Subsystem Sample Clauses
Subsystem. The transfer of enrollment information may be accomplished by any of the following:
Subsystem. Any portion of any particular functional area of the EIMS Software.
Subsystem. A portion of a system with characteristics similar to a system.
Subsystem. A subsystem is a group of network elements that provide specific functionality required to deliver the @Home service; provided, however, that the content provided by E@H as part of the @Home service will not be a considered a subsystem. For example, DHCP is a subsystem that is provided by a given set of hardware and software elements.
Subsystem. Fill out the field with the subsystem that fits the product you are using at Mastercard Payment Services Denmark. When delivering data, subsystem is used together with Data supplier no. to identify files. In most cases, one standard subsystem is sufficient. If you use multiple subsystems, submit one form per subsystem. Line 7 Contact person and email address The person that Mastercard Payment Services Denmark can contact regarding the data communication. Line 8 Account number The account is used to settle any arising fees. It may be for error correction in a data delivery or other billable extra services. Line 9 Form of data communication A data delivery is transmitted over the internet. There are two solutions for data communication: HTTP/S – the “browser solution” Data is exchanged by manually transferring your data delivery. This solution is suitable, if you want a simple solution without much need for automation. SFTP - automated setup Automated data exchange where you exchange data with Mastercard Payment Services Denmark through your own or purchased software. This solution requires setup/software development. See more at Xxxx.xx, where you will find specifications and guides under the topic “Data communication”. Files in ZIP-format: The ZIP-file compress the file to reduce the size. The ZIP-format is recommended when exchanging large fileswith Mastercard Payment Services Denmark. Remember to check in the specific guideline whether it is possible to send compressed files in a given situation.
Subsystem. Engineering 6
Subsystem. Specifications (non-COTS) (type B)-include the technical requirements for those items below the System level where research, design, and development are required. One Subsystem Specification shall be prepared for each subsystem design. Each Subsystem Specification shall cover equipment items, assemblies, computer programs, facilities, and so on. Each specification shall include the performance, effectiveness, and support characteristics that are required in the evolving of design from the system level and down.
Subsystem. The transfer of enrollment information may be accomplished by any of the following: Medicaid Advantage Contract APPENDIX H State January 1, 2008 H-3
Subsystem. 124 out of 177 of the bugs (70%) designate a particular sub-system: 55 31% unspecified 15 8% Specific application component 6 3% Simulation plug-in