TREES AND SHRUBBERY. 4.17.1 All trees and shrubbery within the right-of-way or easements shall be protected by CONTRACTOR insofar as practicable. No trees or shrubbery shall be removed without the prior approval of GILBERT.
4.17.2 In the event shrubbery or trees must be trimmed or removed, CONTRACTOR shall notify the property owner to do so within a reasonable time prior to construction. All shrubbery or trees not removed by the property owner shall be trimmed or removed by CONTRACTOR and hauled from the job at CONTRACTOR'S expense.
4.17.3 All trees, shrubs, hedges, brush, etc., designated on the PLANS, or by PM/CM for removal, shall be completely removed and disposed of as indicated on the PLANS or specified.
TREES AND SHRUBBERY. Please preserve the trees. They are very expensive and we would like to give them a chance to grow into real shade trees. Explain to your children how important it is not to cut the bark, swing on the branches or leap off the branches. Most children do not realize that young trees will die from this kind of treatment. Shrubbery is planted and maintained in each development for the enjoyment of Tenants and to add pleasant Curb Appeal. You can help keep your apartment community looking nice by not allowing vandalism and damage to occur. Flowerbeds or shrubbery may be planted by the Tenant with the prior written consent of the HACC.
TREES AND SHRUBBERY. The Grantee shall not have the right to cut, mutilate, or injure any shade or ornamental tree, for the purpose of erecting or maintaining poles or structures or installing wires or other attachments or appurtenances thereto, without obtaining the consent of the owner of the land on which such tree grows or the payment or tender in full of damages as provided in RSA Chapter 231.
TREES AND SHRUBBERY. The Grantee shall notify Franchising Authority regarding its need to trim trees or other natural growth upon and overhanging Public Ways so as to prevent the branches of such trees from coming in contact with the Cable System of the Grantee. Such trimming may be done by the Grantee under the Franchising Authority's supervision and direction at the expense of the Grantee. Trimming shall be limited to the area required for clear Cable System passage and shall not include major structural branches which materially alter the appearance and natural growth habits of the tree. Under exigent circumstances such trimming may be done by the Franchising Authority at the reasonable expense of the Grantee.