Support to You. If you would like support for the Services other than the support we generally provide to other users of the Services without charge, you may enroll or request customer support in accordance with the terms of the IIO Support Guidelines.
Support to You. If you would like support for the Software other than the support we generally provide to other users of the Software without charge, you may contact us to discuss a separate support agreement.
Support to You. If you would like support for the Services other than the support we generally provide to other users of the Services without charge, you may contact-us for premium support packages.
Support to You. If you would like support for the Services other than the support we generally provide to other users of the Services without charge, you may enroll for customer support in accordance with the terms of the AWS Premium Support Guidelines.
Support to You. If you would like support for the Services other than the support we generally provide to other users of the Services without charge, you may enroll for customer support in accordance with the terms of the BEO Support Guidelines.
Support to You. Technical support is not provided to You by Original Contributor under this License. You may contract for one or more support programs from Original Contributor relating to the Technology which are described on the SCSL Webpage. Customer Support. You are responsible for providing technical and maintenance support services to Your customers for Your products and services.
Support to You. We will provide you web-based support only, which may include email, web forums, and knowledge base support. We will not provide telephone or live support. Our support email is
Support to You. Technical support is not provided to You by Original Contributor under this License. Access to and support for the TCK and Java Engineering Connection support for the Technology shall be provided to You only pursuant to the terms of Original Contributor’s standard Master Support Agreement and applicable Support Program Module (collectively, “MSA”), to be executed by You concurrently upon execution of this Attachment D. The term of said support as set forth in the MSA shall coincide with the remaining term of support You are currently receiving for PersonalJava Technology as set forth in the MSA. If You are current on all payments required for PersonalJava Technology support, support for the CDC and Foundation Profile shall be at no additional charge for the remainder of the then-current prepaid support term.
Support to You. If you would like support for the Services please contact your Employer. Your Employer may contact XXXX directly for support pursuant to ADAM’s standard support policies available on the XXXX Site.
Support to You. If you would like support for the Services other than the support we generally provide to other users of the Services without charge, you may enroll for Cambridge Premium Customer Support.