Joint Union/Management Committee Sample Clauses
Joint Union/Management Committee. It shall be appropriate for either the Union or the University to request that a Joint Union/Management committee be convened, with Environmental Health and Safety as a participating member, to discuss health and safety concerns and to explore options for addressing those concerns through appropriate training or other approaches.
Joint Union/Management Committee. 9.01 There shall be a Joint Union-Management Committee consisting of three (3) Bargaining Unit representatives appointed by the Union and three (3) representatives from within the University appointed by the Employer.
9.02 The purpose of the Committee is to review matters of mutual interest arising from the application of this Collective Agreement and to xxxxxx communications and co-operation between the parties, but the Committee shall not have the power to deal with any matters which are the subject of a current grievance or the subject of current negotiations.
9.03 The Committee shall meet whenever the need arises, but in any event, at least once every four (4) months.
9.04 The Committee shall have Co-Chairpersons appointed by the respective parties. Each Co-Chairperson will alternatively be responsible for convening and chairing meetings of the Committee.
9.05 Minutes of each meeting of the Committee shall be prepared by the Employer and distributed to all Committee members at least seven (7) Calendar Days prior to the next meeting.
9.06 The Joint Union-Management Committee shall function as a forum in which the Employer and the Union shall advise each other of anticipated trends or policy changes, of which either may be aware, which may have an impact on the Bargaining Unit.
Joint Union/Management Committee. 40.01 The Employer and the Union acknowledge the mutual benefits of joint consultation and agree to maintain a Joint Union Management Committee which will have as its objective meaningful consultation on matters of mutual interest, except issues that are the subject of a grievance.
40.02 The Committee shall consist of two (2) Union and two (2) Employer representatives and will meet at least every three (3) months, unless the Employer and the Union agree otherwise.
40.03 Minutes of every meeting will be prepared and distributed by the Committee during working hours prior to the next meeting, at which the minutes will be presented for review and adoption, and after which will be mailed to the Union's office in Iqaluit and posted in the workplace for at least twelve (12) months.
40.04 Time spent in Committee meetings is deemed to be time worked.
40.05 The Joint Union Management Committee has no authority to amend this Agreement.
Joint Union/Management Committee. 5.1 The Joint Union/Management committee shall normally be composed of two members designated by the Union and one Union staff representative. The Employer shall be represented by at least one command level officer.
5.2 The purpose of the committee is to provide a forum for communication between the parties to this Agreement to deal with personnel matters of general Union/Management concern. The agenda shall be limited to items which are of a group rather than an individual interest or concern and shall not include individual grievances properly processed under the grievance procedure article.
5.3 Meetings of the Committee will be held as needed. Issues of an emergent nature shall be given agenda priority. Meetings of the Union/Management Committee shall normally be held during University business hours and at a mutually agreeable time and date. Participants shall experience no loss in salary for participating in the meetings; however, such time is not construed as work time, and no overtime shall be claimed or paid for meetings attended outside of an employee's regular work hours.
5.4 The Union/Management Committee shall have no bargaining authority; however, any agreements reached through this process shall be reduced to writing and supported by the unit representatives and management.
5.5 Copies of agreed upon minutes shall be furnished to each member of the Committee.
5.6 Disposition of matters covered in a Union/Management Committee shall not contradict, add to or otherwise modify the terms and conditions of the Agreement unless otherwise mutually agreed to in writing by the University and the Union.
Joint Union/Management Committee.
9.01 There shall be a Joint Union/Management Committee consisting of three (3) Bargaining Unit representatives appointed by the Union and three (3) representatives of the University appointed by the Employer.
9.02 The purpose of the Committee is to review matters of mutual interest arising from the application of this Collective Agreement and to xxxxxx communications and co-operation between the parties, but the Committee shall not have the power to deal with any matters which are properly the subject of a grievance or negotiation.
9.03 The Committee shall meet at least every three (3) months.
9.04 The Committee shall have Co-Chairpersons appointed by the respective parties. Each Co-Chairperson will alternately be responsible for chairing meetings of the Committee.
9.05 The agendas and minutes of each meeting of the Committee shall be prepared by the Employer in consultation with the Union representatives on the Committee. They will be distributed to all Committee members prior to the next meeting.
9.06 The Joint Union/Management Committee shall also function as a forum in which the Employer and the Union shall advise each other of anticipated trends or policy changes, of which either may be aware, which may have an impact on the Bargaining Unit.
Joint Union/Management Committee a) At either party’s request, a Joint Committee shall be established to deal with such matters of mutual concern as may arise from time to time in the operation of the Employer. It is recognized that the purpose of the committee is to promote joint problem solving.
Joint Union/Management Committee. The Company shall establish a Joint Union/Management Committee with the Local Chairperson and three (3) shop stewards. This committee shall have equal representation and chair status. This committee shall meet quarterly without loss of basic wage to those in attendance. An agenda shall be supplied by both parties two (2) calendar days in advance.
Joint Union/Management Committee. Where the parties hereto agree, or at the Union's request, a joint committee shall be set up to deal with such matters of mutual concern as may arise from time to time in the operation of the Employer. The committee shall meet as and when required upon request of either party within seven (7) calendar days.
Joint Union/Management Committee.
28.1 Establishment of Joint Committee There shall be established a joint committee composed of members equal in number, represented by the Employer and the Union to meet at the request of either party. The size of this committee shall be four union representatives, consisting of a BCGEU staff representative and three employees and four senior employer representatives. This committee may call upon additional persons for technical information or advice. The Committee may establish subcommittees or ad hoc committees as it deems necessary and shall set guidelines and operating procedures for such committees.
Joint Union/Management Committee. 8.01 The Employer and the Union agree to establish a Union-Management Committee for the purpose of discussing matters of mutual concern that are not matters that would be the subject matter of grievances, including workload concerns. The Union-Management Committee shall be made up of two (2) Union representatives who have completed their probationary period and the Unifor National Representative and three (3) Employer representatives, one of whom shall be the Executive Director. The Committee shall meet as required but not more than three times per year unless by mutual consent. The Committee shall have an advisory function only. Employees will not suffer a reduction in pay while attending such committee meetings.