Submission of Grievances. A. Any employee or group of employees shall have the right to present a grievance. No employee or group of employees shall be hindered from or disciplined for exercising this right.
B. If any two (2) or more employees have essentially the same grievance they may, and if requested by the County must, collectively present and pursue their grievance if they report to the same immediate supervisor.
C. If the grievant is a group of more than three (3) employees, the group shall, at the request of the County, appoint one (1) or two (2) employees to speak for the collective group. To be considered a grievant in a group grievance, each employee must be individually identified as a grievant when the grievance is submitted at Step 2.
Submission of Grievances. All grievances and requests for arbitration must be submitted to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Xxxxxxx Office, by fax, hard copy, or electronic mail. College responses will be submitted to the UFE’s business office using any of the means listed above.
Submission of Grievances. A. Each grievance will be submitted separately except in cases where-in both the District and the Association mutually agree to have more than one (1) grievance handled at one time.
B. If a grievance affects a group of employees or the Association, the Association may initiate and submit an Association grievance in writing to the District superintendent directly, signed by the president of the Association, and the processing of such grievance shall be commenced at Step Three.
C. Step One of the procedure shall begin with the responsible administrator.
Submission of Grievances. 1. Before submission of a written grievance, the aggrieved party must attempt to resolve it informally with the grievant immediate supervisor.
2. Each grievance shall be submitted in writing and shall identify the aggrieved party, the provisions of this agreement involved in the grievance, the time when and the place where the alleged events or conditions constituting the grievance existed and, if known, the identity of the person responsible for causing such events or conditions and a general statement of the grievance and redress sought by the aggrieved party.
3. A grievance shall be deemed waived unless it is submitted within twenty (20) days after the aggrieved party, or the Association, knew or should have known of the events or conditions on which it is based.
4. A teacher or group of teachers may submit grievances which affect them personally and shall submit such grievances to the building principal.
5. The Association may submit any grievance that involves a group or class of teachers. If it is not limited in effect to one school, the grievance shall be submitted directly to the chief school administrator.
Submission of Grievances. 1. Before submission of a written grievance, the aggrieved party shall attempt to have the grievance resolved informally by approaching the building principal concerned and discussing the matter. Such informal meeting between the aggrieved party and the building principal shall take place within ten (10) days of the time that the aggrieved party knew, or reasonably should have known, of the grievance.
2. Each grievance shall be submitted in writing on a Grievance Form approved by the Board and the Association (See Appendix "D") and shall identify the aggrieved party, the provision of the agreement alleged to have been violated, the date and place where the alleged events or conditions constituting the grievance arose, a general statement of the grievance, and redress sought.
3. A grievance shall be deemed waived unless it is submitted in writing on the Grievance Form within ten (10) days after the aggrieved party has met with the building principal in an attempt to resolve the grievance informally. Such submission shall be to the building principal in Step One.
4. The Association may submit any grievance. If such grievance is limited to one school, the grievance shall be submitted to the building principal involved. Otherwise, such grievance shall be submitted to the Superintendent in Step Two.
5. No briefs need be submitted unless requested by the hearing person or body, or aggrieved party, and no transcript or recordings of any hearing need be made.
6. An aggrieved party may have a representative of the Association present at all steps in the grievance process, if desired, provided that the steps are taken during non-teaching hours.
Submission of Grievances. A. Each grievance shall be submitted, in writing, on a form approved by the Board and Association (Appendix G) and shall identify the aggrieved party, the provision of this agreement alleged to have been violated, misapplied and/or misinterpreted, the date of the alleged events or conditions constituting the grievance, and, if known, the identity of the person(s) responsible for causing such events or conditions, and a specific statement of the events giving rise to the grievance and redress sought by the aggrieved party.
B. A teacher or group of teachers may submit grievances which affect them personally and shall submit such grievances to the appropriate administrator.
C. All time limits referred to in the grievance procedure shall be construed as maximum unless otherwise agreed to by the parties. In the event the grievant fails to act within the maximum time limits stipulated, the grievance shall be deemed dropped. If the Administration fails to act in a timely fashion as stipulated by the time limits, the grievance shall advance to the next step of the grievance procedure.
D. The grievant has the right to Association representation at all meetings and hearings involving the grievance.
E. The Association has the exclusive right to file grievances and to be present at Steps Two through Five.
F. Grievance forms shall be exhibited in the appendix of this Contract and it shall be the exclusive right of the Association to issue forms to grievants.
G. The Association shall have the exclusive right to determine whether to proceed to the arbitration step of the procedure.
H. The Association shall receive copies of all responses to the grievances.
I. The Association shall be informed by the Administration of any adjustment of any grievance at any step of this procedure.
Submission of Grievances. A. Before submission of a written grievance, the aggrieved party must attempt to resolve it informally with the building principal and in so doing shall give notice that a "grievance" is being raised.
B. Each grievance shall be submitted in writing on a form approved by the District and the NNA (see attached), and shall identify the aggrieved party, the provision of this agreement or other directive involved in the grievance, the time when and the place where the alleged events or conditions constituting the grievance existed and, if known, conditions and a general statement of the grievance and the redress sought by the aggrieved party.
C. A grievance shall be deemed waived unless it is submitted in writing within thirty (30) days after the aggrieved party knew or should have known of the events or conditions on which it is based.
D. The aggrieved party may be represented at any formal level of the procedure by a representative chosen by the aggrieved party.
Submission of Grievances. A. Any employee or group of employees shall have the right to present a grievance. The Association shall have the right to file grievances on behalf of the general membership; however, when the Association files a grievance on behalf of the general membership, it shall provide the Authority with the names of individuals who have been adversely affected. The Association has the right to grieve issues that solely affect the rights of the Association.
B. If any two (2) or more employees have essentially the same grievance, they may, and if requested by the Authority must, collectively present and pursue their grievance if they report to the same immediate supervisor.
C. If the grievant is a group of more than three (3) employees, the group shall, at the request of the Authority, appoint one (1) or two (2) employees to speak for the collective group.
Submission of Grievances. Any employee or group of employees shall have the right to present a grievance. No employee or group of employees shall be hindered from or disciplined for exercising this right. If any two (2) or more employees have essentially the same grievance, they may, and if requested by the County must, collectively present and pursue their grievance if they report to the same immediate supervisor. If the grievant is a group of more than three (3) employees, the group shall, at the request of the County, appoint one (1) or two (2) employees to speak for the collective group.
Submission of Grievances. Before submission of a written grievance, the aggrieved party must attempt to resolve it informally.