Teaching Schedules. 1. Each round of bargaining the Administration and Association shall review and negotiate the school calendar before it is officially adopted by the Board. Such calendar, as adopted, is set forth in Schedule D. There shall be no deviation from or change in the school calendar except by mutual agreement of the Board and the Association. When the tentative calendar is agreed upon, it may be adopted at the next Board meeting. 2. If additional hours of instruction are required by the State beyond 1098 hours, compensation for the additional time will be bargained between the Administration and Association. 3. Teachers will not be required to be present at school for records days. This in no way lessens the professional responsibilities of teachers. 4. Teachers are required to attend meetings in accordance with the following guidelines. At every level, a total of 90 minutes per month will be available for meetings. Meetings should not exceed 45 minutes in length. For meetings longer than 45 minutes, a site-based decision must be made between the building administrator and the association. For meetings scheduled after the school day, the meeting shall begin 10 minutes after the final bell. a. Meeting agendas will be created and given to the teaching staff at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. The Board agrees that the time of the staff is valuable and that good reason for staff meetings must be present. b. Part-time teachers are encouraged, but not required, to attend staff meetings unless they are attached continuously to their work schedules. 5. The Board will make assignments in accordance with the following: The teachers' seven and one-half (7.5) consecutive hour workday shall be constructed as follows: a. Secondary teachers shall be required to supervise students entering prior to the student day and leaving at the termination of the student day for no more than fifteen (15) minutes in total. Intermediate school employees shall not be required to supervise students until 8:35 a.m. and elementary school employees shall not be required to supervise students until 9:01 a.m. b. All teachers shall have a planning and conference period. It is agreed that this amount of time is to be used professionally by the teaching staff for the purpose directly related to their classroom teaching assignments. 1) All intermediate and secondary teachers shall have a planning and conference period of one (1) class period per day. 2) All elementary teachers shall have a planning and conference time of no less than ninety (90) minutes per day. c. Elementary classroom teachers shall be provided the release time required for mandated testing during the regular school year. Such time will be scheduled by mutual agreement between the classroom teacher and the building administrator and prior to grades being due. 6. Elementary fine arts classes will be forty-five (45) minutes in length. 7. Fine arts teachers at an elementary building may collectively agree to use their ninety (90) minutes of daily prep time as follows: a. Forty-five (45) minutes of consecutive prep time prior to student instruction at the start of the school day, except the two days a month when such teachers will attend staff meetings. b. The remaining forty-five (45) minutes may be divided to fit the needs of the teachers' schedules. 8. All employees shall be entitled to a duty-free lunch period of no less than thirty
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Professional Agreement, Professional Agreement
Teaching Schedules. 1. Each round of bargaining the Administration and Association shall review and negotiate the school calendar before it is officially adopted by the Board. Such calendar, as adopted, is set forth in Schedule D. There shall be no deviation from or change in the school calendar except by mutual agreement of the Board and the Association. When the tentative calendar is agreed upon, it may be adopted at the next Board meeting.
2. If additional hours of instruction are required by the State beyond 1098 hours, compensation for the additional time will be bargained between the Administration and Association.
3. Teachers will not be required to be present at school for records days. This in no way lessens the professional responsibilities of teachers.
4. Teachers are required to attend meetings in accordance with the following guidelines. At every level, a total of 90 minutes per month will be available for meetings. Meetings should not exceed 45 minutes in length. For meetings longer than 45 minutes, a sitebuilding-based decision must be made between the building administrator and the association. For meetings scheduled after the school day, the meeting shall begin 10 minutes after the final bell.
a. Meeting agendas will be created and given to the teaching staff at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. The Board agrees that the time of the staff is valuable and that good reason for staff meetings must be present.
b. Part-time teachers are encouraged, but not required, to attend staff meetings unless they are attached continuously to their work schedules.
5. The Board will make assignments in accordance with the following: The teachers' seven and one-half (7.5) consecutive hour workday shall be constructed as follows:
a. Secondary teachers shall be required to supervise students entering prior to the student day and leaving at the termination of the student day for no more than fifteen (15) minutes in total. Intermediate school employees shall not be required to supervise students until 8:35 a.m. and elementary school employees shall not be required to supervise students until 9:01 a.m.
b. All teachers shall have a planning and conference period. It is agreed that this amount of time is to be used professionally by the teaching staff for the purpose directly related to their classroom teaching assignments.
1) All intermediate and secondary teachers shall have a planning and conference period of one (1) class period per day.
2) All elementary teachers shall have a planning and conference time of no less than ninety (90) minutes per day.
c. Elementary classroom teachers shall be provided the release time required for mandated testing during the regular school year. Such time will be scheduled by mutual agreement between the classroom teacher and the building administrator and prior to grades being due.
6. Elementary fine arts classes will be forty-five (45) minutes in length.
7. Fine arts teachers at an elementary building may collectively agree to use their ninety (90) minutes of daily prep time as follows:
a. Forty-five (45) minutes of consecutive prep time prior to student instruction at the start of the school day, except the two days a month when such teachers will attend staff meetings.
b. The remaining forty-five (45) minutes may be divided to fit the needs of the teachers' schedules.
8. All employees shall be entitled to a duty-free lunch period of no less than thirty
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Professional Agreement, Professional Agreement
Teaching Schedules. 1. Each round of bargaining the Administration and Association shall review and negotiate the school calendar before it is officially adopted by the Board. Such calendar, as adopted, is set forth in Schedule D. Appendix O. There shall be no deviation from or change in the school calendar except by mutual agreement of the Board and the Association. When the tentative calendar is agreed upon, it may be adopted at the next Board meeting.
2. If additional hours of instruction are required by the State beyond 1098 hours, compensation for the additional time will be bargained between the Administration and Association.
3. Teachers will not be required to be present at school for records days. This in no way lessens the professional responsibilities of teachers.
4. Teachers are required to attend meetings in accordance with the following guidelines. At every level, a total of 90 minutes per month will be available for meetings. Meetings should not exceed 45 minutes in length. For meetings longer than 45 minutes, a site-based decision must be made between the building administrator and the association. For meetings scheduled after the school day, the meeting shall begin 10 minutes after the final bellxxxx.
a. Meeting agendas will be created and given to the teaching staff at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. The Board agrees that the time of the staff is valuable and that good reason for staff meetings must be present.
b. Part-time teachers are encouraged, but not required, to attend staff meetings unless they are attached continuously to their work schedules.
5. The Board will make assignments in accordance with the following: :
a. The teachers' seven and one-half (7.5) consecutive hour workday work day shall be constructed as follows:
a. 1) Secondary teachers shall be required to supervise students entering prior to the student day and leaving at the termination of the student day for no more than fifteen (15) minutes in total. Intermediate school employees shall not be required to supervise students until 8:35 a.m. and elementary school employees shall not be required to supervise students until 9:01 a.m.
b. All teachers shall have a planning and conference period. It is agreed that this amount of time is to be used professionally by the teaching staff for the purpose directly related to their classroom teaching assignments.
1) All intermediate and secondary teachers shall have a planning and conference period of one (1) class period per day.
2) All elementary teachers shall have a planning and conference time of no less than ninety (90) minutes per day.
c. Elementary classroom teachers shall be provided the release time required for mandated testing during the regular school year. Such time will be scheduled by mutual agreement between the classroom teacher and the building administrator and prior to grades being due.
6. Elementary fine arts classes will be forty-five (45) minutes in length.
7. Fine arts teachers at an elementary building may collectively agree to use their ninety (90) minutes of daily prep time as follows:
a. Forty-five (45) minutes of consecutive prep time prior to student instruction at the start of the school day, except the two days a month when such teachers will attend staff meetings.
b. The remaining forty-five (45) minutes may be divided to fit the needs of the teachers' schedules.
8. All employees shall be entitled to a duty-free lunch period of no less than thirtyfifteen
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Professional Agreement