Transport of Mortal Remains. In the unfortunate event of a Participant’s death while traveling more than 150 miles from the address listed on the Participant’s enrollment application, AirMed will make all necessary arrangements, at no additional cost, to return the mortal remains to a funeral facility in the city of the Participant’s primary residence as requested by the family. Mileage is stated and calculated using the “great circle” formula.
Transport of Mortal Remains. GR will provide, arrange and pay for reasonable expenses to transport Traveling Member’s mortal remains from a Port of Call to a morgue, funeral home, or mortuary designated by Traveling Member within the Traveling Member’s Home Country. GR reserves the right to determine, in its sole discretion, the mode and timing of such transport.
Transport of Mortal Remains. In the event of the death of the Insured Party, occurring during travel covered herein, EUROP ASSISTANCE shall organise and undertake the transport of the mortal remains thereof to the burial place in the country of the Usual Place of Residence of the Insured Party, within the municipal borough thereof, as well as meet the costs of embalming, the minimum statutory coffin and administrative procedures. Under no circumstances shall this cover be extended to funeral ceremonies and burial.
Transport of Mortal Remains. In the unfortunate event of a attending physician and the patient’s receiving physician. AirMed be treated by local doctors and do not prevent the Participant from offers or in other cities unless otherwise specified. The use of this Participant’s death while traveling more than 150 miles from the provides Participants with fixed-wing air ambulance service. continuing his or her trip or returning home does not qualify for air membership or any of its components or offers for advertising address listed on the Participant’s enrollment application, AirMed will Both the originating and receiving hospital must be reasonably medical transport. make all necessary arrangements, at no additional cost, to return the accessible by ground ambulance to transport the Participant to and IX. MY AREA DEALSTM BENEFIT. purposes, in any form or fashion, is strictly prohibited. Any use of an offer in violation of these Rules will render the offer VOID and we will
Transport of Mortal Remains. In the unfortunate event of a
Transport of Mortal Remains. In the unfortunate event of a Platinum Program Debit Card. The loss must occur within one year of accident or when there is any other legal prohibition against providing The particular terms and conditions contained in this Section IX, Participant’s death while traveling more than 150 miles from the the accident. The Company will pay the single largest applicable Travel Accident Insurance for any accident; any occurrence while the Subsection 1 apply to all Gold Program level Enrollments: address listed on the Participant’s enrollment application, AirMed will Benefit Amount. Insured Person is incarcerated; being intoxicated, while operating a (a) Evacuation and Repatriation Services. Should a Participant make all necessary arrangements, at no additional cost, to return the INSURANCE: If more than one Insured Person insured under the CLAIM NOTICE: Written claim notice must be given to the Company AirMed will provide a bedside-to-bedside quote for the cost of such primary residence as requested by the family. Mileage is stated and same Account suffers a loss in the same accident, Federal Insurance within 20 days after the occurrence of any loss covered by this policy transport at a 25% discount of what AirMed’s retail transport cost is. calculated using the “great circle” formula.
Transport of Mortal Remains. In the unfortunate event of a after consultation with the local attending physician and the medical transport benefits for that specific medical condition; (k)
Transport of Mortal Remains. In the unfortunate event of a by the AirMed medical department after consultation with the local
Transport of Mortal Remains. In the unfortunate event of a by the AirMed medical department after consultation with the local injuries such as sprains, simple fractures or mild conditions which can the individual Program Participant and are not valid with other discount Participant’s death while traveling more than 150 miles from the attending physician and the patient’s receiving physician. AirMed be treated by local doctors and do not prevent the Participant from offers or in other cities unless otherwise specified. The use of this address listed on the Participant’s enrollment application, AirMed will provides Participants with fixed-wing air ambulance service. continuing his or her trip or returning home does not qualify for air membership or any of its components or offers for advertising make all necessary arrangements, at no additional cost, to return the Both the originating and receiving hospital must be reasonably medical transport. mortal remains to a funeral facility in the city of the Participant’s accessible by ground ambulance to transport the Participant to and IX. MY AREA DEALSTM BENEFIT. purposes, in any form or fashion, is strictly prohibited. Any use of an offer in violation of these Rules will render the offer VOID and we will
Transport of Mortal Remains. If a member dies within the Contiguous 48 States while traveling more than 150 nautical miles (or approximately 172.6 statute miles) from the member’s residence, at the request of the member’s family, XxxXxx will arrange for the return of the member’s mortal remains to a funeral facility in the city of the member’s residence within the Contiguous 48 States.