Trust Review Committee. 1. The District’s three (3) Unions and two (2) Associations shall each appoint one (1) member to serve on a trust review committee (“TRC”). The District Labor Relations Manager and Human Resources Manager shall serve on the TRC for the District. The TRC shall meet quarterly. Employee members of the TRC will be released from regularly scheduled duty with pay for quarterly TRC meetings.
2. The District will direct the Trustee of the Trust to provide the Unions/Associations with quarterly reports of all RHBT operations, including audited and un-audited financial statements and investment performance reports, and other consultant reports in advance of the quarterly TRC meeting. (The parties acknowledge that audited financial statements are performed only once per year.)
3. The Trustee will attend the TRC meeting to answer questions concerning the information provided to the TRC. However, the TRC shall in no way attempt to assist, direct, or otherwise involve itself in matters concerning the investment of Trust assets. However, the TRC may advise the Trustee on other Trust matters to the extent such advisory activity does not affect the legal status of the Trust. It shall be within the sole discretion of the Trustee whether to follow or not follow such advice.
4. The TRC members shall be released from regularly scheduled duty with pay to attend meetings of the Human Resources Manager and Labor Relations Manager with the District’s actuaries and other professionals to discuss assumptions to be included in annual GASB valuation studies, and the preliminary and final results of such studies. Such studies shall include ARC projections through at least the year 2035. The District will provide the Unions/Associations with a copy of the final version of such study on or before February 1st each year or as soon thereafter as is practicable.
5. The parties agree that if the BPOA retains a professionally recognized actuarial firm that reviews the Trust documents provided to the Trust Review Committee and the firm hired by the BPOA does not agree with the conclusions reached by the District’s actuary, that the details of the conflicting conclusions may be reported to the Trust Review Committee and the Trustee.
Trust Review Committee. 1. The District’s five (5) unions shall each appoint one (1) member to serve on a Trust Review Committee (TRC). The District Labor Relations Manager and Human Resources Manager shall serve on the TRC for the District. The TRC shall meet quarterly. Employee members of the TRC will be released from regularly scheduled duty with pay for quarterly TRC meetings.
2. The District will direct the Trustee of the Trust to provide the Unions with quarterly reports of all RHBT operations, including audited and unaudited financial statements and investment performance reports, and other consultant reports in advance of the quarterly TRC meeting. (The parties acknowledge that audited financial statements are performed only once per year.)
3. The Trustee will attend the TRC meeting to answer questions concerning the information provided to the TRC. However, the TRC shall in no way attempt to assist, direct, or otherwise involve itself in matters concerning the investment of Trust assets. However, the TRC may advise the Trustee on other Trust matters to the extent such advisory activity does not affect the legal status of the Trust. It shall be within the sole discretion of the Trustee whether to follow or not follow such advice.
4. The TRC members shall be released from regularly scheduled duty with pay to attend meetings of the Human Resources Manager and Labor Relations Manager with the District’s actuaries and other professionals to discuss assumptions to be included in annual GASB valuation studies, the preliminary and final results of such studies, etc. Such studies shall include ARC projections through at least the year 2035. The District will provide the unions with a copy of the final version of such study on or before February 1st each year or as soon thereafter as is practicable.