TEACHING CONDITIONS. The parties recognize that optimum school facilities for both student and teacher are desirable to insure the high quality of education that is the goal of both the Association and the Board. It is also acknowledged that the primary duty and responsibility of the teacher is to teach and that the organization of the school and school day should be directed toward ensuring that the energy of the teacher is primarily utilized to this end.
TEACHING CONDITIONS. A. Teachers shall not be under obligation to supervise a spectator bus to athletic events. B. Teachers will not be required to drive buses. C. The Board shall make available in each school adequate restrooms and lavatory facilities for teacher use and at least one (1) room appropriately furnished, which shall be reserved, for the use as a faculty workroom. Provision for such facilities will be made in all future buildings. D. Existing telephone facilities shall be made available to teachers for use in conducting school business. E. Parking facilities shall be provided for each teacher’s use. F. Beginning teachers shall be given special consideration in regard to number of preparations and class size. G. Work at athletic games outside of regular school hours shall be on a voluntary basis. H. The Board will not require teachers to report for work on days/hours school is called off due to road conditions or other causes. Should State statutes or regulations change, the parties will comply with the new statute or regulations. Any required make up days or hours will be at no added cost to the District. I. The Board shall provide for each teacher a separate desk and a locked file cabinet, or secured storage space in each building to which they are assigned. J. Teachers will be provided supplies for their teaching assignments. Supplies and equipment will be ordered on a timely basis so as to be available when they are needed. If the supplies are not available four (4) weeks prior to their need, the teacher will advise the principal who will advise central office. Central office will make reasonable efforts to obtain said materials from another vendor. Defective supplies will be returned to central office for appropriate credit and replacement. K. Subject to the provisions of Board policy, teachers may obtain a key to the outside entrance door of the school the teacher is assigned to for use during the school year. L. Teachers in grades K-4 shall be provided two (2) half-day release times at the end of the first and second marking periods for card marking and record keeping. M. Principals of each building and EA representatives shall mutually agree to establish an appropriate and reasonable professional dress code for staff.
TEACHING CONDITIONS. A. The parties recognize that the primary duty or responsibility of the teacher is to teach, and the Board and the Association consider it to be a desirable objective to make maximum utilization of the teachers’ professional teaching skills. The provisions of this Article, however, shall be construed consistent with the necessity for teachers to maintain customary records pertaining to their work as required by law, or the direction of the Administration. Surveys initiated for personal benefit shall not be mandatory. 1. Taking into account the availability of teachers, funds, facilities and number of students, the teacher load in Xxxx Xxxxxx Schools shall be established or adjusted with reasonable dispatch to an arithmetic mean classroom ratio of one (1) teacher to twenty-five (25) pupils. The provisions of this Section A. shall be subject to reasonable exceptions and deviations during the first three (3) weeks of each semester or other enrollment term. It is also recognized that other exceptions may be desirable whenever it is necessary to work with larger numbers of students, such as for example, in physical education, band, choir and orchestra with respect to which the student-teacher load may be adjusted to the size that can be accommodated in the school facilities. This adjustment shall have particular emphasis with respect to physical education classes where all reasonable steps shall be taken by the Board of Education to equally distribute students among the various sections of the course. 2. Should any individual class in grades Young 5’s exceed twenty (20), K exceed twenty-four (24), Grades 1-2 exceed twenty-seven (27), and in Grades 3-5 thirty (30), as well as the average of 30 in Grades 6-12 (i.e. max of 150 at MS and 120 at HS while on trimesters), the Board shall immediately take all reasonable steps to correct the problem, including the possibility of a different class location of students, the hiring of additional teachers, or any other mutually acceptable solution. In the event that none of the above steps are implemented to correct the problem and the Board determines that it is necessary to exceed the above maximum class size limits, the following compensation formula shall be instituted: salary schedule amount 1 # of students membership X # of school X in excess of X days in Applicable class days on school maximum class size limit calendar class limits 3. Any individual with a disability, IEPC identified as emotionally impaired, mainstre...
TEACHING CONDITIONS. A. The parties recognize that availability of optimum school facilities is desirable for both student and teacher to ensure the highest quality of education that is the goal of both the teacher and the Board. It is also acknowledged that the primary duty and responsibility of the teacher is to teach, and that the organization of the school and the school day should be directed at ensuring that the energy of the teacher is primarily utilized to this end. B. Because the pupil-teacher ratio is an important aspect of an effective education program, the parties agree that class size should be reduced wherever possible. C. The Board recognizes that appropriate texts, library reference facilities, maps and globes, computers, laboratory tools and equipment, audio-visual equipment, art supplies, athletic equipment, current periodicals, standard tests and questionnaires and similar materials are the tools of the teaching profession. The teachers and administration will meet from time to time for selection and improvement of teaching tools. D. The Board and Association mutually recognize the importance of continuous use of adequate teaching reference material in maintaining a high level of professional performance in furtherance of that recognition, the Board will attempt to provide a teacher reference library in each school in the District and include therein all text which are reasonably requested by the teachers of that school. The Board shall provide memberships in appropriate curricular and professional organizations and societies. The IPPC shall determine the appropriate memberships, but shall be limited to a total of fifteen (15) memberships. E. The Board agrees to make available in each school, typing and duplicating facilities to aid teachers in the preparation of instructional materials. F. The Board will attempt to provide: 1. A separate desk for each teacher in the District with a lockable drawer space. 2. Suitable closet space for each teacher to store coats, overshoes and personal articles. Other suitable space may be substituted for closet space, if approved by the teacher. 3. Adequate chalkboard/whiteboard space in every classroom. 4. Copies, exclusively for each teacher's use, of all text used in each of the courses he/she is to teach. 5. An appropriate dictionary in every classroom, when requested by the teacher. 6. Adequate storage space in each classroom for instructional materials. 7. Adequate attendance books, paper, pencils, pens, chalk, dry er...
TEACHING CONDITIONS. A. The Board shall provide: 1. A separate, adequate, dining area for teachers. 2. Well-maintained, properly lighted, clean, ventilated, safe, healthful, and furnished classrooms and/or teaching areas. The parties agree that Federal and State Occupational Safety and Health laws will be adhered to. 3. Adequate, well-maintained exit/entrance walks and playground space. 4. The faculty may arrange for the installation of vending machines after consultation with the principal. If the faculty chooses not to install a vending machine, one may be installed by another group or organization in consultation with the principal. All the proceeds from the machines shall be used in such manner as the faculty of that building shall determine. 5. An appropriately furnished room to be used as a faculty lounge. 6. Desks and file cabinets for teachers. Lockable desks or file cabinets will be provided as replaced. B. To the extent possible and within limits of the funds available, in existing buildings, and in all new buildings, the Board shall provide the following: 1. Space in each classroom in which teachers may safely store instructional materials and supplies. 2. Well-lit, ventilated and clean teachers’ restrooms, separate from the students’ restrooms. 3. Working, conference, and storage facilities for special instructional personnel. 4. Sinks for all pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, primary, and special education classrooms and/or teaching areas. 5. Emergency lighting in teaching areas, corridors and restrooms. C. Classroom interruptions shall be permitted only in case of emergency or announcements of building-wide concerns. D. Unless provided free publicly, all medical examinations and tests required for employment in the Xxxxxx County School System shall be paid by the Board. E. Whenever a principal is absent for more than one-half (1/2) day and a teacher is appointed acting principal, the teacher shall be relieved of his/her classroom duties for the period of the principal’s absence. When a principal is absent for one-half (1/2) day or less, no substitute will be provided, and the teacher designated as acting principal shall not be expected to handle any matters coming into the principal’s office other than emergency situations which require immediate attention. In spite of the principal’s absence, he/she is fully responsible for actions and decisions made through the principal’s office during his/her absence. Teachers appointed as acting principal by the Board on the r...
TEACHING CONDITIONS. 7.1 The School District recognizes that appropriate texts, maps, laboratory equipment, audio- visual equipment, art supplies, athletic equipment, standardized tests and questionnaires, safety equipment, and similar materials are the tools of the teaching profession. The principals and their staffs shall confer at least once a year for the purpose of improving the selection and use of such educational tools. The School District shall continue to keep the schools reasonably and properly equipped and maintained insofar as financially feasible. 7.2 Teachers shall have the use of available computers and all duplicating and copying equipment in the building for preparation of instructional material. All damaged and malfunctioning equipment shall be reported to the building Administrator immediately for proper maintenance and repair. 7.3 The School District shall make available in each school at least one room, cleaned daily, appropriately furnished, which shall be reserved for the use as a faculty lounge. A refrigerator and microwave may be installed for the use of the teachers at no expense to the School District, and it will be the responsibility of the Union to keep this equipment clean. A work table or desk and an available computer shall be provided in either the faculty lounge or other work room provided in the building. The furnishings shall be cleaned, repaired yearly, and replaced if necessary. 7.4 Telephone facilities at SACE shall be made available to teachers for their reasonable use for transaction of school business. A direct line shall be available in the SACE teacher's lounge for teachersexclusive use. All calls shall be recorded on the forms provided with the teacher's name, number called, and date of call. The forms will be located next to the phone. 7.5 The School District will continue to provide off-street parking facilities where they now exist, adequately maintained, for teachers use. 7.6 The School District will provide for each teacher a desk, storage, and access to a working computer, printer, and current grading software. 7.7 The School District shall provide for machine scoring of tests of a standardized nature (reading, IQ, achievement, aptitude) when feasible from the standpoint of the number of students being tested. 7.8 Teachers shall not be required to do major repair work or replacement work on property and equipment. 7.9 The School District and the Union mutually recognize the importance of continuous use of adequate teaching...
TEACHING CONDITIONS. 14.1. PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT To protect the health, welfare, and safety of student, the Board shall observe the specified capacity of each teaching station. There shall be a continued alertness to prevent hazardous conditions at all times in all buildings. The preservation of safe, wholesome, and pleasant surroundings shall be a paramount concern of both the Board and the Association. The arrangement of furnishings in the classroom shall be for the optimum educational setting as determined by the teacher in concert with the Principal. Insofar as possible, lounges, conference rooms and lavatories shall be conveniently available for teachers. Lounges and conference rooms shall not be used for regularly scheduled meetings without prior consultation with the building faculty. The Board agrees to meet and confer with the Association to seek mutually acceptable solutions where these conditions do not exist. 14.2. CALENDAR See attached calendar. 14.3. SNOW DAYS Scheduled days of student instruction which are not held because of conditions not within the control of school authorities such as inclement weather, fires, epidemics, mechanical break downs, or health conditions as defined by the city, county or state health authorities, will be rescheduled to insure the required amount of student contact hours as per State law. Teachers will receive their regular pay for days which are canceled but shall work on any rescheduled days with no additional compensation. 1. The parties agree to meet in an effort to mutually agree on when any make up days/hours should occur. In the event they are unable to agree, the days/hours will be added on to the end of the calendar set forth in Appendix D. 2. Should a day be rescheduled and insufficient students attend to count it as day of instruction, teachers will not be obligated to attend a subsequent rescheduling of the day without being paid at their daily rate. 3. It is understood and agreed that in the event that the rescheduling of the days/hours at the end of the school year interferes with a teacher's scheduled return to school to upgrade his or her skills, the teacher may: a. use his or her personal leave b. use his or her sick leave or c. apply for unpaid leave time. 4. Should the provisions of the state law be altered, the above provisions shall reflect the number of days required by the state
TEACHING CONDITIONS. A. The parties recognize that the availability of optimum school facilities for both student and teacher is desirable to insure the high quality of education, which is the goal of both the Association and the Board. It is further recognized that the class size is controlled for the most part by the facilities and resources available. Because pupil- teacher ratio is an important aspect of an education program, the parties agree that the class size should be lowered whenever possible. B. The ratio of pupils to total classroom teachers within the District shall not, whenever possible, exceed twenty-five to one (25:1), with the exception of a class having one or more mainstreamed pupils. Teachers having one or more mainstreamed pupils must have class size decreased according to the number of such pupils and the nature and severity of their impairment. A special student shall be weighted as to one and one-half (1-1/2) to three (3) regular pupils. The Board agrees that extra effort will be made to keep grades K-2 at or below this ratio. X. Xxxxxxx, lavatories, workrooms, and personal storage shall be conveniently available to the professional staff. Future building plans shall provide these facilities. D. The Board recognizes that appropriate texts, library reference facilities, maps, globes, laboratory equipment, audio-visual equipment, art supplies, athletic equipment, current periodicals, standard tests and questionnaires, and similar materials are the tools of the teaching profession. The parties will confer annually at In-Service or Curriculum Meetings for the purpose of improving the selection and use of such educational tools; and the Board shall promptly consider any recommendations resulting from such studies. E. Telephone facilities shall be made available to teachers for their reasonable use. This shall include a separate telephone for the use of the counselors. F. Adequate parking facilities shall be maintained, and the Board shall seek additional parking facilities where needed.
TEACHING CONDITIONS. A. Where physical facilities allow, without impinging on instructional areas, the Board will make available one furnished room vented by window or fan, which shall be reserved as a faculty lounge. When new schools are constructed or when existing schools are renovated, at least one faculty lounge shall be included. B. Where physical facilities allow, the Board will make men’s and ladies’ restroom facilities available for the exclusive use of staff personnel. When new schools are constructed, these facilities will be included. Where requested, the Board shall investigate the conditions of restroom facilities and where they are found to be inadequate, initiate plans to remedy the situation. C. The Board shall make available a telephone in each school for teachers to use and privacy assured when requested. When new buildings are built, or existing buildings are substantially renovated, telephones shall be installed in each classroom. D. When facilities allow, off-street parking shall be provided and identified as restricted for the use of all employees of the School District. The maintenance of these facilities shall include systematic snow removal and the District shall make a good faith effort to remove snow prior to the opening of school. E. All announcements shall be made prior to the commencement of the first period or at the end of the last period of the day or before the departure of students for first lunch period except in cases of emergency. F. Teachers will have free access to appropriate duplicating and typing equipment to aid them in the preparation of instructional materials. G. The principle responsibility for maintaining discipline remains with the teacher. It is recognized, however, that there are times when teachers will have to make use of special disciplinary procedures. In this connection disruptive students may be removed from the regular classroom or school when, in the professional judgment of the teacher, normal corrective measures have been ineffective in bringing about satisfactory improvement. Such student shall be reported to the Principal and he/she may take whatever action that he/she deems necessary except that he/ she may not return the student to the classroom of the same teacher, or retain the student in school without the teacher’s approval. If this disruptive student is assigned to the regular classroom of another teacher, this teacher shall be apprised of the conditions and circumstances which led to that student’s remova...
TEACHING CONDITIONS. 8.01 The Board and the Association acknowledge that a Teacher’s primary responsibility is to teach and that his energies shall be utilized to this end. Therefore, the Board agrees that non-teaching duties shall not unduly interfere with the Teacher’s primary instructional duties, although it is recognized that it will be necessary for Principals to assign job-related duties to Teachers. Duties deemed necessary by the Principal should be assigned in a fair and equitable manner. 8.02 The Teacher’s basic workday will be seven and one-half (7 1/2) hours with the exception of those days on which faculty meetings or Parent-Teacher Conferences have been scheduled. The basic workday will include: all instructional time, no less than thirty (30) minutes of continuous planning/preparation time, no less than thirty (30) minutes duty-free lunch, and any other related duties assigned by the Principal. Whenever possible, planning/preparation time for teachers will be scheduled within the student day. Every classroom teacher (teachers with students assigned to them daily as a class) will be guaranteed at least 40%, or two out of five days, of his or her weekly planning time, as individual teacher planning time except in the case of an unusual circumstance or an emergency. Individual classroom planning time can be defined as time for a teacher to plan, grade, make phone calls to parents, organize or create teaching materials, research, conduct parent conferences, or take care of other business related to the successful and positive management of the classroom environment. 8.03 Any Teacher who feels that his/her preparations or teaching load is excessive may file a written request with the Principal for an evaluation of the situation. If the Teacher is dissatisfied with the response of the Principal, he/she may forward a copy of his/her request, together with the Principal’s response to the Superintendent or his/her designee for review and consideration. The decision of the matter(s) brought forward may not be the subject of a grievance under Article VI of this Agreement. (moved from 7.03). 8.04 If it becomes necessary for a teacher to be moved to teach in a grade level or subject area that is not covered by the scope of his/her teaching certificate, the district will reimburse the teacher for the cost of a successfully completed Subject Area Exam or for a successfully completed college credit course. The course grade must be a “B” or better and must satisfy all requiremen...