Examples of Rehire in a sentence
Date of Rehire (if applicable)Last Name (Family Name)First Name (Given Name)Middle InitialDate (mm/dd/yyyy) C.
Charter School will have the autonomy to interview and select teachers and school-funded support staff from District-approved lists of eligible candidates as determined by the LAUSD Human Resources Division, which may be limited to Priority Placement Lists (displaced teachers) and Rehire Lists depending on current hiring conditions in each subject area.
PROVIDER is responsible to ensure that employees participating in work for any A&M System member have not been designated by the A&M System as Not Eligible for Rehire as defined in System policy 32.02, Section 4.
Available lists will be determined by Human Resources and may be limited to Priority Placement Lists (displaced teachers) and Rehire Lists depending on the current hiring situation in each subject area.
Respondent is responsible to ensure that employees participating in work for Texas A&M University have not been designated by The Texas A&M University System (“TAMUS”) as Not Eligible for Rehire as defined in TAMUS Policy 33.02, Section 4.