Rehire The Employer shall make a concerted effort to re-employ bargaining unit members on the rehire list. Bargaining unit members on the rehire list are eligible to take all Professional & Organizational Development (POD) courses on a space available basis upon payment of designated fees. Employees without employment options will be placed on the rehire list(s) designated by the employee for twenty-four (24) months. In addition to the rehire list for the classification and FTE status from which the employee was laid off, employees identified for layoff may request placement on the following rehire lists: (1) For positions of a lower FTE status in the classification from which the employee was laid off (or equivalent if prior classification has been abolished); and (2) For positions in other classifications in which the employee previously held permanent status; and (3) Lower classes in the series from which the employee was laid off. The Employer will refer an employee from the designated rehire list(s) for any open positions in the bargaining unit for which the laid off employee possesses the essential skills. For classifications which have separate job codes in the Campuswide and Harborview Bargaining Units, Rehire lists will include both job codes. Employees referred from the rehire list(s) who possess the essential skills needed for a vacant position will be offered the position prior to the Employer posting for competitive recruitment. From among these employees, offers will be made in seniority order, most senior person first. Job requests for positions for which there are employees on rehire list(s) may not be withdrawn solely to avoid hiring laid off employees. (4) The Employer will provide a copy of the Rehire List to the Union upon request. (5) When the job classification the employee was laid off from is represented by both SEIU 925 and WFSE 1488 the employee will be placed on the rehire list for the specific job classification for both unions.
Production definitively discontinued 10.1. If the holder of the approval completely ceases to manufacture a vehicle type approved in accordance with this Regulation, he shall so inform the authority which granted the approval. Upon receiving the relevant communication that authority shall inform thereof the other Parties to the 1958 Agreement applying this Regulation by means of a communication form conforming to the model in Annex 1 to this Regulation.
PRODUCTION DEFINITELY DISCONTINUED If the holder of the approval completely ceases to manufacture a type of vehicle approved in accordance with this Regulation, he shall so inform the authority which granted the approval, which in turn shall forthwith inform the other Contracting Parties to the Agreement applying this Regulation by means of a communication form conforming to the model in Annex 1 to this Regulation.
Unbundled Loop Modifications (Line Conditioning 2.5.1 Line Conditioning is defined as routine network modification that BellSouth regularly undertakes to provide xDSL services to its own customers. This may include the removal of any device, from a copper Loop or copper Subloop that may diminish the capability of the Loop or Subloop to deliver high-speed switched wireline telecommunications capability, including xDSL service. Such devices include, load coils, excessive bridged taps, low pass filters, and range extenders. Excessive bridged taps are bridged taps that serves no network design purpose and that are beyond the limits set according to industry standards and/or the BellSouth’s TR 73600 Unbundled Local Loop Technical Specification. 2.5.2 BellSouth will remove load coils only on copper Loops and Subloops that are less than eighteen thousand (18,000) feet in length. 2.5.3 For any copper loop being ordered by NewPhone which has over six thousand (6,000) feet of combined bridged tap will be modified, upon request from NewPhone, so that the loop will have a maximum of six thousand (6,000) feet of bridged tap. This modification will be performed at no additional charge to NewPhone. Loop conditioning orders that require the removal of bridged tap that serves no network design purpose on a copper Loop that will result in a combined total of bridged tap between two thousand five hundred (2,500) and six thousand (6,000) feet will be performed at the rates set forth in Exhibit A. 2.5.4 NewPhone may request removal of any unnecessary and non-excessive bridged tap (bridged tap between zero (0) and two thousand five hundred (2,500) feet which serves no network design purpose), at rates pursuant to BellSouth’s SC Process as mutually agreed to by the Parties. 2.5.5 Rates for ULM are as set forth in Exhibit A. 2.5.6 BellSouth will not modify a Loop in such a way that it no longer meets the technical parameters of the original Loop type (e.g., voice grade, ADSL, etc.) being ordered. 2.5.7 If NewPhone requests ULM on a reserved facility for a new Loop order, BellSouth may perform a pair change and provision a different Loop facility in lieu of the reserved facility with ULM if feasible. The Loop provisioned will meet or exceed specifications of the requested Loop facility as modified. NewPhone will not be charged for ULM if a different Loop is provisioned. For Loops that require a DLR or its equivalent, BellSouth will provide LMU detail of the Loop provisioned. 2.5.8 NewPhone shall request Loop make up information pursuant to this Attachment prior to submitting a service inquiry and/or a LSR for the Loop type that NewPhone desires BellSouth to condition. 2.5.9 When requesting ULM for a Loop that BellSouth has previously provisioned for NewPhone, NewPhone will submit a SI to BellSouth. If a spare Loop facility that meets the Loop modification specifications requested by NewPhone is available at the location for which the ULM was requested, NewPhone will have the option to change the Loop facility to the qualifying spare facility rather than to provide ULM. In the event that BellSouth changes the Loop facility in lieu of providing ULM, NewPhone will not be charged for ULM but will only be charged the service order charges for submitting an order.
CHANGES TO PRODUCT OR SERVICE OFFERINGS a. Product or Service Discontinuance Where Contractor is the Product Manufacturer/Developer, and Contractor publicly announces to all U.S. customers (“date of notice”) that a Product is being withdrawn from the U.S. market or that maintenance service or technical support provided by Contractor (“withdrawn support”) is no longer going to be offered, Contractor shall be required to: (i) notify the Commissioner, each Licensee and each Authorized User then under contract for maintenance or technical support in writing of the intended discontinuance; and (ii) continue to offer Product or withdrawn support upon the Contract terms previously offered for the greater of: a) the best terms offered by Contractor to any other customer, or b) not less than twelve (12) months from the date of notice; and (iii) at Authorized User’s option, provided that the Authorized User is under contract for maintenance on the date of notice, either: provide the Authorized User with a Product replacement or migration path with at least equivalent functionality at no additional charge to enable Authorized User to continue use and maintenance of the Product. In the event that the Contractor is not the Product Manufacturer, Contractor shall be required to: (i) provide the notice required under the paragraph above, to the entities described within five (5) business days of Contractor receiving notice from the Product Manufacturer, and (ii) include in such notice the period of time from the date of notice that the Product Manufacturer will continue to provide Product or withdraw support. The provisions of this subdivision (a) shall not apply or eliminate Contractor’s obligations where withdrawn support is being provided by an independent Subcontractor. In the event that such Subcontractor ceases to provide service, Contractor shall be responsible for subcontracting such service, subject to state approval, to an alternate Subcontractor.
Unbundled Network Element Combinations 5.1. Unbundled Network Element Combinations shall include: 1) Enhanced Extended Links (EELs); 2) UNE Loops/Special Access Combinations; 3) Loop/Port Combinations; and 4)
Payroll Deductions An employee shall be entitled to have deductions from her salary assigned for the purchase of Canada Savings Bonds.
Unpaid Leave of Absence If an employee is on an unpaid leave of absence, then vacation leave, compensatory time, or sick leave cannot be used for the purpose of maintaining eligibility for an Employer Contribution by keeping the employee on a State payroll for one (1) working day per pay period.
Break in Service No absence under any paid leave provisions of this Article shall be considered as a break in service for any employee who is in paid status, and all benefits accruing under the provisions of this Agreement shall continue to accrue under such absence.
Product and Service Offerings The Products and services available under this Contract are set forth herein and specified in Appendices C and D which may be amended during the contract term to incorporate new Product or service offerings, price revisions or deleted items. This Contract is limited to sale, installation and maintenance of Product (see also 4.2 Service Offerings). Leasing is not permitted at this time. The Commissioner reserves the right to amend the Contract at any time to incorporate lease offerings. Offering updates should be submitted under the Contract as soon as possible after they are announced by Contractor in accordance with the terms of Appendix H. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS A. No drug use of any type, nor consumption of alcoholic beverages by the Contractor or its personnel shall be permitted on the premises. B. The Authorized User will not be liable for any expense incurred by the Contractor as a consequence of any traffic infraction or parking violations attributable to employees of the Contractor. C. It is the Contractor's responsibility to maintain the equipment and materials provided for the work consistent with applicable safety and health codes. D. The Office of General Services' interpretation of specifications shall be final and binding upon the Contractor. E. The Office of General Services will make no allowance or concession to the Contractor for any alleged misunderstanding or deception because of quantity, quality, character, location, or other conditions.