Unfinished business. New business (including, if applicable, election of officers and declaration of distributions).
Unfinished business. New business.
Unfinished business. (i) New business. (j) Adjournment.
Unfinished business. Negotiations for a final boundary settlement stalled, and the mechanisms to clarify LAC claims remained incomplete. Infrastructure Development and Tensions Race for Facts on the Ground: Ambiguity over the LAC drove both countries to strengthen their claims through infrastructure development and increased patrols. Frequent Encounters: Frequent encounters between patrols exacerbated tensions along the border. Unforeseen Consequences: The BPTA inadvertently contributed to a slowdown in boundary negotiations, as both sides aimed to bolster their positions along the LAC. Challenges and Limitations:
Unfinished business. New business. 8.6.8. Adjournment.
Unfinished business. Proposed Reorganization of the Department of Public Works Vote: Unanimous Approval Proposed Reorganization of DECD/Health Human Services & Inspections Proposed Reorganization Vote: Unanimous to table TR-21-67 A Resolution to Support Methuen’s Veterans and Gold Star Families (Req. of Vice-Chairman Xxxxxxxxxx, Councilor XxXxxxx, Councilor Xxxxxx, and Councilor Xxxxxx) (amended) Vote: Unanimous Approval TR-21-69 A Resolution Accepting Section 4 of Chapter 73 of the Acts of 1986 (Request of Vice-Chairman Xxxxxxxxxx, Councilor Xxxxxxx, Councilor XxXxxxx, and Councilor Xxxxxx TR-21-70 Resolution Authorizing Acceptance of the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund Federal Funding of $19,827,491 TR-21-71 Resolution Authorizing Transfer of $320,505 from the General Fund Employee Benefits other expenses budget line, to the Fire Department Personal Services budget to fund the first year of the agreed upon Collective Bargaining Agreement TR-21-72 Resolution Authorizing Acceptance of a Fiscal Year 2022 Commonwealth of Massachusetts State 911 Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD) Grant $14,109.32 TR-21-73 Resolution Authorizing Acceptance of the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund Federal Funding of $26,314,969 TR-21-74 Resolution Authorizing Acceptance of a Fiscal Year 2022 Commonwealth of Massachusetts State 911 Department Training Grant TR-21-75 Resolution Authorizing Transfer of $7,069 from the General Fund Employee Benefits other expenses budget line, to the DPW Department Personal Services budget to fund the first year of the agreed upon Collective Bargaining Agreement TR-21-76 Resolution Authorizing the Submittal of the FY’21 Massachusetts Community Development Block Grant Community Development Fund (effective upon passage) ORDINANCES TO-21-11 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 20, Section 20-1 Regarding Disposing of Surplus Supplies with An Estimated Net Value Under $10,000 (Request of Councilor Xxxxxxx) (amended by sponsor) Vote: Unanimous Approval as amended
Unfinished business. 14.1 All orders transmitted by the Agent or received by the Principal from customers established in the Territory but not delivered before the expiry or termination of this contract shall entitle the agent to normal commission.
14.2 All orders received after expiry or termination of this contract shall entitle the Agent to normal commission provided the enquiries were received before the expiry or termination of this agreement. The Agent must however inform the Principal in writing, before the expiry or termination of this agreement, of the pending enquiries, offers and negotiations which may give rise to commission under this paragraph.
Unfinished business. 1. Verbal update from Georgian Bluffs CAO regarding Automatic Aid Agreement. Georgian Bluffs CAO / Director of Operations updated the Board regarding discussions between the CAOs of Xxxx Sound, Meaford and Georgian Bluffs about the draft Automatic Aid Agreement to accommodate the 10th Street Bridge reconstruction. The draft agreement has been circulated to the solicitor for Xxxx Sound. The CAOs and Mayors will meet again to discuss the agreement further.
Unfinished business. 17.1 Orders transmitted by the Agent or received by the Principal from customers established in the Territory before the expiration or termination of this contract and which result in the conclusion of a contract of sale not more than 6 months after such expiration, shall entitle the Agent to commission.
17.2 No commission is due to the Agent for contracts of sale made on the basis of orders received after the expiration of termination of this contract, save if such transaction is mainly attributable to the Agent's efforts during the period covered by the agency contract and if the contract was entered into within a reasonable period after the expiration or termination of this contract. The Agent must however inform the Principal in writing, before the expiration or termination of this contract, of the pending negotiations which may give rise to commission under this paragraph.