UNIVERSITY DEGREE. A teacher shall be granted leave of absence for one (1) day with pay, to attend convocation to receive a university degree. Additional leave may be granted upon application to the Board. Such leave shall be with pay or at the cost of a Teacher-Teaching-On-Call.
UNIVERSITY DEGREE. An annual allowance in accordance with Article will be paid to any teacher who has a university degree acceptable (such acceptance shall not be unreasonably withheld) to the Board above the “Bachelor” level, (e.g. a Master of Arts Master of Bachelor of Pedagogy or Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)) over and above the teacher’s annual salary provided the said degree is not being used by the teacher In achieving a higher category. The additional degree must be to the subjects taught by the teacher as determined by the Director of Education This allowance shall be granted for only additional degree. The effective date of acquiring an extra degree allowance shall be determined in a manner similar to that defined in Article IX, paragraph and A_R_TICLE- -X- V- FRINGE BENEFITS in a nd share The Board agrees to administer the plan for benefits as set out below including the execution of payroll deductions for the premiums and to do all things as necessary according to the provisions of the policies and the provisions of this Agreement. The following benefits shall be available to each member of the Branch Affiliate: Ontario Health Insurance Plan. Semi-private hospital coverage (Liberty Health). Extended Health Care, Out of Province deductible) as provided by Liberty Health. Hearing Aids every 5 years. Deluxe Travel Plan Effective September there will be mandatory genetic drug substitution unless prescribed by a Group Life Insurance in the face amount of two and one half times earnings to the nearest Earnings shall be defined as at September each year. Dental Insurance Plan Health) based on the current fee guides In effect less one year with balance of Rider at w-insurance and Rider at co-insurance. September there will be a 9 month recall for dental check-ups. The Board shall pay cost at September each year. of the costs of premiums. Costs shall be as the , For members of the Branch Affiliate, participation in the Group Life Insurance Plan shall be a condition of employment.