of the Parties in order to successfully implement the transnational project [DTP1-1-291-1.1 EcoInn Danube].
2. The approved Application Form and the Subsidy Contract will became integral part of this Agreement after the approval of the project by the Monitoring Committee. The Parties have to fully respect the content and obligations set by the abovementioned documents and take full responsibility of keeping all regulations relevant to the implementation of the project.
Subject of the Partnership Agreement. Subject of this Partnership Agreement is the organisation of a cross-border partnership in order to implement the Project under the Programme, according to the established legal framework. Following the present Partnership Agreement, the Parties shall define the rules of procedure for the work to be carried out and the relations that shall govern them within the cross-border partnership set up in order to complete the aforementioned Project. In the case of contradiction, the provisions of the Grant Contract prevail against the Partnership Agreement.
Subject of the Partnership Agreement. 1.1 This Agreement defines the terms that govern the relations between the parties, by establishing their rights and obligations, and lays down the rules of procedure for the work to be carried out in order to successfully implement the Erasmus+ project Integrated plant protection as an answer for climate change (INPACT) (hereinafter referred to as the “project”).
1.2 The Objective of the present Agreement On the basis of the present Agreement the Coordinator and the beneficiary shall contribute to the achievement of the requirements of the Grant Agreement together with the other parties (Beneficiaries and Subcontractors) performing the Grant Agreement in accordance with the terms and conditions as stated in the present Agreement.
1.3 The obligations of the coordinator and the beneficiary The coordinator and the beneficiary shall perform and complete their share of the work under the present Agreement in accordance with the requirements set out in the Annexes to this Agreement. The Parties to the present Agreement shall carry out the work in accordance with the timetable and budget set out in Annex II and Annex III. using their best endeavours to achieve the results (project results) specified therein and shall carry out all of their responsibilities under the present Agreement in accordance with recognised professional standards.
Subject of the Partnership Agreement. The subject of this Partnership Agreement is to define the organisation of the Partnership by regulating the rights and obligations of the Coordinator and the Partner in order to successfully implement the Entrepreneurial Capacity- building for Sport (ENDURANCE) 2020-1-SK01-KA202-078223 Project. Having regard to the provisions of REGULATION (EU) No 1288/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2013 establishing Erasmus+: the EU programme for education, training, youth and sport, the Coordinator and the Partner Organisation commit themselves to carrying out the work programme covered by this contract. This work programme comes under the Agreement n° 2020-1-SK01-KA202-078223 concluded between the Coordinator and the Slovak National Agency - Slovenská akademická asociácia pre medzinárodnú spoluprácu. The maximum Community grant towards expenditure incurred by the members of the Partnership participating in the Project shall be EUR 296 278,-. The final financial contribution shall depend on the evaluation of the quality of the results of the Project n° 2020-1- SK01-KA202-078223 pursuant to the rules laid down by the European Commission and Slovak National Agency (Slovenská akademická asociácia pre medzinárodnú spoluprácu). The subject matter of this contract and the related work programme are detailed in its annexes A, B and C, and the Agreement number 2020-1-SK01-KA202-078223 and its annexes, which form an integral part of this contract and which each party declares to have read and approved. The Coordinator and the Partner shall be bound to this contract and the Grant Agreement for this Project. This includes any further amendments to the Grant Agreement which are approved by the Slovak National Agency (Slovenská akademická asociácia pre medzinárodnú spoluprácu).
Subject of the Partnership Agreement. 1.1 This Agreement defines the terms that govern the relations between the parties, by establishing their rights and obligations, and lays down the rules of procedure for the work to be carried out in order to successfully implement the Erasmus+ K A action [Project number 562463EPP120151UK EPPKA2K A Widening Access to Virtual Educational Scenarios] (hereinafter referred to as the "project").
1.2 The coordinator and the beneficiaries, undertake to do everything in their power to carry out the work programme forming the subject of this Agreement, which falls within the framework of the Grant Agreement [20153513/001001], concluded between the coordinator and the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (hereinafter referred to as the "Executive Agency"), related to the abovementioned project.
1.3 The subject matter of this Agreement and the related work programme are detailed in the annexes of the Grant Agreement. The respective Grant Agreement terms and conditions, related annexes and guidelines, shall form an integral part of the present Agreement, and take precedence over it (see Article 20 of the present Agreement for the list of annexes).
1.4 The coordinator and the beneficiaries shall be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Grant Agreement and any further amendments of the latter.
Subject of the Partnership Agreement. 1.1 This Agreement defines the terms that govern the relations between the parties, by establishing their rights and obligations, and lays down the rules of procedure for the work to be carried out in order to successfully implement the Erasmus+ CBHE action “ICT Networking for Overcoming Technical and Social Barriers in Instrumental Analytical Chemistry Education (NETCHEM)” (hereinafter referred to as the “project”).
1.2 The coordinator and the beneficiaries, undertake to do everything in their power to carry out the work programme forming the subject of this Agreement, which falls within the framework of the Grant Agreement 2016-2586/001-001, concluded between the coordinator and the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (hereinafter referred to as the "Executive Agency"), related to the above-mentioned project.
1.3 The subject matter of this Agreement and the related work programme are detailed in the annexes of the Grant Agreement. The respective Grant Agreement terms and conditions, related annexes and guidelines, shall form an integral part of the present Agreement, and take precedence over it (see Article 21 of the present Agreement for the list of annexes).
1.4 The coordinator and the beneficiaries shall be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Grant Agreement and any further amendments of the latter.
Subject of the Partnership Agreement. 1.1 This Agreement defines the terms that govern the relations between the parties, by establishing their rights and obligations, and lays down the rules of procedure for the work to be carried out in order to successfully implement the Erasmus+ CBHE action [FINanacial management, Accounting and Controlling curricula development for capacity building of public administration] (hereinafter referred to as the “project” ).
1.2 The beneficiaries undertake to do everything in their power to carry out the work programme forming the subject of this Agreement, which falls within the framework of the Grant Agreement [2016-2563/001-001], concluded between the coordinator and the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (hereinafter referred to as the "Executive Agency"), related to the above-mentioned project.
1.3 The subject matter of this Agreement and the related work programme are detailed in the annexes of the Grant Agreement. The respective Grant Agreement terms and conditions, related annexes and guidelines, shall form an integral part of the present Agreement, and take precedence over it (see Article 22 of the present Agreement for the list of annexes).
1.4 The beneficiaries shall be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Grant Agreement and any further amendments of the latter.
Subject of the Partnership Agreement. 1.1 This Agreement defines the terms that govern the relations between the parties, by establishing their rights and obligations, and lays down the rules of procedure for the work to be carried out in order to successfully implement the Erasmus+ EMDM action “Design of International Master program in Sustainable Transport Engineering” (hereinafter referred to as the “project” ).
1.2 The coordinator and the beneficiaries, undertake to do everything in their power to carry out the work programme forming the subject of this Agreement, which falls within the framework of the Grant Agreement 101082378, concluded between the coordinator and the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (hereinafter referred to as the "Executive Agency"), related to the above-mentioned project.
1.3 The subject matter of this Agreement and the related work programme are detailed in the annexes of the Grant Agreement. The respective Grant Agreement terms and conditions, related annexes and guidelines, shall form an integral part of the present Agreement, and take precedence over it (see Article 20 of the present Agreement for the list of annexes).
1.4 The coordinator and the beneficiaries shall be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Grant Agreement and any further amendments of the latter.
1.5 Further implementation and student’s enrolment for DIMSTE project requires another multi-beneficiary grant agreement signed with the European Commission within the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission fund for Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree programmes;
Subject of the Partnership Agreement. By the present agreement the lead partner and the project partners shall define the rules of procedure for the work to be carried out and the relations that shall govern them within the cross-border partnership set up in order to complete the project..
Subject of the Partnership Agreement. 1.1 This Agreement defines the terms that govern the relations between the parties, by establishing their rights and obligations, and lays down the rules of procedure for the work to be carried out in order to successfully implement the Erasmus+ CBHE action Trans-