Lack of Funding The Parties recognize that the compensation provided for in this Grant Contract depends on budget approval and appropriations of sufficient grant funds by the Lancaster County Board of County Commissioners (“Grant Funds”). The Parties further recognize that the Sponsor may terminate this Grant Contract in whole or in part immediately upon written notice to Grantee if grant funds do not receive sufficient budget approval or appropriations. The date Project Monitor sends the written notice of termination shall be the date of termination. The Grantee understands and agrees that the Sponsor shall not provide for funding under this Grant Contract from the Lancaster County General Fund, tax revenue, or any other source, and that the sole source of funding for this Grant Contract shall be approved and appropriated Grant Funds. In the event that Grant Funds do not receive sufficient budget approval or appropriations, the Grantee shall be compensated pursuant to the terms of this Grant Contract for authorized Project Account costs charged against the Project Account prior to the date of termination according to the approved Project Budget. Xxxxxxx agrees that Xxxxxxx has no reasonable expectation of payment for unauthorized costs, or for payment of any kind from any other source. The Grantee further understands and agrees that any costs not covered by the current Grant Contract are not authorized.
Program Funding Upon entry into force of this Compact, MCC will grant to the Government, under the terms of this Compact, an amount not to exceed Four Hundred Eight Million Eight Hundred Fifty Thousand United States Dollars (US$408,850,000) to support the Program (“Program Funding”). The allocation of Program Funding is generally described in Annex II to this Compact.
Loan Funding The sum of all financing described below (excluding any loan funding fee or mortgage insurance premium) is $ .
Research Funding (a) During each Collaboration Term and in connection with any wind-down activities contemplated by Section 13.4. Gilead shall reimburse Hookipa for all Out-of-Pocket Costs actually incurred (with no markup) by Hookipa in connection with the applicable Program, to the extent specifically contemplated in the applicable Research Plan and in accordance with the applicable Research Budget. Gilead shall reimburse the undisputed amount of such Out-of-Pocket Costs incurred in a [***] within [***] days after receipt from Hookipa of an invoice therefor issued within [***] days after the end of such [***]. (b) During each Collaboration Term for a Program, Gilead shall reimburse Hookipa at the FTE Rate for the costs of any FTEs (not to exceed the number of FTEs specified in the applicable Research Plan for such Program for any period without first obtaining, in each case, Gilead’s prior written consent) actually performing activities allocated to Hookipa under such Research Plan. Hookipa shall provide to Gilead, within [***] days after the end of each [***] during each Collaboration Term, a report indicating the number of FTEs actually provided by Hookipa with respect to each Program during such [***], Hookipa shall use standard industry systems and processes to record the number of hours and FTEs actually applied to each Program, which systems and processes shall be consistently and equitably applied to all Hookipa research programs with Third Parties. Gilead shall reimburse Hookipa the undisputed amount for such FTE costs incurred in a [***] within [***] days after receipt from Hookipa of an invoice therefor issued within [***] days after the end of each [***]. (c) For clarity, Gilead shall not be obligated to reimburse Hookipa for any costs or expenses incurred by Hookipa in the course of its activities under the Programs, other than: (i) those costs and expenses expressly identified in this Section 9.6 or elsewhere in this Agreement; (ii) reimbursement for the supply of Licensed Products to Gilead in accordance with the terms of any supply agreement entered into by the Parties pursuant to Section 7.2; or (iii) any other costs and expenses approved by Gilead in writing in advance.
State Funding It is understood that all obligations of RRC hereunder are subject to the availability of state funds, federal grant(s) and/or other federal funds. If such funds are not appropriated or become unavailable, this Contract may be terminated. In such event, the Parties shall be discharged from further obligations, subject to the equitable settlement of their respective interests accrued up to the date of termination.
Per-pupil Funding The School's non-facility general fund per-pupil funding shall be as defined in Sec. 302D-28, HRS. The Commission shall distribute the School's per-pupil allocation each fiscal year pursuant to Sec. 302D-28(f), HRS, and shall provide the School with the calculations used to determine the per-pupil amount each year. All funds distributed to the School from the Commission shall be used solely for the School's educational purposes as appropriated by the Legislature, and the School shall have discretion to determine how such funding shall be allocated at the school level to serve those purposes subject to applicable laws and this Contract.
Source of Funding The County shall provide funding information to all sub-recipient/contractors for audit purposes, including the name of the program, the federal agency where the program originated, the CFDA number, and the percentages of federal, state, and local funds constituting the contract. A sub-recipient/contractor that is required to have a Single Audit based on 2 CFR Part 200 Subpart F and the State Single Audit Guide is required to submit to Shawano a reporting package which includes the following:
Use of Funding 4.1 Unless otherwise provided in this Schedule B, the HSP shall use all Funding allocated for a particular Envelope only for the use or uses set out in the Applicable Policy.
Supplemental Funding Unless otherwise defined by program rules, Supplemental Funding is the award of additional funds to provide for an increase in costs due to unforeseen circumstances. The State will comply with all Federal program agency policies and procedures for requesting supplemental grant funding. The State will comply with the following guidelines when requesting supplemental funding for the Medical Assistance Program and associated administrative payments (CFDA 93.778): The State must submit a revised Medicaid Program Budget Report (CMS-37) to request supplemental funding. The CMS guidelines and instructions for completing the CMS-37 are provided in Section 2600F of the State Medicaid Manual (SMM). The CMS/CO must receive the revised Form CMS-37 through the Medicaid Budget Expenditure System/Children's Budget Expenditure System (MBES/CBES) no later than 10 calendar days before the end of the quarter for which the supplemental grant award is being requested. Additional guidance on this policy is available from the respective CMS Regional Office, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. The State will comply with the following guidelines when requesting supplemental funding for TANF (CFDA 93.558), CCDF (CFDA 93.575), CSE (93.563), and the FC/AA (CFDA 93.658 and CFDA 93.659) programs administered by the U.S. Department of Human Services, Administration for Children and Families (HHS/ACF): a. Timing of the Request A State should initiate its request for supplemental funding during a quarter as soon as it becomes aware of the fact that a shortfall does/will exist. For the TANF and CCDF grants, supplemental funding requests (estimates) may be submitted by a State, for consideration by ACF, up through and including the 15th day of the third month of the first, second or third quarter of any fiscal year. Since TANF and CCDF are block grant programs, all unawarded portions of the annual allotment will automatically be issued at the beginning of the fourth quarter. Therefore, supplemental funding requests will not be available during the fourth quarter for these programs. For the CSE and FC/AA programs, supplemental funding requests may be submitted by a state, for consideration by ACF, up through and including the 15th day of the third month of any quarter of a fiscal year.
Fiscal Funding Notwithstanding any other provision of this agreement, the parties hereto agree that the charges hereunder are payable to the Contractor by the District solely from appropriations received by District. In the event such appropriations are determined by the Chief Financial Officer/Comptroller of the District to no longer exist or to be insufficient with respect to the charges payable hereunder, this Agreement shall immediately terminate without further obligation to the District upon notice that such appropriations no longer exist and are insufficient.