SUBMISSION OF BID Bids may be submitted via the electronic submission portal at: xxxxx://, or in the Procurement Division; Internal Operations Centre II, 000 X. Xxxxx Xxxxxx; 0xx Xxxxx, Xxxxxxx, XX 00000, prior to the submission deadline. Bids will be opened per the public meeting notice. If bid will be mailed or hand delivered, ensure it is secured in a sealed envelope, addressed as follows: A. Invitation for Bids Number B. Due Date of Bid Submittal C. Name of Bidder
Submission of Bids The Tender shall be submitted in two part: one comprising a Technical Tender and one containing the Commercial Tender. The Technical Tender shall contain all the required documents requested in the Tender Documents excluding any financial references. The Commercial Tender shall contain all financial documents and information. Bidders who fail to adhere to this requirement will result in the disqualification of their Tender. The Bid Form together with all information and documentation shall be completed and submitted by email only. The bidder must affix its initialed company stamp to every page of its original Tender submission which should include all parts of the Tender Documents. The original shall be clearly marked “ORIGINAL” Bidders not complying with the requirements of the Bid Form and the submission and delivery of the bids may be deemed non-responsive to the Invitation to Tender and their bids may be excluded from further consideration. The Bidders should submit the bids which should be signed by Authorized person of the company and company may verify if it is required from CEO or Owner of bidder or any other Agencies e.g. Chamber of Commerce. . No deletions or erasures may be made in the list of prices and the schedule of categories. Any correction in the prices etc. shall be re-written in numbers and words and signed by the authorized person. The bidder may not delete or modify any clauses or technical specifications irrespective of the nature of such modification. Any special conditions or modifications shall be sent in or attached with a separate letter kept in the tender envelope. A reference shall be made to this letter in the bid itself. No other alternative shall be acceptable. The price schedule shall specify whether the item is manufactured in the Sultanate of Oman or abroad. Inaccuracy of the information submitted, partly or fully, shall lead to the rejection of the item without prejudice to the Abraj Tender Committee’s right to deprive the bidder of the facility to deal with other tenders of the Company within a period specified by the relevant Abraj Tender Committee (ATC), depending on the situation of each case. The prices quoted by the bidder in the schedule of categories shall include and cover all the expenses and liabilities, irrespective of their nature, to be incurred or met in respect of each clause and shall also include those involved in the completion, delivery and maintenance if required, of all the works during the period of guarantee and maintenance. The final calculation shall be done on the basis of these prices irrespective of fluctuations in the market, the customs duty and other duties and taxes. The bidder shall, in case of the submission of one or more alternative offer, ensure that these offers are clear and detailed and referred to in the list of contents. If the bidder fails to specify the price of an item required to be supplied in the price list, this shall be considered as abstention from participation in the tender in respect of such item. The prices specified in words shall be accepted. As an exception, the relevant may accept the offer specified in numbers only in the Company’s interest. A bid based on a reduction in the lowest bid by a specified percentage shall also not be acceptable. To submit the Commercial bid, the following shall be taken into account: a. If the goods are required to be delivered on board the ship, the price given in the bid shall include the price of the items, adding thereto the expenses for mobilization, transportation and loading in accordance with the FOB system. b. If the goods are required to be delivered at the port of arrival, the price given in the bid shall include the price of the items, adding thereto the expenses for mobilization, transportation, loading and shipping in accordance with the C & F system. c. If the goods are required to be delivered at the port of arrival, the price given in the bid shall include the price of the items, adding thereto the expenses for mobilization, transportation, loading, shipping, insurance and unloading in accordance with the CIF system. d. If the goods are required to be delivered at the stores of the purchaser or the work sites, the price given in the bid shall include the price of the items, adding thereto the expenses for mobilization, transportation and loading, the shipment charges, the insurance cost and expenses on unloading, customs duties, internal transportation and other additional charges. e. In all cases, the contractor shall bear all the expenses for getting the letter of credit from the Company pertaining to their banker while the Company shall bear the letter of credit opening charges pertaining to its banker in Oman. f. The data or information for Commercial Bid submission will be as per attached Annexure-10. Bidders accept full responsibility for ensuring their bids are delivered or submitted to the correct email address by the specified deadline. Bids submitted to any other address or later than the deadline may not be considered. Bidders forwarding their bids by courier should advise by email to , when the bid has been sent by courier, naming the courier and tracing number. Bids received after the final bid submission deadline will be returned unopened to the bidder. Company expressly reserves the right to extend the bid submission deadline. You have to forward your offer in soft copy addressed to the Senior Tender Committee to the mail ID: on or before official Bid closing date.
SUBMISSION OF TENDERS i. The tenders received after the specified time of their submission shall be treated as `Late Tenders’ and shall not be considered under any circumstances. xx. Xxxxxxx shall be opened by authorized officer at his office at the time and date as specified in the NIT, in the presence of such of those tenderers or their authorized representatives who may be present. iii. Tenders whose bids are found techno-commercially qualified shall be informed by E-mail the date and time of opening of the Bids. XXXX’s decision in this regard shall be final and binding. iv. Before submission of Bid, the tenderers are advised to inspect the site of work and the environments and be well acquainted with the actual working and other prevalent conditions, facilities available, position of material and labour, means of transport and access to Site, accommodation, etc. No claim will be entertained later on the grounds of lack of knowledge of any of these conditions.
Submission of Tender The tender shall be submitted online in two part, viz., technical bid and financial bid. All the pages of bid being submitted must be signed and sequentially numbered by the bidder irrespective of nature of content of the documents before uploading.
SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS Proposals will be submitted to the attention of Xx. Xxxxxxx Xxxx at no later than 5:00 p.m. Eastern Wednesday, June 29, 2022.
NON-COLLUSIVE BIDDING CERTIFICATION In accordance with Section 139-d of the State Finance Law, if this contract was awarded based upon the submission of bids, Contractor affirms, under penalty of perjury, that its bid was arrived at independently and without collusion aimed at restricting competition. Contractor further affirms that, at the time Contractor submitted its bid, an authorized and responsible person executed and delivered to the State a non-collusive bidding certification on Contractor's behalf.
Conclusion of the contract 1. An Agreement is deemed to be concluded with the Contractor only after the Principal accepts an offer by the Contractor without reservations or if the Principal receives a written order confirmation from the Contractor or if the Contractor commences the provision of the service. If the Contractor issues a written order confirmation, such order confirmation is decisive in terms of content and scope of the Agreement unless expressly negotiated otherwise. 2. Any and all arrangements between the Principal and Contractor regarding the performance of the Agreement are fully set forth in writing in this Agreement including these General Terms and Conditions. There are no verbal supplements.
Submission of Grievances A. Any employee or group of employees shall have the right to present a grievance. No employee or group of employees shall be hindered from or disciplined for exercising this right. B. If any two (2) or more employees have essentially the same grievance they may, and if requested by the County must, collectively present and pursue their grievance if they report to the same immediate supervisor. C. If the grievant is a group of more than three (3) employees, the group shall, at the request of the County, appoint one (1) or two (2) employees to speak for the collective group. To be considered a grievant in a group grievance, each employee must be individually identified as a grievant when the grievance is submitted at Step 2.
Submission of Agreement Submission of this Lease to Tenant for signature does not constitute a reservation of space or an option to acquire a right of entry. This Lease is not binding or effective until execution by and delivery to both Landlord and Tenant.
NON-COLLUSIVE BIDDING CERTIFICATE By submission of this bid or proposal, the Bidder certifies that: 1) This bid or proposal has been independently arrived at without collusion with any other Bidder or with any Competitor; 2) This bid or proposal has not been knowingly disclosed and will not be knowingly disclosed, prior to the opening of bids, or proposals for this project, to any other Bidder, Competitor or potential competitor: 3) No attempt has been or will be made to induce any other person, partnership or corporation to submit or not to submit a bid or proposal; 4) The person signing this bid or proposal certifies that he has fully informed himself regarding the accuracy of the statements contained in this certification, and under the penalties being applicable to the Bidder as well as to the person signing in its behalf. Not a negotiable term. Failure to agree will render your proposal non-responsive and it will not be considered. You may find the Blank CIQ form on our website at: Copy and Paste the following link into a new browser or tab: xxxxx:// There is an optional upload for this form provided if you have a conflict and must file the form. If you have a conflict of interest as described in this form or the Local Government Code Chapter 176, cited therein- you are required to complete and file with TIPS. Do you have any CONFLICT OF INTEREST TO REPORT OR DISCLOSE under this statutory requirement? YES or NO No If yes (above), have you filed a form CIQ by uploading the form to this RFP as directed above?