Training and Advancement Committee Sample Clauses

Training and Advancement Committee. The district and the union shall name an equal number of representatives to a Training and Advancement Committee. The committee shall have the goal of working in mutual self-interest to reach an understanding identifying the following: A) Training or relevant experience the district accepts as qualifications needed for people to be hired into D47 maintenance positions and how one is placed in the current categories that exist in the collective bargaining agreement

Related to Training and Advancement Committee

  • Training Committee The parties to this Agreement may form a Training Committee. The Training Committee will be constituted by equal numbers of Employer nominees and ETU employee representatives and have a charter which clearly states its role and responsibilities. It shall monitor the clauses of this Agreement which relate to training and ensure all employees have equal access to training.

  • The Joint Committee (a) shall be composed of representatives of the Governments of the Parties; and (b) may establish and delegate its responsibilities to Sub-Committees.

  • Labour Management Committee (a) Where the parties mutually agree that there are matters of mutual concern and interest that would be beneficial if discussed at a Labour Management Committee Meeting during the term of this Agreement, the following shall apply. (b) An equal number of representatives of each party as mutually agreed shall meet at a time and place mutually satisfactory. A request for a meeting hereunder will be made in writing prior to the date proposed and accompanied by an agenda of matters proposed to be discussed, which shall not include matters that are properly the subject of grievance or negotiations for the amendment or renewal of this agreement. Any representative(s) attending such meetings during their regularly scheduled hours of work shall not lose regular earnings as a result of such attendance. (c) It is agreed that the topic of a rehabilitation program for drug and alcohol abuse is an appropriate topic for the Labour-Management Committee. It is also agreed that the topic of the utilization of full-time and part-time staff is an appropriate topic for the Labour-Management Committee. The committee shall have access to work schedules and job postings upon request. (d) It is understood that joint meetings with other Labour-Management Committees in the Hospital may be scheduled concerning issues of mutual interest if satisfactory to all concerned. (e) Where two or more agreements exist between a Hospital and CUPE the Committee may be a joint one representing employees under both agreements, unless otherwise agreed.

  • Local Professional Development Committee A. There shall be a Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC) to oversee, review, and approve individual professional development plans (IPDP) for course work, continuing education units and/or other equivalent activities. 1. The LPDC shall be responsible to recommend for the Superintendent’s approval, all in-service activities and workshops offered in the district during the school year for staff professional development. 2. Recommendations for District Workshops and In-Service activities should be submitted to the LPDC for approval and recommendation no later than the last school day of the year prior to the year it will be implemented. 3. The LPDC chair shall review and approve all “Professional Growth Reimbursement Application” forms. B. The LPDC shall consist of three (3) teachers appointed by the Association President and two (2) members appointed by the Superintendent. One of the Superintendent's appointees will be a Principal employed by the district. C. Appointments shall be for two (2) years with half of the committee members being appointed every other year. 1. Appointments shall be made on or before May 1. 2. The Appointments shall be made by each party outlined above, notifying the other of those appointed. 3. In the event of a vacancy, the committee members shall be replaced in accordance with "B." above. 4. The Association shall name a fourth teacher member and the Superintendent shall name a third administrative member to serve as alternates and attend trainings. These two (2) people shall act as substitutes when a committee member is absent. D. This committee shall meet monthly. 1. The committee may also be convened by the request of two sitting members. 2. A quorum shall consist of five (5) members. When administrative licenses/certificates are reviewed, two (2) sitting teacher members will abstain and the decision will be decided by three (3) members. 3. If the committee determines it is needed, they will be provided two (2) professional release days to meet during regular school hours. Substitutes will be provided for the committee members on these release days. 4. Committee members shall be provided an additional annual stipend of $1,000 for meetings beyond the normal work day or year. This stipend shall be paid in two (2) semi-annual payments. Any member who fails to serve the full year shall have the above compensation prorated on a monthly basis for each month served. 5. Decisions of the LPDC will be made by consensus of the committee members present. 6. The committee minutes shall be prepared and maintained in compliance with the laws governing the operation of committees of public bodies.

  • JOINT LABOUR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE A Joint Labour Management Committee shall be established to attend to those matters which are of mutual interest. To ensure its effectiveness the Committee shall be separate and apart from the grievance procedure.

  • Nurse Representatives & Grievance Committee (a) The Hospital agrees to recognize Association representatives to be elected or appointed from amongst nurses in the bargaining unit for the purpose of dealing with Association business as provided in this Collective Agreement. The number of representatives and the areas which they represent are set out in the Appendix of Local Provisions. (b) The Hospital will recognize a Grievance Committee, one of whom shall be chair. This committee shall operate and conduct itself in accordance with the provisions of the Collective Agreement and the number of nurses on the Grievance Committee is set out in the Appendix of Local Provisions. (c) It is agreed that Union representatives and members of the Grievance Committee have their regular duties and responsibilities to perform for the Hospital and shall not leave their regular duties without first obtaining permission from their immediate supervisor. Such permission shall not be unreasonably withheld. If, in the performance of their duties, a union representative or member of the Grievance Committee is required to enter a unit within the hospital in which they are not ordinarily employed they shall, immediately upon entering such unit, report their presence to the supervisor or nurse in charge, as the case may be. When resuming their regular duties and responsibilities, such representatives shall again report to their immediate supervisor. The Hospital agrees to pay for all time spent during their regular hours by such representatives hereunder.

  • Professional Development Committee There shall be a Professional Development Committee composed of two (2) members of the Association one of whom shall be the Bargaining Unit President or designate and two (2) representatives of the Hospital one of whom shall be the Chief Nursing Officer or designate and one human resources representative.

  • Advisory Committee The Settling State shall designate an Opioid Settlement Remediation Advisory Committee (the “Advisory Committee”) to provide input and recommendations regarding remediation spending from that Settling State’s Abatement Accounts Fund. A Settling State may elect to use an existing advisory committee or similar entity (created outside of a State-Subdivision Agreement or Allocation Statute); provided, however, the Advisory Committee or similar entity shall meet the following requirements: (i) Written guidelines that establish the formation and composition of the Advisory Committee, terms of service for members, contingency for removal or resignation of members, a schedule of meetings, and any other administrative details; (ii) Composition that includes at least an equal number of local representatives as state representatives; (iii) A process for receiving input from Subdivisions and other communities regarding how the opioid crisis is affecting their communities, their abatement needs, and proposals for abatement strategies and responses; and (iv) A process by which Advisory Committee recommendations for expenditures for Opioid Remediation will be made to and considered by the appropriate state agencies.

  • Development Committee Arcadia and Xxxxxx shall establish a development committee (the “Development Committee”) comprised of no more than three (3) representatives of each of Arcadia and Xxxxxx. The Development Committee shall be chaired by a member thereof designated from time to time by Arcadia. The Development Committee shall oversee the Research Plan, Milestones and development and production of plants and microorganisms that produce Transgenic Oil in accordance with the Research Plan. The Development Committee may revise the Research Plan and the Milestones as deemed necessary and appropriate by unanimous written consent of all members. Meetings of the Development Committee shall be at least biannual and at such times and places or in such form (e.g., in person, telephonic or video conference) as the members of the Development Committee shall determine. Representatives of both Parties shall be present at any meeting of the Development Committee. Decisions of the Development Committee shall be made by a written consent signed by all six (6) members thereof. The Development Committee shall keep minutes of its deliberations setting forth, among other matters, all proposed actions and all votes thereon. All records of the Development Committee shall at all times be available to both Parties. The Development Committee by unanimous consent may delegate to one Party or to a specific representative the authority to make certain decisions. The Development Committee may revoke such authority by the written consent of four members. All disagreements within the Development Committee shall be subject to the following: (i) The members of the committee will endeavor in good faith for a period of not more than ninety (90) days to attempt to resolve the disagreement; (ii) If the members of the committee are unable to resolve the disagreement by the end of such period, the committee shall promptly present the disagreement to the President of Xxxx Products Division and the President of Arcadia or their respective designees, and the two executives shall endeavor to resolve the disagreement for a period of not more than thirty (30) days; (iii) If the two executives are unable to resolve this disagreement, the disagreement shall be submitted for ADR as provided in Section 12(a).

  • Joint Union/Management Committee It shall be appropriate for either the Union or the University to request that a Joint Union/Management committee be convened, with Environmental Health and Safety as a participating member, to discuss health and safety concerns and to explore options for addressing those concerns through appropriate training or other approaches.