Human services definition
Examples of Human services in a sentence
Human services staff include employees providing or administering social services; public benefits; child welfare services; and child, elder, or family care, as well as others.
Contractor shall comply with the provisions of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended pertaining to the prohibition of discrimination against qualified handicapped persons in all federally assisted programs or activities, as detailed in regulations signed by the Secretary of Health and Human services, effective June 2, 1977, and found in the Federal Register, Volume 42, No.86 dated May 4, 1977.
Context: Human services programs continually interact with and affect human services delivery within the local community through field placements and alumnae/i.
Human services nonprofits provide a wide array of services for households below the ALICE Threshold including job training, temporary housing, and child care.
The TCCO reserves the right to alter, amend or withdraw this OE at any time prior to the execution of a contract if funds become unavailable through lack of appropriations, budget cuts, transfer of funds between programs or agencies, amendment of the appropriations act, Health and Human services agency consolidations, or any other disruption of current appropriations.