SUSPENSION DURING MILITARY SERVICE. If you are on full-time active duty in the military service of any nation or international authority or a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States (including the National Guard), you may suspend the policy by providing us with written request to suspend the policy. The suspension will become effective on the date your active duty begins. We will refund the pro rata portion of any premium paid beyond the date the suspension becomes effective. While the policy is suspended, no premiums are due and you have no coverage under the policy. If your full-time active duty in the military services ends within five years from the date of suspension and before the Termination Date, you may request, in writing, that coverage be resumed without evidence of insurability. Your coverage will be resumed as of the date of termination of active duty if we receive your written request and the required premium within 90 days after your active duty ends. Premium will be at the same rate as before the policy was suspended. If we do not receive your request and the required premium within 90 days after your active duty ends, the policy will terminate, effective on the day your active duty ends. The policy will also terminate on the fifth anniversary of the date of suspension if coverage has not been resumed. You may later seek reinstatement of the policy under the policy’s Reinstatement provision. If the coverage is resumed, the policy will not cover Disability due to an Injury that was sustained or a Sickness that first manifested itself while the policy was suspended, and if such Injury or Sickness was determined by the secretary of Veterans Affairs to be a condition incurred in the line of duty. All other exclusions, limitations or modifications of coverage will be the same as existed on the policy before the policy was suspended.
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