Witness Duty Sample Clauses
Witness Duty. An employee required to serve on jury duty, or as a witness in a case in which the Crown is a party, or as a witness at an inquest, or as a witness in a case arising out of her employment, or as a witness at a hearing of the College of Nurses of Ontario, shall not lose regular pay because of such attendance, provided that the employee:
(a) shall notify the Director of Care, as soon as possible, when required to serve under any of the above circumstances;
(b) presents proof of service requiring her attendance;
(c) deposits with the Employer an amount equal to the jury duty attendance fees received by the employee in any above cases but not any expenses paid by the employee and received from the authorities for necessary travel, accommodations and meals;
(d) will normally come to work during those scheduled hours of the day shift that she is not required to attend court. In the event that an employee is scheduled to the afternoon shift, she shall not be required to attend court and then report for duty the same day; and
(e) will not be required to work on the night shift prior to such duty. Where the employee's presence is required in court past 1700 hours, she shall not be required to attend work for her night shift commencing later that day.
(f) Where the Home requires an employee to attend any meetings in preparation for a case or legal proceedings or as a result of a compliance inspection which either arises from an employee’s employment with the Home or otherwise involves the Home, the Home will make every reasonable effort to schedule such meetings at the Home during the employee’s regularly scheduled hours of work. If the employee is required to attend such meetings outside of her or his regularly scheduled hours, the employee shall be paid for all hours spent in such meetings in accordance with Articles 15 and 16.
Witness Duty. Employees required to appear in court or in legal proceedings on behalf of their Employer during unscheduled hours shall receive compensation at their regular straight-time hourly rate of pay only for the time spent in making such appearance, less any witness fees received. No other provision in this Agreement shall apply to this section.
Witness Duty. Employees called upon as a witness or an expert witness in a case arising in the course of their work or the work of another department may remain in their regular pay status and turn over to the County all fees and expenses paid to them other than mileage allowance or they may take vacation leave or leave without pay and retain all fees and expenses. Employees called to serve as witnesses in private cases or personal matters (e.g., accident suits and family relations) shall take vacation leave or leave without pay and retain all witness fees paid to them. Retention or waiver of fees shall be governed by the same provisions as apply to jury duty as set forth in subsection 16.1 (Jury Duty) of this MOU. Employees shall advise their department as soon as possible if scheduled to appear for witness duty. Permanent intermittent employees are entitled to paid witness duty only for those days on which they were previously scheduled to work.
Witness Duty. If a full-time or regular part-time nurse is required to serve as a juror in any court of law, or is required to attend as a witness in a court proceeding in which the Crown is a party, or is required by subpoena to attend a court of law or coroner's inquest in connection with a case arising from the nurse's duties at the hospital, the nurse shall not lose or regular pay because of such attendance and shall not be required to work the night shift prior to, OF on the day of such duty provided that the nurse: notifies the Hospital immediately on the nurse's notification that she or he will be required to attend court; presents proof of service requiring the nurse's attendance; deposits with the Hospital the full amount of compensation received excluding mileage, travelling and meal allowances and an official receipt where available. In addition, where a full-time nurse or regular part-time nurse is selected for jury duty for a period in excess of one (1) week, she or he shall be paid for all hours scheduled and not be expected to attend at work. Upon completion of the process the nurse shall be returned to that point on her or his former schedule that is considered appropriate by the Hospital. It is understood and agreed that the local parties may agree to different scheduling arrangements for the first week of jury and witness duty. Where the Hospital requires a nurse to attend any meetings with a Hospital's counsel in preparation for a case which either arises from a nurse's employment with the Hospital or otherwise involves the Hospital, the Hospital will make every reasonable effort to schedule such meetings at the Hospital during the nurse's regularly scheduled hours of work. If the nurse is required to attend such .meetings outside of her or his regularly scheduled hours, the nurse shall be paid for all hours spent in such meetings at her or his regular straight time hourly rate of pay.
Witness Duty. If an employee is required to serve as a juror in any court of law, or is required to attend as a witness in a court proceeding in which the Crown is a party, or is required by subpoena to attend a court of law or coroner's inquest in connection with a case arising from the employee's duties at the Hospital, the employee shall not lose regular pay because of such attendance provided that the employee:
Witness Duty. An employee shall be excused from work on a workday on which he/she is subpoenaed as a witness in court, before a Grand Jury or for a deposition, providing he/she gives prior notification to his/her supervisor. During such excused absence, an employee shall be paid up to an amount of the difference between the witness fees and his/her existing shift earnings, exclusive of reimbursable travel expenses. If an employee is subpoenaed as a witness in court, before a Grand Jury or for a deposition on his/her regular day off on a matter related to his/her employment with the District, the employee shall be paid up to an amount of the difference between the witness fees and his/her applicable rate exclusive of reimbursable travel expenses. In such cases, the employee must provide to his/her supervisor a copy of the subpoena and a statement of the witness fees paid or payable as a condition of being paid. The pay provisions of this Provision shall not apply when an employee is required to appear in court or at a deposition in any matter in which he/she is the plaintiff or as a result of any activities related to other employment.
Witness Duty. When an employee is under subpoena as a witness in connection with his official duties, or is under subpoena as a witness in a court proceeding in which he/she is not a Party to the litigation, he/she shall be eligible for Temporary Duty Elsewhere leave and shall receive regular compensation while on witness duty and shall remit to the District in check or money order (no cash) the amount of fees, less travel allowance and other expense allowances, received for witness duty.
Witness Duty. 6.04A1 89 Account Mgmnt Center Comp Plan ............Customer Markets Addendum 351 Acting Title Bargaining Unit ......................................4.07I3 60 Supervisory .............................................4.07H2 59 Age, Non-Discrimination ............................30.03 227 Agreements Amendments ...........................................29.03 226 Application..............................................29.01 226 Duration ..................................................31.01 228 Jurisdiction of Law .................................22.01 197 All in a Day's Work Commuting Allowance Definition............................................9.05A 135 Time ........................................................10.02B 140 Amendments................................................29.03 226 Appeal Rights (Selections, Training)..........12.06 163 Arbitration =< 6 Months No Arbitration ...................11.01A1 142 Benefit Plan.............................................19.04 181 Demotions ...............................................11.01B 142 Discharges...............................................11.01A 142 Expedited Arbitration .............................23.02 199 Full Arbitration .......................................23.01 197 Mediation ................................................23.03 201 Procedures (Full).....................................23.01C, D 197 Selections ................................................12.06 163 Seniority Limitations ..............................11.01A1 142 Service Requirements .............................1.28 6 Suspensions.............................................11.01A 142 Armed Forces ..............................................6.06 90 Assignment Overtime .................................................4.06 49 Tours Open-End............................................3.06 37 Operator Services ...............................3.06 37 Other than Open-End..........................3.04 27 Scheduling ..........................................3.03 19 Authorized Picket Line................................17.04 177 Bargaining ...................................................20.02 183 Basic Rates ..................................................1.01 1 Benefits Agreements and Plans.............................19.01 179 Change Limitations.................................19.03 181 Military Leave.........................................6.06 90 Part-Time Employees .............................19.02 180 Payment...
Witness Duty. An employee who is subpoenaed as a witness for a legal proceeding and who is not a party (i.e., either a plaintiff or a defendant) in the matter will be paid for all or any part of his or her scheduled tour at the basic wage rate; such paid time shall be considered as actual work time. If an employee is excused from such witness duty for all or part of a scheduled day, the employee shall immediately contact his or her manager for a work assignment. If the subpoenaed employee is a party (i.e., either a plaintiff or defendant), or one who testifies as an expert witness, no payment for lost wages as a result of attending the legal proceeding shall be made unless approved by the Company.
Witness Duty. Any employee who shall be called as a witness in a case arising out of and in the course of the employee's County employment shall be deemed to be on duty and there shall be no loss of pay. Any witness fees received by the employee shall be paid to the County together with any mileage allowed if the employee uses County-provided transportation. If such witness duty is performed on a day on which the employee would normally not be working, the employee shall be deemed to be on duty and shall be compensated for overtime as provided in Section 5.